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RE: Ulog No. 34: "Decisions"

in #ulog6 years ago

The teenage years, as our bodies, hormones and emotions change going in into adulthood, can be the most confusing times of our lives. I don't think it's unusual for a lot of "model" students to lose their way, because lets face it, it was not necessarily their way, but what they thought was the expected way. A lot of pressure is put on us in our transition years to choose our adult paths, when transitioning is already hard enough. It's no wonder that we rebel or get confused.

A lot of our beliefs in what we should be doing come from expectations either of others, or what we think others expect of us. We might start a career because it was our calling, but sometimes restrictions can be placed on that career from outside sources.

Perhaps assess why you think you are no longer happy in your teaching role. Is it due to things outside of your control? How much longer do you have left at university? If it's not much longer, is it worth just pushing through to just complete it and have it behind you or are you at the beginning of your course? If you're at the beginning and having doubts do you think it will get any better?

...just see where it will lead me

Is that a bad thing, to let life take you where it will. Sometimes we need to let go of control for a bit in order to realise what really is important to us. Then we can take charge of our path again to head down the one we truly want. Sometimes we put a lot of expectations on ourselves to act as adults, but who truly knows how adults are meant to behave. I think that decision is individual to all of us.


Thank you, @minismallholding, for your comment and for your advice. It wasn't because I was no longer happy in my teaching. I'm just confused and probably burnt out already. Most of the time I work beyond my paid hours and sometimes it feels like there's just not enough time to do the rest of what I need to accomplish. I still have 2 years left to complete my degree in Early Childhood Teaching, that is, if I intend to study full time. Right now, I can't afford to study full time, so I just enrolled for one unit this semester, which means that I might finish my course in 2021 or mid-2022.

You're also right. I am putting undue pressure on myself because I want to meet people's expectations of me and I don't want to let anyone down. I don't want to let ME down. I feel like I'm sort of a failure if I don't meet those expectations. I just hope that things will be better. I know that I'm going to be okay, I just need to take it easy day by day.

It certainly must feel like there's a long time ahead of you before your studies and full qualifications are done. Perhaps you just need to be a little gentler on yourself.

Yeah, I can be a little too hard or too harsh on myself sometimes. I shouldn't be. I've got to learn to love myself more by giving myself plenty of time to rest and relax and enjoy life, not only when I badly need it.

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