Follow Through With Your Investigations

in #ulog6 years ago


Life is all about You and the Questions you Ask.

Remeber it is the King who asks the Questions.

Standing As King.

The Importance of Asking is not to be ignored.

This has changed the overall quality of my life. It's like going from unfucking yourself in a variety of ways.

Questions support with clarity in direction. Questions support introspection and self-reflection. The more you explore asking yourself questions....the more the world will give you what you need.

Things can be quite simple when and as we allow for simplicity.

Keep it simple as the king with Questions.

The Kingdom of Heaven lives inside each of one of us here as our self-worth. It is the responsibility to share the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth Here in our participations together. Heaven on Earth is the point of As within and So without. We only get HERE through the questions we are willing as the King to Ask.

Ask and Ye Shall Receive.

Forgiveness - Specifically Self-Forgiveness is the Pinnacle Point of your willingness to give yourself the very best. And obviously this includes also the willingness to forigve ourselves for our less than stellar acceptances and allowances.

The Access to the depths of ourselves is in the questions we are willing to ask ourselves....and the forgiveness we are willing to give and gift ourselves.

  • See and Realize Self-Forgiveness as a Gift

  • If you think you don't really have much to forgive - Warning - You are Scared....Hiding....and "Justifying your Bullshit."

  • Self-Forgiveness is so much so the point of living a life that is pro for giving.

  • Love Yourself with the Care you take and Gift to yourself - Your Worth It.

When I first learned about was like what the fuck.....because i had never considered this.....i thought it was like cheating in a i wasn't allowed to just give myself permission.....i was brought up to believe i need to ask someone else for me being never good enough.....I never knew i could give myself permission within actually giving and gifting myself with self-forgiveness. I was challenged on the point to not just believe anyone, but to actually in fact test it out for investigate it for real. One of the best things I've ever done for myself....that very question, "Does self-forgiveness really work?" @worldclassplayer


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Good sharing what a fabulous line you share STANDING as king i really like it you have analyse every aspect of questioning and answering and eben of course tjy way you describe here the forgiving factors too it produce a perfect combination of questioning answering and present a fantastic post lookinh cool in the right pathway

Good post..i like it

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