ULOGGERS: Today's Certified and Verified ULOGGER (True Celebrity) is "@jejes". Join In As Her "True Fans". We Will Fix Many Worries!!!

in #ulog6 years ago


"True celebrity-hood" once and for all, for "everyone"

@uloggers is beginning to unfold and it will carry excitement and tons of awesomeness. There will be beautiful testimonies.  

No more worries, for together we will fix many worries.
No worries, we are still on track because the entire curriculum has been "one" and the same.
@uloggers is simply a part of one entire curriculum!
Please digest this post and this post and like me, join in and become a Ulogger today. Become "true celebrities" and "true fans" of #ulog.

Each @uloggers legacy post, will birth a vertified/certified ULOGGER; "True Celebrity". Each featured ULOGGER will be asked series of questions as part of a  curriculum and required to answer these questions on-the-spot. 

Too, for  them to be on here, we must have gone through with an entire curriculum via DM. There is also an ever-testimonial gift involved. Well, it will be your turn soon. You will find out in due time. 

The essence is to draw unadulterated INTEL from the elements of their very being and use this to dispense in return, "valuable INTEL" ("no books" involved/in the undertone of an illiterate) related to success both on "steemit" and "in life"
Moreso, the entire endeavor is a curriculum to celebrate them. 
We will also use each of these ULOGGER posts, to consciously and heartily fix many worries.
Jehovah in charge!

We implore you to spend today in specially celebrating "@jejes" (a now fully certified and verified ULOGGER) with me.  

Kindly, make sure to follow her and become her "true fan" 

Sometimes, you could never really be found out without the rightly-posed questions. Many times you may have the right limitless notions sit  forever in your brain and mind because on your own, you can't process these thoughts out into reality, even in writing, without the right directional questions etc.  

We will jointly help matters in that regard. 

On @uloggers, of utmost pertinence is "community"; thus, we will use this activity as often as possible, to strengthen the community, amp its excitement and unveil even its underlying deep beauty.   

We will celebrate each ULOGGER, empowering them, by stamping them "whale inside"/"TRUE CELEBRITY" both on steemit and in "life".

We will strive to touch as many ULOGGERS as possible, empowering them and stamping in them, "never-ceasing burning fire". We will impact hundreds and gradually thousands of ULOGGERS and this is powerful.  

Now is the timely time and sometimes, it is "timeliness" that gives an event, act, movement or endeavor, its ginormous power/effect, more than anything else. 

@uloggers legacy posts, will involve a series of questions shaped to tap into our very elements"untalented-style"; we will put each ULOGGER "on-the-spot", getting unadulterated feedback from their "very person" and we will use this feedback, to give just the right kind of "breakthrough INTEL" in return.  

We will look to give each ULOGGER, advice related to "steemit" success and an all-encompassing "life" advice
There will be "no books" involved!
I will simply "break down" and dispense this INTEL and it will come out especially made for YOU, resulting from my truly intense love for you. 

Be kind as to value it, by trying to understand even its undertone and by giving it even an illusionary never-ceasing testimonial essence; testament to the fact that, on steemit and regardless of how "donkey-life", life is tending to be, "breakthrough opportunities" can come your way at any moment, not only because situation is better now than ever (with steem, steemit, decentralization, blockchain etc) but also because you are "a true celebrity" and at the very least, a "true celebrity" to me.   

I am your indubitable TRUE FAN.

Invite new friends too; to join steemit to become ULOGGERS; "true celebrity". Be sure to share @uloggers with friends as it will be one steemit account holding a repository of "everyone" in fly/shine-mode. 


Let them be ready to receive me as their ultimate "true fan", from day one because the only qualification is "human"

That simple!

