ULOG # 5 - Some Successes - Some Fails

in #ulog6 years ago

Some Successes - Some Fails

This week has been kind of a mixed bag for me. It's not like it started bad and turned good or the other way around. It was all kind of mixed up! Oh by the way Mercury is in retrograde! Not that that should effect any of this.


I could start anywhere but I'll start here... on a high note. I did a what's cooking challenge post about this the other day. Pan Seared Salmon. I had been out to eat with my wife Sheila (@swedegis) and our granddaughter Morgan. I attempted to recreate the meal Morgan and I had and it came out an absolute success.



I pride myself in my homemade pizza dough. It usually come out great!

I had some left over tomato sauce so pizza was on the menu the other night,

The dough started out normally. The yeast proofed nicely. I kneaded the dough and put in in a bowl to rise.


After an hour the dough still looked about the same. Sometimes it takes to get going.

After a couple of hours... still the same. To late to make any changes. Sheila asked "Can you still use it?" Hahaha. I'm pretty stubborn. I said "Sure Honey!"

It looked good...


But tasted ... ???


The third time the chime

For some reason the radios in our motor home had been failing, We've put in 2 new one already, The only thing that we ever listen to is SiriusXM satellite. So why not just get a radio from them! Duh! I ordered one online. It came yesterday and I installed it today! So far so good!



The other day Holly, the campground manager, stopped by the other day and told me about some cool mushrooms that were growing behind their unit. She knows that I've been going around the campground taking photos. So, I headed out with my little Canon Powershot. I though that I could get some great shots and different angles. I took a bunch of shots. I was using live focus because I was taking them from ground level.

Most of them came out like this:


This would have been a cool shot if the subject was in focus.


This was dinner last night. Risotto with grilled shrimp. This came out great!



I try to take a couple mile walk every morning. I pass a cow field each day. Cows usually are good models to photograph. The farmer usually rotates the fields that the cows graze in. This week I noticed that they are in the one close to the road. So armed with my camera, I was ready to get some great shots. But, the morning that I had my camera they were...


Of course, this morning, me camera-less, they were all right up to the edge of the fence.


This afternoon, while I was deep into my dashboard doing the radio, Holly stopped by and let me know about a bird's nest that would be great to photo.

Well, this was a nest she had found that had be blown out of a tree by the storm. It had one egg in it. She said "Here! You can have it!" OK, so this one is staged:


Like @jaynie would say "maak nie saak nie"

All photos, images and text in my posts are my original work.

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Hahaha! You win some, you lose some @rwedegis! I've not even got as far as doing a post for over a week, never mind anything else. Good on you. And I'm with @jaynie - did maak nie saak nie!

Thank you @fionasfavorites! I try and post something every day even if it's just a photo! I know that if I stop, I'll get lazy and really stop!

I tried that but discovered that doing that didn't get as much traction as the longer posts. Perhaps, though, now I have a bit of a rep and some great followers, I should give it a go again.

Every little bit helps. for me it also helps to keep me motivated!

This post is sponsored by @SteemitBloggers in collaboration with @appreciator. Just keep up the good work.

Hey Roger how are you? Looks like you have been busy a lot lately. Cooking, mushroom picking, and going around taking photos. The pizza looks good some extra cheese and pepperoni please lol. Hey wait are those mushrooms edible?

Thanks @watersnake101! I am doing well!

Hahaha! I just take photos of the wild mushrooms. The only mushroom picking I do is in the grocery store. When I went mushroom picking with my grandmother I was pretty young. Too young to learn which ones where the good ones! She would also take me crabbing for blue crabs!

The mushrooms on the pizza were canned mushrooms. They seem to work out best on pizza.

Have a great day, my Friend!

I am drooling with your pizza! You're not alone in there. Many times my dough failed to rise. LOL. And I realised you gotta get the water temperature right not too hot but a lil warm will do. For my pizza dough I usually mix yeast with a lil warm water and a teaspoon of white sugar. if it bubbles, that'd mean you're doing a good job, if it doesn't, that'd would mean you've to redo it. LOL. But yeah they said the water temperature should be between 105 and 110 Degrees F. But 95 is the best tempt for yeast to multiply. :-) Nonetheless your pizza still looked good!!!! I'm even drooling hehe

Thank you! I did check the yeast like you said and it seemed to be fine. It think that the spot that I was letting the dough rise might have been too cool. I've had that problem before. The dough would take forever to get started but when it did it was fine. I just didn't feel like waiting that long this time. Also the yeast was a little old. It wasn't past its expiration date, but I've had it for a while. I should have gotten some fresh yeast, but I didn't think of it.

I enjoyed reading that
And with the back story, the mushroom was still a cool shot 😊


The salmon and shrimp looked absolutely delicious. Now I'm hungry. So now, even those cows ...

Quill :-)


Thank you for your comments!

I really like the colour of the bird egg. looks like a gem!

Thank you @roselifecoach! I feel bad that the nest was abandoned.

Yeah, I hope the mother can find it.

That pizza looks delicious!


Looks can be deceiving in this case!!! LOL!

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