Ulog# ??? Do we realy pay attention to what is going on around us

in #ulog6 years ago


I got into a conversation with someone today about Steemit and powering up. They were all for it and made many suggestion on why we should do it. To include referencing the price and how it will go up.

I agreed with most of what he was saying, other than predicting how the price will go with certainty. The problem that I also have is the "do what I say and not what I do". How can you tell people to power up when you only have $40 worth of Steem in 7 months. In that amount of time you have maybe 15 post and hardly no replies or comments. Bidbots and resteem services are used on every post that you did do. You make the statement that you purchased/invested $3000.00 on Steem.
When I ask where is it because it is not in your wallet, you make the statement that its on exchanges and that you have invested in other coins also.
What you have just told me was that you are and investor in coins and not in Steemit. You want others to buy into Steem and power up so that when the price goes up you will then cash out.
There is a difference between people who are invested in Steemit and invested in Steem for the short term payout/profit.
People who power up are here for the long term. People who don't power up and hold onto Steem or other coins placed themselves in a position to sell when the price is right. What do you think ?

Proverb: Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me

I do not have a problem with any legal, honest approach that people use. Don't state what you are not or claim that you are doing something that you are not doing. I do not have a problem with misstating something. We all have given wrong information one time or another. Most of the time it was not intended or to mislead anyone. That is what makes all the difference.

Free speech

What you say here on your post and comments matter. They will be here on the internet forever. It is the same principal as you can never take back the spoken word. You can apologize for it but never take it back or remove, undo it . Some care needs to be taken with your written words.
Having a different opinion and stating it is never an issue. How you say it or voice your opinion does matter. In the current culture it seems that to belittle someone is a good practice when you have an opposed opinion to theirs. Will someone tell me how this practice moves a conversation along. You can't and no one can. But is seems to be a practice that accrues all the time.
We used to call it phone Rambo's. Because it is an act that would not happen when face to face in the absent of alcohol.
It is true that you can pretty much say what you want, but be prepared for the consequences of your actions.

Taking responsibility for ones action seems to be something of the past. The amount of people who want something for nothing seems to be a growing. People are now demanding a living wage. A guarantee wage for being alive. Not For a service or to produce anything or work of any type. Giving nothing of value in return for this wage, just that they deserve it. A day will come when reality sets in and there will be a lot of people who will wonder what happened that caused this state that that time will bring.

There will always be people who need a helping hand. Those who care for the sick, the elderly and others who just need the help to get through a difficult time to get back on their feet. It happens to most of us at some point. These are the deserving of our help and we need to help them.

Over the last couple of months I have meet a wide range of people. From the takers to the givers. The ones who complain about everything to the ones who don't say anything about their struggles. The weak and the strong. The ones dealing with sickness and the ones who no nothing about it or have not dealt with any form of a difficulty. Also the scammers and phishing. A wide range of people. For the most part some very good people. Maybe I am lucky to have meet them instead of the worst of people. I would say that 95 percent of the people in my circle are the best of people. They have enriched my life and I am better off for knowing them. I have made some dear friends. Steemit has been a rewarding experience for me because of them. I wish all of you can say and have had or having this experience as well.



Someone that isn't powering up and investing fiat into their powering up can't tell suggest to others to invest their money into the system. They need to sit back and shut up until they put their money into the system. Yes that is blunt, but it's a fact.

As for the way people talk to each other when they are online is insane. Simple rule of thumb, if you wouldn't have the balls to say something direct to someone then you shouldn't say it just because you have a computer screen to protect you.

Oh the living wage talks...that is the I'm so lazy I want to be paid for being alive talks. Sorry you are owed absolutely nothing in life. If you want something earn it. No excuses these days as there are worldwide earning opportunities for anyone willing to make the effort. There is more free training online then most people used to be able to get in seminars that cost thousands of dollars.

Sounds like you have some of the same issue with society today as I do. Probably why we get along so well...lol. You are part of that circle of people I consider friends that I've met on steemit and one day hope to meet you in person.

Would be nice to have a get together

The people now a days just run to the nearest BS they hear just to be part of the in crowed. The thought that they are just being used for a vote is beyond their comprehension.

I'm serious about the get together. Would love to find a way to meet a few people from steemit. Maybe we can do our own little steemit gathering.

Don't get me started about people lacking common sense. They really need to rename it to uncommon sense as it's just not very common these days.

So am I. Just need to get in a better position. (I am working on it hard) Then make the plans and execute it
Chicago is a nice hub. Damn near everything flies in there.

flights to Chicago tend to be cheap as it's a major hub for sure, but hotels and everything else are expensive. Would love to find a place that isn't so crazy for costs. Plus I always feel guilty suggesting Chicago as it's my home so no travel for me.

I just think of price
A package deal is best like maybe off season at a resort or Vegas. I have not looked into these things in a while. A long while. It will also depend on who goes. But no matter where it is at someone will always have an advantage.

I do love Vegas, but I'd spend a lot of time at the poker tables...lol.

Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here: https://steemit.com/dustsweeper/@dustsweeper/dustsweeper-faq

What you do
speaks so loudly
I cannot hear what you say

I've been saying that for decades...

You and me both. I have never seen it so bad on the national, political front

Missouri recently lost their governor (A vet... Navy Seal...) because of this exact problem. He campaigned on integrity and openness. Come to find out he had an affair during the campaign. He might have even taken some pics and threatened the gal (his hairdresser) not to tell anyone. The situation dragged on for months as congress threatened impeaching him, and there were grand juries and other lawsuits. He finally settled with them. He would resign if they would drop the lawsuit. ::shrug::

He needs to be booted out.
I don't care what one has done in the past because it does not justify future action

Awesome post. On powering up, I've done it since I joined Steemit. My understanding is, your voting power is based on your Steem Power. Contributing to others with your upvotes helps the entire system, including the voter. And it's something that only a long-term thinker would be interested in. I can't imagine anyone being interested in Steemit for short-term gain. You can try that with other cryptocurrencies, but the price of Steemit is so dependent on everyone thinking long-term that it just doesn't make sense to think short-term.