Within each edition of a @uloggers legacy post, we will evolve in our substance and be made anew and all the more solid in our character; empowered!  Here are the things to take note about, each time you come across any of our posts:    

  • Humanity is the brother next to you. 
  • Even within the atomic-like elements of my tiny lines (words), that i will dispense as celebratory advice are giantly "beautiful intentions". So when i say the words, "you are "true celebrity" to me" for instance, it is because "whale or minnow", you matter just as much!
  • I am not a writer. I am not a reader either. My empowering  response to each ULOGGER aren't fancy words. There are simply "Terry".
  • Nations are just locations. We are the world!
  • I am your ultimate "true fan"!
  • You are my "true celebrity".
  • Let's surpass google together!
  • You are bigger things to me than money!
  • Be ready with a plastic bottle labelled "tears of joy".   For soon, we will cry these types of tears. (Whenever, i eventually  do, i will like to save them, for they would have been my first!)
  • Even when i don't appear around (e.g in the DMs, posts etc), know this one thing: "I have done suffering like crazy; i do suffering like crazy but my entire-tired-being loves you still!"
  • If you are not featured just yet, know that i will reach out to  you soon. However, know that my response message to each ULOGGER, is  "me talking to everyone", same as i would in the DMs; thus, by means of each ULOGGER legacy post; know that we have spoken.
  • Whatever you learn from each edition, may it keep on "an incessant testament" to the fact that "possibilities" are very possible.
  • Please look to support each ULOGGER with as a "true fan", leaving  an empowering comment, perhaps, a voluntary donation and kindly strive  to follow them.
  • You are a celebrity but to be "real-deal" celebrity, you must relish celebrating others too. So with each edition, heartily join me in celebrating others.
  • We will draw inspiration from each series to stay excited in steem activities.
  • We will draw inspiration from each series to bring new friends on steemit.
  • We will get to know each ULOGGER, for the human that they represent.
  • We will have an ever-growing repository of each beautiful ULOGGER.
  • The millions in breakthrough-money that you may seek so passionately, may be find-able underlyingly in each of these legacy posts because "i break down" to dispense them. Please look closely! Please don't doubt it! My love is kamkpe strong.
  • etc

Each edition of a @uloggers legacy post, will feature a ULOGGER and has a style-guide and an entire mentor-ship session (behind-the-scenes), designed to empower each of these ULOGGERS and fix many worries; stamping each featured ULOGGER, "true celebrity" in the real-world called "life" and "whale inside" on the best blockchain called "steem". We want to create a vibe by means of the beauty steem offers, "shining "YOU" forth", so that new steemians joining organically true the search engines or after discovering @uloggers; join steemit and stay because of "YOU"; the shining "YOU". 

Kindly look to sharing https://steemit.com/@uloggers online and offline, home and abroad as a means also to easily promote steem/steemit.

(ULOGGERS) whether "private figures" or "public figures" will be featured alike.  

Note that a ULOGGER can stay private while creating  ULOGS. For the most part, if a steemit account is private, the ULOG it  creates is likely to be private too.

And Today's Certified & Verified ULOGGER?



The curriculum involved a style-guide that had a set of general, un-prying questions, answered by @jejes on-the-spot. 

Based on her answers and an entire chat mentor-ship session, we picked the very elements of her constituent and we will cook her some timeless heartfelt advice as someone who truly loves her. 

Basically, i will celebrate her, highlight her own strengths and i will sift even "weaknesses" to find strength therein. 
Together, we will celebrate and empower her today. She will become our celebrity and we her true fans.

The set of questions below, simply formed a style-guide, so that we, along with @jejes, can build a legacy post together; we as her "true fans": 

 1. Who Are You?  

(This should cover (all or some) things like, your very  definition; your existing dreams; your forgotten dreams; your  aspirations before steemit; life before steemit; life since steemit;  what you would like to  accomplish on a limitless scale, if there were  no odds and what odds there are or there have been; things you don't  like about yourself; things that are unique to you; things people don't  know about you etc. 
Anything at all that constitutes YOU!)   

2. How do you feel about yourself now? Is there an old-self,  you would like to regain? Is there a new-self you would love to attain?  

3. Mention one virtue, you wish you could work on. 

4. What do you write about the most on steemit and why? 

5. How did you find steemit and has it become your bus-stop and why did  it become your bus-stop? 

6. If you were to have a business, enterprise or company etc, what would you call it and what would it be about? 

7. Do you believe you can fly? 

8. Is there one person on steemit, that you can say, "as long  as this  person stays on steemit and keeps on active, i will be also  stay active  on steemit" and who is that person and why is it this  person? 

