My Weekend in Pictures

in #ulog5 years ago





(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

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I really like the railroad photo and your son?? He looks like he is enjoying that apple!!!

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Yep, that's my youngest! Apples are his favourite food, right after frozen, compressed, then deep fried chicken parts!

Photos story, I like them!

Thanks @roselifecoach! They explain away the entire weekend easily. :)

Hahaha... Yeah!

Awesome photography with your son, railway lines and yes !BEER well done @wwwiebe

Beer photography always looked at and enjoyed on #beersaturday with @detlev so consider joining in.

Thank you @joanstewart! It's a great way for me to recap the weekend quickly.

I did join in on #beersaturday this last Saturday in fact! :) Mmm.. beer. That white ale was awesome.

I love my beer, so much so I never think to photograph and enter, real old slacker... Glug glug.... Good to hear you found #beersaturday!

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

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Oh, you really should post more often. Wonderful shot of your son, who I guessed loves apples and you love the beer.

The railroad tracks are fascinating to me. I love taking different shots of them.

Pictures stories rock. Great weekend you had!


Thank you for the kind words! Yes, he loves apples, probably more than I love beer, which is definitely saying something. Apples are one of the few foods he actually will eat, so they're a constant.

I do try to post as often as I can, I'm just all out of time. I have more ideas than I can shake a Really Big Stick (tm) at. Seriously. I've started a notebook, and it's overflowing. I need two of me. Or three!

Ha! No worries! I never have time! I post on the fly and answer comment while commuting. So, it sort of works. :)

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