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in #ulog5 years ago (edited)
The clean-out of Mom's & Dad's house has continued, which is why my presence has been rather scarce on the Steem–Discord continuum lately. In my parents' attic, we found the crib that I slept in as a child, as well as the vinyl-covered mattress that had a variety of cute, colorful designs printed on it. Of them all, I especially liked the one of the little girl sitting in a chair doing embroidery, with her faithful poodle asleep on the floor beside her. Simply adorable!

We also found quite a large stash of baby clothes that belonged to my brother and me. My favorite piece of all was the adorable little dress that appears in the following photos! Bear in mind that I just turned 64-years-old last month, so this little dress is at least in the 63 or 64 years old! I am not sure if it was new when I wore it, or if it had been handed-down from a cousin of mine who might have worn it before me.

It is in surprisingly good condition for its age, as most of the clothing is. The photo at below-right shows the wonderful pintucking detail that adorns the bodice, and the teeny baby-buttons on the placket. What tiny little buttons! 😁

The lace on the hem of the dress is slightly frayed in a few places, but still holding up well, all-in-all. If you look closely at the photo below, details of embroidered stars can be seen, stitched with white thread. Delightful details! I think I am keeping this darling little dress! 😊

There are plenty of other items in good condition, little baby-overalls, sweaters, and the super-cute little jacket shown below, which belonged to my brother. I've been washing and drying all the baby clothes this week, since they had been in storage for so long. My brother will probably keep a few pieces, as well as list some of the items for sale to collectors of vintage items.

We also found the Instruction Manual to my mother's first sewing machine, which she sold long ago (back in the 1960s or 1970s) when she bought a more current machine. Her later machine is the one I have and am using now.


We found other old items, too — one prime example was the following Freight Bill among a huge stack of papers from a box in a closet. It is dated May-1956, and contains the shipping details from when my parents ordered their first washing machine from Sears Roebuck & Company, which had to be transported via train from Jacksonville, Florida, to a railway station in Georgia near where my parents lived at the time. This was back in the days when the railroad was king of the cross-country shipping industry, before large trucks with semi-trailers were common on the roads. My father's father worked for Georgia Southern Railroad as a Station Agent for most of his life.

We also found many old photos! Among them were two of my parents, made during their senior year in High School, circa 1949. They were a good-looking couple!

Some of the other photos I remember seeing long ago, but there were some which I don't recall ever having seen. There were photos of cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and my parents from long ago. My brother kept most of the photos and hopes to have time to digitize some of them with the scanner attached to his computer. I carefully photographed many of them with my cellphone and have transferred them to a couple of thumb-drives for safekeeping.

And, the clean-out continues, with much more to go through, especially my own things — which desperately need to be pared-down.




Hello, @thekittygirl!
Wow... to find the crib you slept on as a baby is really very special! I can imagine the feelings and thoughts you were having as you went through things in your attic. Just precious 🥰 thanks for sharing, dear. 🌺🤙 and take care😍

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ALWAYS fun seeing the tiny treasures that we grew up with. my wife and I are cleaning out our attic and garage. Some of the stuff, absolute junk, that filled 2 trucks being removed.

Some, bring tears, and laughs...

Thanks for sharing on @pypt #pypt

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That is quite the mammoth task you have on your hands hon - but it looks like some great discoveries are coming out of it. Love those old pics and that little dress is too exquisite! They just don't make things like they used to hey!

This is so sweet and adorable, my mum kept it in a picture frame with glass on it. So precious. Love the needlework And machine manual And didn’t know you used your mums machine think that’s great I use my mums too

Ooh this makes more wonderful memories to cherish ! ^_^

What an adventure. You must literally be having your life pass before your eyes.

Celebrate and cherish this time and wonderful chore!

Thanks so much for sharing. I am going to tag #pypt in advance!

Posted using Partiko iOS

All amazing items to behold! The treasure that hold our family memories are alway the most precious. Thanks for sharing this process with us!

Posted using Partiko Android

Amazing finds, @thekittygirl. That's a big job. I have done that task and it's really something, what you come across. And you have to decide what to do with all of it. Good luck. Hopefully it's not too much of an emotional roller coaster.

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