9. If you had just one shot at "breakthrough" and it was your "very next  steemit post", what would you write about?  

10. Would you still read a mind, if you knew that this mind has loads of problems, that you aren't able to fix?   

Legacy Question: 

  • If generations yet unborn arrive and they had to read your legacy; what will they read? 
Tell me what "legacy" you will leave behind. Keep it as short as possible! 

@jejes: spoke to me on-the-spot. She answered most of the questions above:

It’s not who I am but what I do that defines me. It doesn’t matter who we are, what matters is our plan. Time and again I wondered what it is that makes me “Who I Am”. Will it be in my personality or disposition in life or my character or personality? Is it on the way I dress or perhaps it is my choice of calling? Maybe, or just maybe in a combination of all of these stuffs because I really don’t think that there is one explanation or mark that is able of defining me totally.

I am Marisa H. Omamalin- @steemit name @jejes, turning 26 years old this coming June, living in Iligan City, Philippines. I started blogging in steemit last January just this year.
I love to realize that for the best part of defining me, I am a person, a friend, a daughter, a sister, or an individual who is wonderful to be with with. I’ve become more optimistic person now than before until I’ve learn how to value myself and tried not to pass judgments to any person for the choices that they make.
I am aware of being an introvert person and there are times I felt incredibly awkward for some people especially for those that I don’t even know. Sometimes, I am often wrongly labeled as being “Maldita” or “Mataray” (I don’t know the exact term of it actually) because of being an introvert or maybe as what they see physically.  If they only knew how I struggled to fight being that way so then I just say to myself, “I am not that person they think I am” That’s not the truth I knew to myself. I’m happy to be around people but it seems like they don’t like to be with me, something in my mind and in my heart that wars. Now and then I hope somebody could understand me because I am sure that I have neglected out on so many potential relationships because of this introversion that seems to come along. But then again, I still hope there would be somebody who have had patience to understand the real me.
When I get to know and encounter STEEMIT through Ate @lorner, it helps me show off and let other steemians see the real me. Not the unsocial and loner type, but the real me inside. A soul who can have razor loud humor driven by sarcasm, but who is also unbelievably sincere and helpful of those I care about. This very person inside of me loves to laugh and to be loved. Som of my friends would define me as funny, devoted and candid, but it takes a lot for persons to acquire to that point where I am keen to express that truth inside of me. The real “YOU”!

In every coin, there are two sides that defines differently and that sums me up pretty well. The whole thing about me takes place in contrast and depends on the person whom I am with.
Therefore I would say, there are many different things that will define who I really us. Not just only on our character and our personality, but also the things we do and say. We are all unique in every way.

My virtue in mind is to work on having courage to show more of my Inner Self. We may all have different personal abilities more certainly settled than the others. There is no doubt that we necessarily display our strengths but when we focus only on those strengths we have and practice it to pay off our weaknesses, it will often end out not well. We can become victims of our own.
It takes courage to uncover your inner self, to try something different, to go another directions, to take a any possibilities, to let go of anything that attached you, to say “Sorry”, to have a hard conversation, even to believe in yourself. These things are many, both in minor and major things in life.
So, without courage to show our inner self, we feel powerless and ineffective. Sometimes, we know what we want, or what we need, but we lack the confidence to act. We go to the easy way out, the track of least conflict. It probably feel comfortable now, but in the long run it doesn’t make us happy.

