Ulog 34: Life’s Little Disappointments

in #ulog6 years ago

Elizabeth Lawrence (4).jpg

Hello lovelies,

I’ve got a slightly sad follow-up to share with you from my Gratitude post on Friday.

Remember how I told you I would be collecting a guitar and how excited I was about it? Well this is the second part of that story, but first, I need to fill you in a little bit about some personal stuff that has happened this year so far.

As you know, I lost my wonderful mum in March. Just six week later, we lost my Other Half’s dad too. It has been a really tough year. With one thing and another.

Anyway, Pops lived in London and we’re down in Devon, and as we had to hand the keys back pretty fast for his rental flat in London, we had all of his stuff shipped down to a storage container near to us, so that we could deal with going through it all in our own time.

When I mentioned to my Other Half that I would like to get another guitar, he said that his dad had one, and that it should be in the container with the rest of his things. He thought it was a decent one, and that I could have it to play. So, this weekend, we braved our first emotional trip to storage to fetch the guitar.

It was there, the beautiful hard case very dusty, but other than that, it looked perfect. We got it back to the house, opened it up, and there is the most beautiful instrument staring back at us. Not quite the run-of-the-mill acoustic we were expecting. A Martin. A really beautiful Martin.

I got it out to check it over while OH went upstairs to look it up.

And this is where the story gets sad. It’s sad because the instrument is worth somewhere between £1700 and £2000. And because it’s a part of Pops's estate, something of that value has to be sold and split. I can’t possibly afford this guitar and to be honest, at my level of playing, I don’t need such a lovely instrument.

So yeah, long story short- we are going to have to sell Pop’s guitar. Of course, I’m disappointed, but I know my instrument is out there somewhere, waiting for me to find it. I’m just sad it’s not this one.

Anyway… that’s my news. BOO ☹

Eveningart x


Sources: Image and header via Canva


Oh my!!! Dont!! Its so sad to know that..

We would have heard you play one piece over the WW house!

I dont know much about guitars, but im sorry that you have to let it go. I know how much you have wanted to keep it. Haaay! But surely, you will have your very own at the right time. Maybe it will be more than the worth of Martin..

Im sorry too for the loss of your love ones.

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Thank you my sweet. I guess it's just one of those things. The value doesn't mean anything to me... more that it was his guitar. I'll find the right one. I know it 😁

E x

Yeah i believe it too.. something that you can really call yours! I know Santa is watching, you have been a good girl.. who knows.. 😉

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This almost made me cry.... 😭 Poor guitar, handed off for coin instead of being allowed to rest and be loved in your sweet hands. 🙌🏼 May your instrument soonly find you, dear. I’ll be waiting to hear you play.... 💜

Aw thank you Zippy.. thought you might be one to understand how it felt. I know it'll find someone to love it.. and I th8nk im going to save up for a lovely classical nylonsteing to start with as I'd like to focus on fingerpicking 😁 Hopefully it'll happen soon and I'll pluck up the courage to play on here. E x

I am sorry to learn about the passing of two beloved family members. I am sure that your Other Half's Dad would have loved for you to have his guitar. Still, even if it has to be sold as part of the estate, your Other Half may want you to get the guitar that is for you somewhere, and that would still count as a physical token of his Dad's memories left for him and for you. Have a lovely day, @eveningart.

Thank you so much! Pops was a generous, lovely man and I owe so much to him. Something will turn up... they have a way of working out. Hope you're having a wonderful day. Thanks so much for your lovely comment xxx

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Thank you so much for this! What an honour.
E x

No oh no. I just imagined how hard it was to get to the container after all that and be confronted with all the emotions ... but this ... after all ... oh I wish I had £1000 to give to you right now ... breaks my heart @eveningart ... I am anyway so emotional after the last evening with a close friend that leaves the country today ... but now ... even more emotional

Dear whoever, whatever, where ever, how small or how big you are ... entity .. universe ... god ... call it what you like ... give me money to spread it wisely to make a change ....right NOW😤


Oh my God! A Martin! That should've been yours, can it be consider as heir to you by your beloved pops? It's just sad that it is the only way for you to touch your dad's hands.

I was longing for my dad's hugs when he passed, and until now, I keep finding things that he usually held for me to somehow feel his hands still.

While you already have one but cannot be yours?

Anyway, wish you all the best to find that guitar of yours.

but yours is coming... the one that you will not be afraid to love as you see fit! hehehee

an extra special guitar might make you super sensitive? but the next one!!!! the one that is on its way to you.... THAT one is going to be JUST. FOR. YOU!

and her name will be...

(but i'm sorry that it didn't turn out the way you expected... that's never fun. and especially after such an emotional weekend)

howdy there eveningart..so sorry to hear this bad bit of news. why don't you just not tell anyone of it's value and keep a treasured keepsake of the family in the family?

Haha - well... you know... the law has a horrible habit of getting in the way... and these legal and familial ties are complex and important to honour... even if it does suck at the time ;)

yeah I guess that's true. I guess you can't have a friend steal it for you and from you for awhile.

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