Creating Space - ULOG 001

in #ulog6 years ago

High Productivity In Fifteen Minute Bites

I can't live in the chaos of my physical and online environment any longer.

Today I decided to start to get a grip on things.

I'd like to say that things have slipped because of the gorgeous weather we've been having and time spent out and about but, I'd be lying. Things have been piling up for a very long time and I'm yearning for some space.

Take a look at my desk, for example.


Sadly, that's a pretty fair representation of my life in general right now.

I have loads of financial stuff I've let slip.

I think the last time I attended to this was in January when I completed my tax return. Since then, all I've done is fight fires.

My room needs a really good declutter and then a deep clean.

I have loads of 'not essential right now' but 'need to be done' tasks I have been putting off for yonks.

Consequently my mind is also full of clutter.

I've been low on energy on and off since my return from Devon at the beginning of June, so I'm hoping tackling some of the material clutter will also clear my mind a bit.

I'm not going to make any great promises of how I'm going to get on top of it all and deal with every thing that's on my mind as, I've learned from past experience, that such grand gestures never last long.

But, it's now 12.00 and today, at least, I will tackle one thing at a time and see how far I get.

I have a call at 3 o'clock so that will take a chuck of time but until then and, hopefully afterwards, I will work in 15 minute slots and rotate through what needs to be done.

This is my rotation schedule: Cleaning/decluttering my room - Steemit - Other Household stuff - Work

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It's now 6.00 pm and I'm happy to say my clearing up went very well.

I decluttered and cleaned 4 shelves, and sorted out the desk top.

I had hoped to be able to action everything from the desk but it was simply not possible. It needed sorting first and at least that's done now. 😁


The only stuff left in the pile is financial/household paperwork that needs to be sorted online and some notes/leaflets I've saved to write future blog posts from.

Since this post was very much about my life I've decided to make it my first #ULOG.

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Nothing like a good before and after photo to make you feel you got something done today :) hopefully the exercise helped to clear your mind a bit also.

Not sure it cleared my mind to be honest @steven-patrick, there's long way to go yet but it felt very good to have made a start! 😊

It's funny how easily clutter can become a burden. Always gives rise to thinking about how how we have not only physical clutter, but also mental clutter... ideas we no longer need.


True. And I can't believe how tiring it is sorting through it @curatorcat. I'm only on my second day and I'm already finding it really tough going.

So far it's taken me all morning, on and off, just to clear one shelf. I needed to sort through a load more papers to get it done and that's what tires me most.

Anyway. At least that's one more done. Let's see what this afternoon brings. 😊

Aw. That's a lovely thing to hear @melinda010100. I couldn't wish for more than that! Thank you. 😍

Mine is alike.... I've material from my travels all around my desk... But I have this cleaning fever sometimes and then I clean everything like I was mad... But not often enough, lol!

Well I had another day at it again today @nolasco. I'll make another post later.

I would really like to keep up the momentum but we are looking after the grandchildren tomorrow and we have house guests all weekend.

Fingers crossed I'll still feel like starting again with it on Monday.

I have a strong urge for a really big clear out at the moment. 😊

I will check it out, Gillian! Hope everything goes smooth and you enjoy your grandchildren fully!

We had a lovely day @nolasco. Thank you. Full on and tiring but fun!

We've now got a house guest for a couple of days so still pretty busy. Hope you're having a fun weekend. 😍

You too, sweetie! Try not to get too tired :))!

howdy from Texas @gillianpearce! so in 7 days you are going to take another photo of your desk and show us how you have kept it in perfect organization right?

That's a good idea @janton. Not sure I'll post a photograph as that might get a bit boring but feel free to ask me on Thursday what it looks like. 😁

howdy this fine Sunday @gillianpearce! I thought on Steemit you had to prove everything with photos, how are we supposed to believe you without proof? lol. I believe you but isn't that the way steemit works? I'm teasing but also still learning!
oh wow you're about to hit 60 rep, are you going to celebrate when that happens?

you're about to hit 60 rep, are you going to celebrate when that happens?

I'm not sure @janton. Right now I'm too tired to think about much. it's Monday already and I should be in bed. We have house guests so I'm playing hostess again tomorrow.

Right now it feels like all my Zen approach has gone out the window. 😢

oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. but I have faith that you will have a good week, you've done it before in trying circumstances.
maybe you should take another trip to Devon.

Ha. ha. ha @janton. You should be a fortune teller. Guess what?

I've just arranged to go back to Devon next weekend. 😁

yay! I can't wait to see some wonderful photos so we can all turn green with envy! lol

Ha, ha, ha. @janton. Not sure what opportunities I'll get this time since i'm staying at my friends house (i.e. not going on retreat) and I won't have any transport.

Normally John and I go off exploring everyday but that won't b happening this time but let's see what I can come up with! 😁

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