Most of the time, I do some artworks to express my inner self and have courage to share it with people through steemit. Some do appreciate it and some others don’t. Every time I do my artworks, my emotions were on it that is why when I already finish it, it seems like a burden inside lessen. I find steemit very helpful for every steemians to express their self that cannot be expressed personally. I see that everyone can have something to share. Before, I thought steemit can be a kind of social media to earn additional income but later on as I full understand its purpose, I suddenly love and enjoy being part of it. Yes, it helps me financially! Honestly, I just bought a new android phone because of steemit. For my almost 2 years of working as a Cashier, steemit only gives me hope to reached one of my goals in life to have my own personal cellphone. Also, it helps me budget my daily expenses as well. But what’s more interesting was that I’ve met and know different stories, different struggles, and different personalities in different people. So many times I get disappointed and decided to stop and quit steemit because it is just a waste of time but I don’t know what’s pushing me to steem on. Gladly, I’m still steeming now because of YOU! Steemit also gives me hope to achieve my goals in life. I really wanted to be a blogger before but then I don’t really have a skill on blogging but then, ULOG came and see myself as a celebrity. It’s far more than a blogger!
Maybe you would ask what’s my ever dream for now in my life. Practically saying, I want to help my parents in living. I want to give them a “Convenient Store” named to my father. My father is a farmer and a motorcycle driver as his sideline because in this time, what he earns in farming isn’t enough. I’m working for them to rest from their job but still it isn’t enough. I can’t do what my father has done for us.

I know and I believe I can fly as high as an eagle who never get tired and weary through all the storms and situations in life because there is a powerful God who can be trusted at all times and a Father to lean on when we are tired. He is everything the source of all.

There is that one person who believes in every steemians potential even in any status we have in life. He believe that “Everyone has something to offer” and it is okay to make flaws, be “undistalented” and to relegate reservations. All we have to do is just to dig, write and shine the way YOU are. He even “remove the barriers of entry” through @suprassinggoogle’s one of the initiatives UNTALENTED, TEARDROPS by Smart Media Token where “every tear has a value” & STEEMSECRETS “Steemit Life Success”. If you want to be a blogger you dreamed of, be a ULOGGER on https://steemgigs.org.
Many Filipinos and Steem Humans, also called as “steemians” do love and continue to support @surpassinggoogle under the person of Terry Ajayi, a man with a big heart towards us minnows. He is the reason why I stay and continue to steem on. If I had just one shot at breakthrough and make it my next steemit post, it would be about “THE INNER SELF”. So many things inside that are being hidden. Do you believe that it is our true self? It covers all aspects of our consciousness as an individual. When we look at the reality of life, everything was inside every heart. It is more than what an eye can see.

Would you still read a mind, if you knew that the mind has loads of problems that you aren’t able to fix?
I would say yes! Even though I am not the right person to fix that certain problem other people had, I know in myself that every problem we experienced is common to all. Every problem has its own solution, if not, then that is not a problem, it is a fact of one’s life. Problems exist not for us to break but for us to build. Build what? Build our trust and confidence to God who is bigger than any problems we encountered.

Legacy to leave:
“Leaving a Godly Legacy”, it is my main purpose in life. That legacy I am going to leave is a life I lead, the love of God to us and through us passed on to others.

My Life Advice To Her

I am really sick, so i won't be able to talk as much as i want to on this one

Well, we have talked to a large extent in the DMs (and we will continue on, where needed) and i already see immense evolution (ongoing), evident within your on-the-spot answers here. You dug and spoke and it came out different. 

You are starting to dig!
And you know i would usually say, "dig times dig times dig = diggist". 
You are on the path to becoming diggist

Your very substance resounded. Your very elements lay bare. I will talk sparingly thus, as for the most part, you have a special trait to you that is unique and this allows me to simply leave you with eye-openers. 

You do have the ability to dig once your eyes are opened. I have seen this "live". 

So that aside, a large measure of what you need (as per life advice) are three words. These 3 words however, are hefty; "has weight and occupy space" and will put you in a state of "fly"; shine etc and these three words are; "nations are locations". 

Yes, applying these three words (to your journey) in the full-extent of its beauty, will drastically put in fly-mode-zone

Hahaha, there is loads of context to that simple-looking sentence, loads of technicality and even underlying power, if applied in your case.

Nations are locations

Many times, as hallmark, it works even better, if our standards leave "nation standard" and go "world standard". 

Then perhaps, we can start to graduate into way bigger things, to where what counts is "living fully for our Creator Jehovah. Sometimes, this can require steps; "a journey". 

e.g what your location considers introvert etc, may not be "introvert" in another location or to the world on a global scale.

i.e your location may see "the introvert", which can make you see "the introvert" in you. I may not see "introvert" at all. I may see normal.

