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RE: #Ulog 21 - Trying out some new Flavour Flaaav!

in #ulog5 years ago

I tried smoking hubbly more constant and even vaping but it all tasted too damn nice. Instead I will stick to working on my cancer the good 'ol fashioned way with a good 'ol fashioned shitty taste so I know I shall die from this. Smile as I take control of my destiny. Then Thabo stabs me and the smile fades as I fade but who knows maybe I did succeed so one last drag and a final lie to myself...

!gifbot escalated


LOL I've never actually smoked a ciggy before, can you believe that? I do love my hubbly though, its more of a ritual because I don't really smoke alone only when friends come over. I tried the vaping thing but it was waaay to much to maintain and everyone simply assumes you're a douchebag lol

It was quite affordable before the skinny jean fucks got their hands on it now it is the same as human rights cliche and overhyped with a nifty price tag.

Yeah when I got started it was only a handful of people who gave a shit about it! I fear weed is going the same way now too, everyone and their mom is now an activist

People just go around tainting everything. I would say chill the fuck out but it is like hypnosis, some people just are not as susceptible... Same with logic it seems.

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