Ulog: Weight Loss Update! 12 lbs Lost. Going Good :)

in #ulog6 years ago

278.4 was my weight waking up this morning. I lost almost as much weight in one week of fasting on the Keto Diet as I did all year. 12 pounds lost in one week! I broke fast Friday with some bone broth I made and a little salad with olive oil and apple cider vinegar for dressing. Saturday I had 4 hard boiled eggs for breakfast, a 1/2 pound of turkey for lunch with a couple slices of ham and capicola with provolone and sharp American cheese in a salad with apple cider vinegar and olive oil. Sunday I ate like a pig making ham & cheese omelet using provolone & sharp american. Pork Rinds during the football game, rolled up provolone cheese and capicola for snacks, then finished my bone broth for dinner. Trying another 3 - 5 days of water fasting.

I LOST ANOTHER 3.6 POUNDS eating like a pig over the weekend. I weighed 282 on Friday before I broke fast, and 278.4 Monday morning. The high fat diet, really doesn't make you feel hungry at all, although I tried not to over eat, I didn't count any calories. When I was full, I stopped eating. I will admit I went a little overboard at Sunday breakfast.

Friday I walked on the treadmill and stretched, Saturday I lifted light weights just going through the motions and jogged on the treadmill for 20 minutes, and repeated Sunday evening. I'll probably jog tonight, then take it easy over the next few days because I'm resuming the water fast with SnakeJuice.

Fasting Resumed. I may break fast in the middle of the week. I ordered a juicer and I'm considering juice fasting. I think it might be a little more healthy for someone turning 50 in a couple months. I have to admit though. I'm really happy with the results I've received so far. I may stick with intermittent fasting and keto for a little longer.

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Wow, how the heck do you fast for so long? How many calories do you eat on a fast day??

I went Sunday evening at around 10pm to Friday evening around 6pm without eating solid food. The only thing I ingested during those 5 days was natural spring water with a 1/2 tsp himalayan pink salt, tsp of sodium bicarbonate, and a tsp of potassium chloride mixed in a 1 liter of water. I drink between one to two of those each day, and each morning I drink a 16 ounce glass of water with two tablespoons apple cider vinegar, and squeeze of lemon juice from a half fresh lemon. I'm trying to do my second week now.

I'm not a dietician, so definitely consult with a doctor if you're thinking about doing something like this.

Oh don't worry, I am surely not thinking about doing that! WOW, no calories whatsoever?? How did you deal with the hunger pangs? That is pretty extreme, is there are spiritual element behind your fast, or is it purely to lose weight?

For the most part just weight loss. Believe it or not the hunger pangs haven't been that bad. Once you get passed the 3rd day you have a wierd energy and it feels like your senses are heightened a bit. Everything looks brighter and crisper. Once you get past the first 48 hours it just gets easier and easier.

Man, I get hangry if I even skip a meal! Lol lol. Seriously tho.... How often do you fast? How many days in between? How many times have you fasted? Just curious, I have always wanted to try a fast but never really went for it. It's a huge part of culture for most countries, except for the west.

So far the longest has been 5 days. This week I went 3, and cheated with a very light salad last night. I had 3 hard boiled eggs for breakfast, and I'm making a bone broth for dinner and to sip on over the weekend. I'll also eat fairly normal tomorrow, Sunday snacks during the football games with diety snacks. Eat a decent keto friendly meal Sunday night, then next week I plan on eating every other day. Water fasting for 36 hours, break fast with another keto friendly meal, then another 36 hours. Wash, rinse, repeat till Friday. I posted another Ulog update on my progress if you're interested https://ulogs.org/@the-bitcoin-dood/ulog-diet-update-going-great-close-to-20lbs-lost

Have a great weekend and thanks for your interest :) Cheers

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congratulations on the weight loss

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