To go a notch higher from say "world standard", perhaps, we can now make, "human"; "the awesomest version of human", the hallmark. Then, eventually graduate into bigger things to where how Jehovah sees us is utmost.

But step by step does work. 

Overall, what i am saying is; if you have seen things; "many things"; then many things become normal. Thus, you will need to expand your horizon beyond just your location, in-order to see more things and many once weird-looking things, by our former standards etc will become normal. 

When i met with you, i didn't see anything related to an introvert. I instantaneously saw other things; amazing things.

Plus, "introverted-ness"!; well, nothing wrong with that either! It can very much become a virtue. 

Or, just what if you went all un(dis)talented; illiterate etc to where "introvert" or "extrovert" etc no longer holds water; then you won't be either. 

Left to me, i don't know what introvert or extrovert is or where to class myself among existent-less concepts; "i am very much illiterate". 

I do know though, that even though i have many people say "terry" when i walk by, i spend most of my days indoors in isolation, in ponder-wonder state, thinking of YOU, generations yet unborn and of concepts, innovations, enterprises etc to celebrate "you"; each one, everyone etc now and those to come.

Well, i am working on adjusting the world and that in itself does take a large measure of isolation. If used aright, you simple have those moments when you go into the box, only to come back out of it each time, in fly-state. 

So, you in an introverted-state etc can create magic, if you use these times aright. 

Overall, you have found out a lot of things about you and what you represent and what i see of it? 

"It's a beauty". 

Put me to use freely as one other mirror. "A mirror from the other side". Then as for the mirrors around your physical locations; "nations are locations". 

I will pause with the life advice as i would like you to dig out the various applications of "nations are locations" in the full extent of its context. Then, adjust your parameters a bit. 

In the grand picture, you were made in Jehovah's image and that is sufficient.

One more quick thing:

Regarding your dream of getting your dad a convenient store with his name on it or a large supermarket (very attainable), make your very definition display your intentions; resound it to him incessantly with resolve. 

This will work wonders before your intentions come to fruition. Amazing superpowers will build up within you and power you up beyond measure but your dad will know of loving intentions and that in itself will give him joy. 

e.g i would usually say; "pick a pen, rehearse your  signature, hone it, for soon you will be signing autographs and thank  you for doing just so here. 

Now, you have signed us (your true fans) "autographs": 

A very technical autograph i must say but as your ultimate "true fan", i appreciate and value your attempt at out-of-the-boxness; "un(dis)talented. 
Thank you for signing autographs for us all! 
As true fans, please consider having a copy of her autograph (for keeps) when you want, either digitally or hard.
You can take  pictures with it, if you desire and show up in the comments, if you are a "public figure".

Note: I would have like to print your autograph and have a selfie with it but it didn't happen this time because of not being physically fit but this is bound to happen soon as i value your presence here, love you for real and each certified & verified ULOGGER, will be an important part of the model behind the ULOGS website, when it becomes ready, among other awesome things.

My Steemit Advice To Her

So first things first:

You are staying (on steemit) and staying present and sometimes "staying present" is all that may be needed altogether, to succeed on steemit and even in life. 
I am staying and you have established within your answers above that, that will keep your fire, desire etc to stay on steemit, burning!
Now that you are staying, "succeeding" with your steemit journey is a notch simpler. 

Hence, for my simple and short steemit advice to you, same logic (nations are locations) applies. "Expand your horizon". Yes!

Use steemit as another means to explore your very own beauty. Then, use each steemit post to shine a bit more. 

You are still in a state of finding yourself and there is loads to find out. After you "find", you will still need to explore your findings, re-define and define these findings, till these findings enter spanless-states. 

It is a long road.

There is a lot of sides to steemit/steem. Steem is the blockchain. It puts you in the picture for real. 


So look past the blogging just a bit. You have the ability to! 

Wake up old dreams. You are not a cashier! Well, if you are; "steemit or the steem blockchain in this case, gives you an entire bank. So did you already know that you own a bank? 

Did you know all along (since steemit) that you are a cashier, who owns her very own bank?

