
gahhhhh! I used to get SUCH bad allergies . it was the most miserable time until I got steroid shots. that's the only thing that would alleviate it!

so glad I dont get them any more!!! nothing works for yours???

I can deal with them, the main reason I don't deal with more proactively is because they hit me in very sudden and short bursts. I'll be sneezing like crazy for a full fifteen minutes, and then I'm fine for like an hour. If I was more diligent taking allergy medicine I probably wouldn't need to deal with it at all, but that costs money and the vast majority of the time I just don't have much of an issue.

Basically, yeah I could probably get rid of them. It just hasn't become enough of a persistent inconvenience yet for me to set aside the time to do so.

ohhhhhhhhhhh yeah - mine were .... hell on earth.

just.... the worst. and every year i had to convince the doctor (the SAME doctor) that nothing else worked except for the steroid shot

so i had to kinda go through 4 weeks of "trying" other things first. that was soooooooooo. fun.

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