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RE: Vaccine Injuries: Pictures worth a thousand words.

in #unfuckers7 years ago (edited)

@isnochys Hello. :) Allow me to share some thoughts... Vaccines have damaged the immune systems of myself, and many people I know. I have spent YEARS reversing the damage with no real help and tons of debt and ruined credit from the doctors! One relative almost died, with the CDC not even able to figure out what to do because they didn't want to admit where the issue began which was obvious to anyone with a clue! Another one lost part of a limb, and another one died because of what the medical and pharmaceutical companies have been doing. ALL Immune system related in vaccinated people. My child was born with something that could only have ever possibly originated WITH a specific vaccine...via either myself or my child's father... and the hospital, I can't remember the word on the records without looking, but they 'cleared it up' (got rid of one of these things we supposedly vaccinate for) in a premature baby very quickly in the NICU without ever mentioning to anyone who was in contact with my child that there was something supposedly so contagious going on. There was never even a sign of the illness or the treatment they administered to get rid of the illness. I found this out years later when I got the records from the hospital.

How many truly healthy well rounded people without some health related issues do you know? Can you prove that none of the 'common' and increasing illnesses are from vaccines? I'm going to guess that is a no.

Vaccines are injected right past the entire immune system and directly into the bloodstream by force without consent (which equates to rape) before the immune system even has a chance to develop. The notion that this is a good thing is extremely preposterous if you have an ounce of common sense or, possess the ability to engage in critical thought.

The Prussian Model of the education system has ensured most of the herd will follow along until it is too late to realize vaccines are the modern day equivalent of bloodletting.

;) One persistent thing is life. Most living organisms are self healing, including the human body. Luckily ,some people are surviving the onslaught coming from the industries which are treating humanity as the enemy, because of the intelligence of nature. If we are lucky the immune systems of the entire human species won't be rendered completely decimated before all is said and done, because I don't think everyone wants to be uploaded to a robot body. Maybe you do?

Shortsighted willing compliance to the corporations is not something to be prideful of IMO. Guilt trips based upon your fear programming are not working on people who realize their first hand experiences are the truth and matter more to them than childish peer pressuring by other supposed grown adults. This bothers me a lot because people who say things like you have said here somehow have the mistaken impression that you have the right to choose what other people do or do not put into their own bodies. You don't.


In conversation, I have also equated non consensual vaccines to rape. If there is a better word that describes injecting something into someone's body by force, well I haven't heard it. But generally logical arguments don't resonate with most people and from my experience, those who question that status quo are the enemy.

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