Explore this very beauty. The next time, you look at your wallet, see your bank! 3 seconds block-times, micro-transactions, fee-less, audits, timestamps, transparent, permanent, verifiable, savings etc Hahaha, that's better than a bank and its yours!

So look to explore the beauty of the steem blockchain as well. Think of an entire enterprise in your mind's eye and look at how "steem" can come in etc. 

Again, build the dream first; be limitless about it, then use each steemit blog-post, dedicated to dream-building to play and rehearse this dream out till it enters set-state. When the dream is fully cooked, you would have had a conglomerate of like-minds who have sought you out; then sought to bring this dream to life. 

Now, you have your own bank, like-minds, true-fans etc and "going to the moon" happened, "what noble dream can't you bring to life". 

My point, "giving your popsy that convenience store with is name on it, is so so so attainable; "that and more".

On steemit, "nations are locations", you have the world!; "an enabling environment", so expand your connection, to involve the entire human race. 

You need a variety of mirrors; "You in the mix" and you will find your true self; your true mission. 

So on steemit, relate with the world as whole, "each human" as they come and make the globe and you, your audience. Recall, that you also have the search engines as an audience too. Well and generations yet unborn.

Yes, we may have a mission on Earth. Many never ever get to knowing that because it can be an overwhelming mission, just to find out your mission.

Steemit does pose signs that can direct you.

I have come to know my mission. There were signs and yes, even on steemit came more signs but i had to spot these signs and know them to be signs and read these signs. 

Identifying and establishing what my mission is, was an entire giant mission. 

Now, i may want to tell you to look in that direction too.

You do have the ability to find yours; your mission on Mama Earth! But again, to do this, you may need a "variety of mirrors" and steem offers that in the form of "every nation".

So i will keep this advice short, with alot of context underlying, leaving you with things to dig upon and in due time, we will return to the DMs to make these translate your findings as well brainstorm ways to make your dreams real, "you as true celebrity and we as your true fans".

Bottomline, for your steemit journey, you simply need eye-openers and this is what we have tried to do here. 

Simply expand your horizon in general; with regards to location; with regards to the person of you and with regards to the way you explore steemit/steem as there are many other sides to steem/steemit beyond the blogging.

A lot of what you need is in what you have already started and it involves "expanding your horizon" and then, "dig times dig times dig = diggist"

To conclude, i want to commend you for the legacy that you have chosen but also remind you that it a grand legacy and does take alot of "dig"

"Love" and "Jehovah is love" are really hefty-weighty words. You will need to be really ready. 

You have established alot of amazing things about you, what you represent and where you are at in your journey. It is still a long road but there is a lot of "you can!" to you. 

Pray and i will pray and we will pray and together, we will say amen; then go out and shine.

There is a ton to rehearse now; experiment with; play around with.  For you and your hefty responsibilities; i tell you; you will need to play.  

You will need to be bigger than money inside-out and money when it knows you are bigger, will seek you out.

I will pause here! 

Simply tie the life advice to the steemit advice and you will grasp. 

Your are awesome!

Your boy Terry @surpassinggoogle 

Your ultimate true fan. 



Every certified ULOGGER becomes stamped "true  celebrity"/"whale-inside" in the real world and on steemit, in an entire  session involving an entire curriculum.  

We all play a role. 

