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RE: Freedom is not free

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

Wow! this is a very honest review of how the path to freedom has caused so much pain and loss in your life! Thank you for being truthful. It is good to pre-warn people of the emotional turbulence ahead, especially when families and relationships are on the line. As for facebook, I have also stopped using it since finding Steemit. I prefer the environment here, it is one of creativity, support and honesty. Facebook for me was getting very negative and I like to be surrounded by inspiration, not negativity. Actually, now I think about it, since leaving facebook, I also appear to have lost a few 'friends'! Looking back, they were actually not great friends, they only seemed to get in contact when they wanted something from me and never asked how I was... hmmm.... no great loss there then! lol Perhaps my life is already removing the negative aspects, unbeknownst to me! I think if you start to follow a spiritual path, life removes the deadwood so to speak and yes, it can be a painful loss, but a necessary loss to clear the path to enlightenment.


Yes, I found the same thing with Facebook as well. When writing a blog, it forces me to contemplate what I am writing about. With Facebook it was too easy to complain or get sucked into somebody else rant. I too find this environment much more supportive and engaging. I will see how many 'friends' I will lose with the shift. Mind you, I am under no delusions as I recognize lots of people want something from me due to my activism and life style. Few reach out to me without expectations that I give them something that will make them free, which as we all know is an illusion. I cannot free anybody as it is and always was the individuals sole responsibility. If people really want to learn, then they will find me here. If they wanted me around for comfort, then they will find a hole now. Either way, I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate the emotional support.

people will always try to drain your energy if you are a positive person. As your light shines brighter, you attract more people to you, which is great when you have a positive message to share. However, people feel good around you and want more of it. Just make sure you protect your energies from being drained by leeches :)

Oh yes. I am very aware of that. Setting boundaries is critical, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual boundaries are key! Thank you for the reminder. <3

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