There are many who power down. A lot of short term thinkers.
Some every time they get 3-5 SBD they cash out.

There are also people who are long term thinkers who need help in building their account and are a positive factor in the platform.
People can do what they want, but I prefer to give to those who are in long term camp.
Its a hard road to build an account up.

So they post then cash out as soon as they earn something? They only get 1/13th of that each week, right? So if you're powering down 3 SP, you're not really getting much. I don't see the point in bothering. Unless they think Steemit could belly flop any minute. But if I thought that, I don't think I'd be here.

with the amount of SP they have it might take a week or more to get up to 3 SBD. $3-$4 goes a long way in some of the countries. Might buy a meal or two for some.
But if they keep powering up that $3-4 can turn into $6-7 real quick

Yeah, I can understand the tempation if you live in a third-world country and need to eat, but if they can earn that $3 any other way, someone could teach them about compounding and the time value of money.

thats the thing. everyone knows it but they never apply it. need it now want it now

I have made some dear friends. Steemit has been a rewarding experience for me because of them. I wish all of you can say and have had or having this experience as well.

I wish that I am one of your dear friends. Someone told me to mining btc or eth by investing some cash worth to 45 Steem only, but I didn't do it. I saw you and @freedomshift powered up and it was the first time of someone I knew really do that without telling anyone to invest in any cryptocurrency or exchange.

Then, something come up in my mind last week to buy steem for powering up without any exchange or blocktrades. A friend has steem and he need cash IDR , before he sels it and powering down... I offered him to send the steem to me and I transfer some IDR to him. We did that... and I don't know whether it is kind of investing my money on Steemit or not. I've powered up my account.. that's all.

Anyway.. there's so many people out here who write what they don't really do, but many more people who do what they don't write. I hope I can keep doing what I said and wrote here. Just like you.. almost 99 percent of my circle is people with positive mentality.

Thank you @wolfhart.. I am still learning to love Steemit like you do.

I believe that one should walk the talk, So to speak. I have never told or said to do something that I have not done. So its a pet pev of mine when people talk that kind of smack. LOL
Some people here think they are experts and nobody seem to ask question and just take them at face value. Nothing wrong with being skeptical with people you don't know. Then when they are scammed or lose money they blame others.

Scammers flock to easy pray.

I like my circle of friends here and engage with them on a daily basis.

That little barrier called the screen makes people believe they are more powerful than a beer-goggled, bulletproof Marine!

Solid post.

Namaste, Jaichai

thanks for the reply @jaichai. I always worry about content and that I get the point across

beer-goggled, bulletproof Marine!

That is setting the bar pretty low.

LOL love them guys. served with many. Have to give them a hard time :)

Random : Love the "Pay it Forward" dividers :)

There's always people who spout off and then turn around and do something completely different. You're right though; fool me once... such a great saying!!

Alcohol induced bravado; nothing screams loser like :)

Taking responsibility for ones action seems to be something of the past.

It really does, doesn't it? I wonder why that it? But I noticed that happening over the years while I was teaching. Partly due to parents I think; that attitude that my child wouldn't do something like that. One of my sons had a difficult time with taking responsibility, the other one not at all. I parented them both the same, although I know that's impossible, but my intent was always the same. It's interesting trying to figure it out now, but makes me think it's something within each of us, but it's still a choice whether or not to take responsibility.

I have made some dear friends.

Bingo buddy; that's what it's all about :)

Every one is different. There is no figuring out why.
I do think the percentage has runs around the same throughout time. There are just more people now then before and with instant communication we are more aware of it and greater opportunity for people to act.

Parents, teachers or relatives can only do so much. It still is up to each individual.

the people are the best part of Steemit.

So true @wolfhart! Everyone is in charge of their own selves in the end.

friends are fine but show me the money!
lol! howya doin @wolfhart! From what I've seen so far on Steemit they are quite a cut above the average Joe out in real life. In fact I've never met such smart, savvy, clever and honorable people including the great Wolf!
thank you sir, great post!

I find the people to be the best part of steemit.

they are quite a cut above the average Joe

great statement

is that the main reason you are here Wolf, came for the money, stayed for the people?

It was ether this or play a game. was getting tired of playing the games. They were the same thing over and over. Nothing but spending money on a game to wast time
So here I am

what games were you spending money on?

Elite Dangerous Horizon
Fallout 4, Vegas
A couple more. Its not like I spent money because of shared games. More of the time spent for achieving nothing.
But then again I was laid up so I had a lot of time on my hands

well sir it could have been worse since you didn't spend any money. I thought you were talking about something else, not literally playing games, lol!

This is very true. If you are holding it you don't plan on staying here you plan on cashing out. At some point I do want to reach a level where I am start to earn form Steemit but for now I just want my account to grow.

The more SP you have the more you earn. Its a percentage game. 10% of $1 is 0.10 and 10% of a $100 is $10. which one would you rather have.
People have a hard time understanding that

It is not important to make many friends, it is important to make a few reliable friends. Steemit opens the door of many opportunities. Patience, determination, creativity and consistency are the vital thing to be successful in every walk of life, including on steemit.

It is not important to make many friends, it is important to make a few reliable friends.

I don't see how a friend is not reliable unless one doesn't understand the meaning and just calls people friends.

Patience, determination, creativity and consistency are the vital thing to be successful in every walk of life

makes a lot of sense.

You got a 31.69% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @wolfhart!

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