
Ooh me too! Good shout... more duets please Dreemie!

heheheheh i love you lady

Hahahhahahaa I'll try to get another song for me and him! We need to practice something new hehehehe

omg you're gonna win! I came back to finish listening to it (had to tend to the toddler) and I got SHIVERS

awwww you are sweet! i'm having fun getting to know you through videos and comments!!! hehehehe

I love your personality through the comments too! Once I found out you were the same gender it made me more excited lol.. you talk like me a bit and have a lot of energy and excitement! There's only one other steemian lady who talks like that so far.. Have you met @kawaiicrush? shes awesome too!

i haven't met her yet! i'll have to check out her blog hehehehe

fun to find people who are kindred spirits!!!! <3

She doesn’t do a text blog but vlogs hehe

oh I see! :) I prefer text... heheheeh not sure why? maybe because I'm a writer maybe. so i like to read hehehehe

i like visual things too! but... i think i have a preference for reading :)

Ah cool! I think I’m half half.. I used to blog when younger (writing was my first love) but then later discovered video so I love making videos too! I do like reading though for convenience sometimes. So I do both here on steemit 😁

ohhh and i saw you have a son too! me too! mine is still young though

hehehehe don't miss a moment! I remember when mine was young. now he hugs me and rests his chin on top of my head! hehehehe

still my little boy though :)

Awww that’s so sweet! How old is he now?
Mine is in his terrible twos so everyday he frustrates me with something haha..

awwww I remember terrible 2's hehehehe - but they weren't so terrible surprisingly! LOLOL
he is 17 now :)

aww... dang do you mean to say teenage years are worse? 😬

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