True Celebrities = True Fans + O; where letter "O" equals loop   

  • Each ulogger is likely to have a space on the ULOG steem-based website, if there happens to be one.
  • We will also use each ULOGGER legacy post, to enhance general reputation for SteemGiggers on the steemgigs website.
  • On @uloggers, we will bring each ULOGGER to the limelight before the faces of hearty "true fans".  
  • We will use each post to fix worries.
  • Each ULOGGER experience and entire curriculum involving talks and methor-ship involving 
  • We one to keep on account on steemit, that holds a repository of ULOGGER legacies. Ever-ongoing evidence that we were here.
  • We want one steemit account, that each steemian can present to a mainstream audience in their efforts to promote steemit; one steemit account full of "shine"; one steemit account that is able to appeal to the soft-spot of every genre of "human", to levels where "new ones" begin to desire to flock onto steemit because of us, moreso than just the incentive to get rewards. 
  • We want to serve the search engines with our beauty.
  • Right here on steemit, we look into creating a really solid, visible community of ULOGGERS. (Though, we have a base-community building on behind-the-scenes on the discord, there is timely need for something visible; "in the limelight"; right here on steemit.)
  • @uloggers will hold physical evidence of a growing list of "true celebrities" ever-ongoingly. Our shine will fill steemit and will provide incessant inspiration to on-lookers and ULOGGERS alike, to strive towards span-less levels of greatness. 
  •  We want to create a vibe right here on steemit, by means of a visible community of ULOGGERS, that stirs further community and amplifies steem & steemit's beauty inside-out, growing steem/steemit into further levels of mainstreamity. 
  •  At this timely moment in steemit's young life, we want to unveil the true depth in beauty of the steemit community, to tighten and strengthen our conviction in steem as technology but moreso, in steemit as medium upon which "humans" can shine regardless of status. 
  •  We want the world to join steemit, also for the sole reason of ULOGGING; becoming ULOGGERS. 
  • We want one steemit account, that you can simply show to friends,  home and abroad, offline and online, promoting steem/steemit as a home  and for "everyone"
  • We want to create a historical history.
  • etc
We can

Please read all the resources about #ulog and @ulogs, so that you can grasp the grand underlying of what we will constitute.  

Also visit all the certified and verified @uloggers

We Are True Fans

Today's ULOGGER ("True Celebrity") is public figure and she is @jejes


How You Can Join In As Her "True Fans"

  • Leave her a solid comment displaying love for her.
  • Pray for her
  • Give her connections
  • Add to her ideas
  • Refer in good light to others
  • Visit her to inspire her
  • Adopt her! (You may want to do so in the comments or seek her out in the community HERE!!!)
  • Voluntarily donate to @jejes
  • Print her autographs and take selfies with it
  • Follow her
  • Always visit with her
  • Become a "true-type-curator" on #ulog, so you can spot her ULOGS.
  • etc

How To Become A Ulogger?

Please digest this post and this post and like me, join in and become a Ulogger today. Become "true celebrities" and "true fans" of #ulog. 

You can start simply by getting your personalized ULOGGER header/footer from @phantum04 here!!! 


 You can also use these profile cover ULOGGER banners freely: 


You may need to resize them! Perfect dimension would be  1280 x 191 as recommended by the creator "@jejes"

There are also free dividers that you can use with your steemit posts: 

Please subscribe to this YouTube channel below as it will start to be loaded with simple short videos dispense rarest assimilateable INTEL in relation to success on steemit and in life. 


If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. 

To vote my witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click! 

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.  


@Jejes, I celebrate you. I was with @Liltom yesterday when I saw one of your post and I was captivated by this word "YOUtiful", I told @liltom that you're simply a wonderful being.

@Jeje, You are "YOUtiful"

These lines caught me:

It takes courage to uncover your inner self, to try something different, to go another directions, to take a any possibilities, to let go of anything that attached you, to say “Sorry”, to have a hard conversation, even to believe in yourself. These things are many, both in minor and major things in life.

“Leaving a Godly Legacy”, it is my main purpose in life. That legacy I am going to leave is a life I lead, the love of God to us and through us passed on to others.

My prayer for you is that as you determine to live out a Godly legacy, you will finish STRONG! congratulations on your becoming a #true #ulogger.

@SUrpassinggoogle, keep fishing them out. Thank you

Thank you so much friend @uyobong 😊 You too made me STRONG enough to dig more and more 'til I become more diggist.

It takes real courage to try something different in a world where people tend to copy and live fake lives. I pray you leave those Godly legacies behind.

I am your ultimate fan @jejes

Yeah! @uyobong. She is just too wonderful and creative. I celebrate you today @jejes. Keep being 'Youtiful' cause you are you and you are unique.

Don't wanna like someone else. Be you always. I pray God to help you fulfill your dreams and plans. I really wish you good luck in getting your father a shop. He'll be so happy.

