
How wonderful - you've got to say, it's a day you're never going to forget! Let's face it, you guy achieved what most bridezillas can only dream of- a truly unique wedding! Evie x

Thank you, @eveningart! Yes, it definitely was unique! But I really don't think I'd have wanted it any other way: it's more special this way...

nice job @jamerussell ... those things we do when we're young eh.
Knew you could do a pretty decent post. Hope to see you pimp this on Thursday.

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Thank you @shadowspub(68)! I'm getting help from the best!

This is a very cool story! So entertaining! Isn't it crazy how we do things when younger? Thanks for sharing this chaming account! 😁

Thank you, @thekittygirl(60)! Uh, yes, if I had to do this again, I don't know that winging it like that would suffice! At least I'd think about it!

Thank you @bluefinstudios! I actually enjoyed writing it!

hahaha sorry I missed this post earlier :) Love the photo THE photo ;) Man, times have sure changed, haven't they! Today, people spend thousands of dollars on one night ... not your average 60 dollar hotel :)

Yes,@lynncoyle1 things have changed big time!
Hope everything is well for you and Brian, as well as can be expected! Stay strong, and love, you two.

great story.. almost couldn't read it without 'magic carpet ride' going through my head..

so many gems in it..

that day I asked her if she wanted to get married. She said yes, after all, she just bought me a battery!

Now I have that song by Steppenwolf running through my head, @darrenfj! Hahaha!

well my work here is done


backs out of the room

this is a totally awesome story! hehehehe thanks for sharing and can't wait to get to know you more in WW :)

Thank you, @dreemsteem, you will in WW!!!

Wow! What a story! I know we do crazy things when we are young that we would never do when we are older. However, it is a great story. I just loved it!

Thank you @xcountytravelers ! I really enjoyed writing this one, and if it made just one couple think about it before they jumped into it, my advice would be have at least $70!!! lol

Hi @jamerussell, this post is awsome, and so is the picture. You and your wife would have fit right in with my husband and I and our friends. I have an old photo of us, both with long hair down to our backs, parted in the middle, my husband with a bandanna tied around his head, and we have our arms around each other, standing in a similar position. In 1977 my husband and I graduated from High School, where the same age, and got married by the “Justice Of The Peace” it cost us $25.00 back then. And we are still happily married after all these years, we will both be turning sixty in just a few months. 70’s was a great time for us, loved the music! Are you and your wife still together?

Thank you, @lildebbiecakes, that would have been totally awesome!
I have been riding motorcycles since 1968, so my lifestyle was a little different from most; more of a way of life back then, but that's a whole different story for another time.
To answer your question, yes we are. We lived together since January of '76, so we get confused about how long we've been "married"! I say 41 and she says 43. I don't find any pleasure in arguing, and am not into running, because I believe that one does not argue with a woman unless he can run! lol I will be 67 in March and she will be 65 in July.

That is terrific news to here that you are still married! My husband and I met when we where ten years old in a very little desert community called Dolan Springs, about 75 miles directly in between Las Vegas Nevada, and Kingman Arizona. I bet you’ve traveled that highway, anyways I fell madly in love with Rick at eleven years of age. I came home from school one day and told my mom I was going to marry someone at school, and the rest is history. The school was so tiny, there was only six kids in my class. We have always thought that we where destined to be with each other, soul mates, brought together by God. We grew into a couple pot smoking mellow little hippies, an considered ourselves as the last of the hippie generation. My husband became a pharmacist, and him and I owned and ran together a little “ma and pa” pharmacy started from the ground up for 38 years. It was owned first by someone else, my husband Rick was the only pharmacist the guy hired to run this new opened business, but he wanted out of it after a year, and we just took it over then, we were only 22 years old, It was a pretty sweet deal we couldn’t pass up. Rick decided he wanted to go to college in Omaha which is about 5 hours away from us❣️

This is an anomaly in today's time; not too many have stuck it out. It is kind of neat looking back in retrospect, is extremely fascinating!
Sometimes I look back and think what could have been. That thought usually lasts for about 15 to 30 seconds, and it is gone.
Do not want to spend my life looking backward, better to move forward.
It's nice that you and Rick started out that way, so early, and that you wound up having your own business. Congratulations, on all levels!

Nice story! I love this, I really do.

Thank you, Ren! Or, @heyhaveyoumet! Hehehe!

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