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RE: Ulog No. 32: "Some of my Food Analogies" and a chance to win 3 SBI Shares

in #ulog6 years ago

Thanks for the kind offer @evlachsblog.
How do I compare food with life?
Well, the fact is...

We eat to live, we live to have a life, and a part of our life is fill with a lot kind of food.

Food versus love

If we eat too much, it can cause us stomachache and the same goes for love...
If we love too much, we can easily get a heartache.

As eating food can get rid of hunger... So is love can get rid of loneliness

As eating too much of the same food everyday can make us queasy, so is giving too much love without return can make us fade up...

So, How do we make life more beautiful with food and love?

Food : We create a lot of recipe and eat different type everyday. Even in a day we are eating a lot kind of food.

Love : We do various activity that can make us connect we other more such as movie night, travelling, hiking, jungle tracking and more.

Last but not least.

I have fun reading and commenting on your post.


Thank you for your input, @myd77. I agree with what you said:

If we eat too much, it can cause us stomachache and the same goes for love...

If we eat too much, we may also get heartburn. Haha! However, with this statement:

If we love too much, we can easily get a heartache.

I don't think there's nothing wrong with loving too much. When we give our love and that love is reciprocated, it's a wonderful feeling. When it comes to loving, I think there's never too much. Well, that's me, because I guess I am a romantic person. Yes, I get hurt, but that's because I let myself down for setting my expectations probably too high, and that's nothing to do with love. When I am let down, it is not because I love too much, but it's what I expect from the person instead.

So love should be unconditional (which is loving someone "so" much) without expecting anything in return. We just have to do it because we are commanded to love one another. We are also meant to "love ourselves" so we will have to do our best to protect ourselves from getting hurt. What can we do so that we won't get hurt? I guess, it's impossible. We will be hurt, which is part of life. And part of loving someone is also accepting the other person for who and what they are. If there's full acceptance, then there's no expectation. Again, that's my own opinion.

I totally agree with your statement:

As eating food can get rid of hunger... So is love can get rid of loneliness

Again, with this statement though:

giving too much love without return can make us fade up...

Maybe, if people try to love unconditionally without expecting in return, then there's no reason we will be fed up.

Thank you again for your contribution. I also enjoyed replying to your comment.

I agree with you too. I totally forgot about love unconditionally. Thank you for reminding me. Gosh I still need others to remind me until now.

Thank you for reminding me.
Guess I have been hurt a lot before that I keep forgotting about love unconditionally.

But that is the past... Now I am totally happy yet the painful memory still running in my mind.

Hopefully someday my old bad memory will be burried under my happy thought so that I could achieve unconditional love someday.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh, you're welcome. I also need that reminder myself. Sometimes I don't realise it until I say it out loud or write it in my journal.

Memories linger. That's why they're called memories. They are stuck in our brain. Good or bad, they linger, but usually the painful memories are the ones that don't seem to go away easily, but they serve as great lessons in life that hopefully the next time we experience or encounter the same thing again, it won't be as bad anymore.

The next time we encounter it, I'm sure it is not as bad as the first time. Sometimes, it won't feel bad at all because as you said... We do learn.


I think it is up to an individual on how they take their lesson on bad experiences.

Some may be positive and some may be negative but as long as there is someone to remind us about all the good things that could happen, it will be just fine.

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