Good morning @uloggers and a special shout out to the True celebrity @jejes. I do appreciate how you've put bare those words and the out of the boxness to make us your true fans. Keep being amazing and as big bro Terry said

Nations are just mere locations

Your Legacy is what keeps me going and my prayers for you are the best. God will continually lift you to higher heights.

That legacy I am going to leave is a life I lead, the love of God to us and through us passed on to others.

Never give up, and keep believing. We are your true fans. Stay amazing and awesome always.

It is such a great privilege and honor for me to be one of the "Certified & Verified ULOGGERS" by @surpassinggoogle 🖤

Words are not enough to express how I really felt this time. Truly, it re-opened my eyes again to what limits me struggling unto something which others see differently.

what your location considers introvert etc, may not be "introvert" in another location or to the world on a global scale.

Thank yoy so much Sir Terry for all the advices you've uttered that motivates me.


Thank you so much for all the love 💕

Your "True-fan" as well 😊

Congratulations @jejes !
I saw the word "introvert" and made me read the whole conversation. I am also an introvert big time and I can truly relate to all the things you've mentioned. It requires a bit of a hard work since making friends easily isn't our cup of tea. I had spent being afraid of what others would think of me, all the time I had been mean and ignorant in a vain attempt to placate the people around me. One reason I was scared of talking to people was because I didn’t think I could change. Even my first days on Steemit didn't strike me a bit. I found @surpassinggoogle and followed him since day 1. I have read his life through his words and made me realize, there are really people who care. One of his successful projects is Steemgigs' @ulog / @uloggers / @ulogs . This is one of my favorites to be honest. It is harder to make friends as an introvert, because our energy gets used up quicker. ULOG developed my self-esteem. I am glad you're now a certified ulogger because here, you are a celebrity. One love <3

Glad to know you in here who had the same struggle as mine.

But what I realized to what Sir Terry's advice was that,

There is nothing wrong about being introvert.

Again, these words comes up to my mind..

What your location considers introvert etc, may not be "introvert" in another location or to the world on a global scale.

There is nothing wrong at all in being an introvert. I am one of such person. I just don't have the outgoing nature in me and I like cause it makes me unique.

Congratulations @jejes, you deserved it! Just be yourself, stay humble and you will be loved. God Bless us all!

You are staying (on steemit) and staying present and sometimes "staying present" is all that may be needed altogether, to succeed on steemit and even in life.

@surpassinggoogle, your advice to her can be an advice to us as well

Congratulations @jejes on how far you have come and how far you will fly!!! You have been given so much joy, the same you DO give to others just by stopping to read their posts like you have done mine!

It's hard to be around new people but we all dress the same way in the morning and we all get tired, cranky, happy, joyful and sad. It is all part of life.

Learn from the bad and hold the good and happy close to your heart. Never stop learning or thinking you can not!! because YOU can and no matter how old you get.........like 30...... you still CAN :D


@jejes I'm your number one fan.

This is sweetly amazing @jejes seems to speak quite well about courage and I will certainly give her that, her courage in answering daunting questions on the spot is quite remarkable as well, the truth is she's one very passionate user here on steemit, so this didn't come to me asbaeered surprise, the thing is as a ULOGGer her testimonies and experiences just like I always see on her post are always thoughtful and that's the kind of messages we at ulog, loves to pass across.

Congratulations on becoming a star.

Thanks you so much @josediccus for taking time to read some of my posts. I may not know you or you may not know me that much, but still I'm glad words that came from lifted my heart to be passionate and kind.

I will really look forward on seeing you soon, very soon being featured as well.

YOU are already a star ⭐

Wow this is lovely thanks to @surppassinggoogle for everything ulogs has make my day better than before don't forget to vote @surpassinggoogle as witness

Indeed! SG serves as "additional mirror" for us to see to what already exists in us. 🔎

Become a ULOGGER on #ulog

Cogratulations @jejes ! You really deserve to be a certified celebrity.. we are your fans now..

Thank you so much @phantum04 😊 Soon, you will be featured too because of your great dedication and big impart in #ulog.

Right now, I am your "true-fan" already 😍

Hahaha... no it's your moment to shine! so enjoyed it!👏😊

Of a truth, she deserves it. Congrats to our star.

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