A Tomato Blooms In Denver

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

It's a Pagan miracle, my tomatoes are actually blooming!


So this is why every day for the past week, they've been getting droopy before I watered them. I was worried they were too crowded in their pot, since I have two plants in there, but I don't have any more soil to move them to a bigger one right now, unless I try and pull some done compost out of the not-all-done-because-I-keep-adding-to-it compost bucket. They were using up all their juice blooming! ^_^



I'm happy. I thought I wasn't going to see any blooms 'til February. XD I guess the pee food really worked (tomatoes like diluted human pee, if you're not on pharmaceuticals [because then you'd have pharmatos], but you're only supposed to give it to them until they start blooming. I wasn't at first, and they stayed tiny for months and were OK but just not growing much. I gave them pee two or three times and BAM - they got bigger and now I have blooms)! LOL

Apple Tree (who still needs a name) is free from their spider webs. I chalk it up to the massive rain storm we had maybe a week ago; there's a new spider web on the balcony in the corner by the door, under shelter from rain. ;)


I have a couple more marigolds in bloom, and a third on the way. Hooray! I love how they've been spacing themselves out so I always have blooms.

marigolds together.png

In non-balcony forest news, I must thank @khackett for alerting me to a few survey apps where you can earn money or gift cards. I just earned my first one from Survey Monkey Rewards last night, and I've earned two from Kinit (that's blockchain, btw - pretty cool), and gotten paid once from QMee so far. I don't get tons of surveys, probably because I don't have kids, I would guess - marketers probably are more interested in families - but hey, I'll take a few bucks here and there, thanks! Here's an article on Kinit from HackerNoon: https://hackernoon.com/kin-and-kinit-universal-basic-income-is-already-here-4dd04a5f6674

The kitties are doing well. Maggie has finally taken to jumping on the the massage table that is currently my bed (she sleeps under it a lot, but wouldn't come up on it with me for a while), and you can tell she is feeling more secure of late because she is grooming more (stressed kitties groom less). Mags is an anxious kitty sometimes, and it doesn't help that her brother is pushy and her human rearranges furniture more than she'd like (and vacuums. How dare I do that). She's prone to getting knots in her fur and doesn't like to let me brush her, except maybe for .003 nanoseconds once every third blue moon under a planetary alignment with the sun in Scorpio, or some ish. I've been trying to get her to let me HALP with those, but it's been NOPE for months, so they got pretty bad. Now I think we'll finally make some progress, because she's working on it herself. That only started when she started hopping up on the bed.

I don't know why it's worse when I do it gently with a pair of scissors when "working on it herself" entails her grabbing the knot in her teeth and YANKING IT OUT WITH FORCE, but whatever you want, Maggie, just please let me brush you when you're done so you don't keep getting knots!!

I'll consider it.

That's about it from The Hermitage In The Sky. Be good, Steemians!

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Omg those blooms are awesome, one of them looks pollinated too! Great job on the pee fert!!

And poor little Mags...hey, the Sun will be in Scorpio before we know it!

Come onnnnn, astrological alignment! 😁 How can you tell that one looks pollinated? That's gtk, because unfortunately I haven't seen many bees this year. Lots of them down by the sunflowers and cosmos house, but fewer on my block. Maybe the noisy construction drove them off? I've only seen them on the sage and lavender plants a couple times all summer!

Maybe pollinated from the wind?

The green spokes around the flowers will begin to peel back once the flower is pollinated.

And I'm sure you know this but if not:

Ohhhh I actually didn't know about the green peeling back meaning pollinated! I do know how to self pollinate though, because I had to do it for the chiles last year, lol.
Thank you for the info!

Congrats on the blooming tomatoes.
I'm wondering where in the world you are at after reading your post.

Thanks for joining the Garden Journal 2018 Challenge, by the way.
Always great to meet a new garden(er) ;0)

Thanks! Denver, Colorado, USA. :)

Is your balcony enclosed?

Posted using Partiko iOS

No, but it does have some solid walls. Basically I have a big open space facing south, and a cutout the size of a window facing east. So inside, toward the door, generally doesn't get rained on unless the wind is really blowing hard!

I've only ever been to Denver in the Summer and didn't realize it was warm enough for veggies to grow outside during the Fall/Winter. I need to look into growing over cold season myself now that I'm in New Mexico, not CA.

Oh, in the winter, definitely not. I bring them inside when it gets too cold if they're still producing. The bonus of planting in pots. Last season I had chiles growing inside in February. ;)

Tomatoes! 😍

Glad the surveys are paying out a little for ya! Every little bit helps. ❤

It definitely does. :)

Alexander Apple (tree)? Love that you have so many blooms on your tomatoes. Soon there will be nice red tomatoes on those vines! No mosquitos with marigolds. That's why I grow them (and have tree frogs!) What's up with Mags? Not grooming those knots? Not good...

She's always gone in cycles about it. I get her clear for several months and then they crop up again. At one point the vet and I were considering what is essentially kitty xanax for her anxiety, but I couldn't do it. The pheromone collar helps if she leaves it on, but she doesn't. Both my kitties are collar-removing pros. The pheromone plug in did pretty much nada, as I guess it needs to be right in her face. Jackson Galaxy Spirit Essences helped a little, maybe, but are hella expensive, and rescue remedy didn't do much. So we cycle.

Awww! Poor kitty! I wish I had a solution for you...

We work together. Maggie and I are survivors! :)

Blooms! Better late than never, I guess. How long can you keep things outside in Denver? Or can you make yourself a mini-greenhouse with a window opening to keep it warm? I haven't spent a LOT of time in your area, but I know your winters are pretty frosty...


It can vary wildly; our winter weather tends to be more during true winter, late December onward, so sometimes the fall is mild enough you can leave things out for some time. We haven't hit the equinox yet though, so I still definitely have time. However, there is an odd tradition of snow on Samhain (Halloween), even though our snowiest month is March. So, probably October-ish? Maybe November? When we have sub freezing cold snaps, they seem to be in January.
The thing about Colorado is, the weather never stays for long. It can be below freezing, freezing, and 40F in three days, or 60*F and zero in the same week. ;)

Nice photography

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