橫濱 鎌倉 江之島遊記/Yokohama-Kamakura-Enoshima Travels ulog#0003

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

今天等我寫一下橫濱 鎌倉 江之島遊記吧!
Let me share about my day-trip at Yokohama Kamakura and Enoshima!

首先, 我是住在上野! 所以可以從上野站搭乘JR上野東京線直接去橫濱, 車程大概3x分鐘左右! (圖中紫色線)
I was stayed in Ueno so I took JR ueno-Tokyo Line to Yokohama directly. The duration is ard 3x mins! (purple line in the route map)

到了橫濱, 還需要轉乘港未來線才能到目的地!
而我們的目的地就中華街, 中華街內 有好多大大小小的中餐館. 到那兒的時候, 自己好像回了香港, 有好多小籠包, 生煎包等等的中華料理! 雖然那天是平日, 但人流一樣很熱鬧!
我們嘗了小籠包跟生煎包, 兩款都真的很不錯!!
We need to change Minatomirai Line to Motomachi-Chukagai Station after we arrived Yokohama!
Our destination was Chukagai, the street which have lots of Chinese restaurant! Just like I was in HK, Steamed bun and pan-fried bun etc. those chinese cuisine can be found there! Although it was weekday, the street still bustling!
We've tried both steamed bun and pan-fried bun, those were taste good!!!!!

Here is Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse!
Maintaining the vestiges of its warehouse past with its elegantly quaint exterior
Also, the oceanfront view of the Yokohama Bay Bridge and Osanbashi Pier!!!

鎌倉的風景好美, 日本的電線桿風景才是拍照的好題材!!
We took Minatomirai Line to Yokohama station and change JR to Kamakura!
Kamakurai have totally different feeling with Tokyo or Yokohama! The view of utility pole was always great material for photo taking!
The photo header of this post was took in Kamakura Shopping street!

沿商店街走大概15分鐘, 就到了鎌倉大佛了! 鎌倉的大佛是阿彌陀佛青銅雕像, 位在高德院內!高13.35公尺, 大佛是日本第二大的佛像!!
We arrived Kamakura Daibutsu (Great Buddha of Kamakura) after walking 15mins in the shopping street! Daibutsu was a colossal copper image of Amida-butsu (Amitabha Buddha), is ard 11.3 meters tall and weighs around 121 tons. It is also the second largest Buddha in Japan!

之後我們就換乘江之電到了江之島, 本來打算等看日落..但去得太早了!
而且那天也好大風, 所以之提早離開了!
回程的時候, 乘了湘南單軌電車! 高速的到了大船站換乘JR 回東京!
Then we took the Enoshima Electric Railway to Enoshima, we wanted to wait for the sunset, but we arrived at an early time!
Unfortunately, the weather was windy, so we left earlier before sunset!
We tried the Shonan Monorail on the way return to Tokyo, we only need *ard 14 mins* from Enoshima to Ofuna and change JR to Tokyo! What an interesting experience by using different transports during our day-trip!
Finally we only have few photos that took at Enoshima...below one was took at Enoshima beach!


橫濱紅磚倉庫/Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse

鎌倉大佛-高德院/Kamakura Daibutsu

湘南單軌電車/Shonan Monorail

Korean version uploaded in next post!
한국어 이야기는 올라왔어요!


我也是很努力想要打好一點:) 謝謝!

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