What Is Self-Confidence?

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)


What is Self-Confidence?

Is it a comfortability with yourself?

Is it being comfortable with exploring discomforts?

Is it a balance of comfortability and uncomfortability?

Is it clarity in your words - Knowing who you are as the words you speak?

Self-Confidence is never just one of these things - it's all of them and whatever else you create for yousef.

  • self-confidence is a form of self-acceptance here in a way where there is no concern or even regard for the judgement of others around you - No fucks are given about what anyone thinks of you.

  • self-confidence is a calm, cool and collected form of self-stability.

  • Self-confidence is determined by the quality of the relaionship you have with youself.

  • Self-Confidence makes you un fuckwithable - you cannot be manipulated and controlled by anyone.

The Relationship we have with ourselves will determine the quality of our lives.

  • this is true for each one.

  • you either really give a shit or you don't or you're stuck in limbo

  • It's a matter of getting to know ourselves as our words.

  • Words are the anchors to a life of stability and the ability to navigate through any and all moments of instability.

  • Words are Life lines...and Life is only 1 Life at a time.

Self-Confidence is Giving your self the best 1 Liners

  • Your life is your story and you are the doctor of your scipt.

  • You can write the script however you like - just be honest with yourself.

  • self-honesty is synonomous with self-confidence.....As is Self-Trust, Self-Responsibility and Self-Forgiveness

  • Good is so good because tt's like god but with an extra O as in Orgasm.

  • Knowing who you are in thought, word, and deed.

  • You're always at home wherever you are because "home" is where you live...it's how you live and it's who you are in your body here.

Confidence is a Friend

face off.jpg



This rings very true for me. For years I had designs on changing the world, making my stamp on it, leaving a significant contribution. Maybe more out of ego than altruism at times...

But I was never able to accomplish any of what I set out to achieve because I hadn't yet made peace with myself.

I was divided, at odds with my own intent, and hadn't yet made an ally of myself. There was a lot of turmoil and self-sabotage before it finally clicked. But once I got onto the path of Mindfulness, Self-Love and Nurture, there was no looking back.

I quickly realised that if you want to change the world, the best way - as you allude to - is to change yourself. Then, you can watch as the world around you begins to take on a different complexion.

The right people and experiences enter your life at just the right moment, and a quickening takes place, jump starting you on your path of personal development.

The greatest contribution you can make to world is by working on yourself, then you will naturally make whatever contribution you have the capacity and skill for.

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

hey @reserch-mind self-honest is synonomous with self-confidence.....As is Self-Trust, Self-Honesty and Self-Responsibility.true...

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