I climbed a tree, and I liked it. Ulog #4 - Working my way back around to Treeplanting Treeplanters

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

We have been out and about in Wisconsin, meeting up with friends and family as much as we can. We are doing our best to continue to develop the discipline of writing, turning our ever expanding collection of photographs into deposits onto this blockchain. So here is the story of one such visit, and the mulberry tree I fell in love with.

making photographs.jpg
We're always looking for stuff to point a camera at

Back yards are the magical realm of creativity! Not all people feel this way, but luckily some still do. We were out in one such back yard with some loved ones, and a couple of cameras. We were finding flowers, insects, butterflies, animals and lots and lots of fun.

Someone mentioned a mulberry tree. I was less than enthusiastic, since I had recently tried some mulberries in another back yard that were totally for the birds. But we eventually made our way over there.

Mulberry win.JPG
The only problem was that few of the ripe berries were reachable.

I love trees, it may have something to do with my life experiences, but I think that I always have. So I jumped up into the mulberry to bend some branches down for others, and get a leg up on the competition. @ecoinstante started joking that she could hear the birds grumbling to each other that a competitor had arrived on the scene. I tried to assure them, I don't really like mulberries.

But then I tasted one.

This is what a mulberry tastes like?!??

It was delicious! Full of flavor and sweet, but still with the delicate acidity that keeps the sweet from becoming sickening, these were the most delicious mulberries I had ever tasted! Suddenly, I became eager to eat every one I could get my hands on, assuring our avian friends that more would ripen soon enough.

I stayed so long, I was soon hunting alone.

mulberry picking.JPG
Hey guys, wait for me!!

We were soon joking about Papa-Pepper's Combination Photography Contest, since we had both enjoyed @sallybeth23's photograph of a monkey in an ice-cream bean tree.

Perhaps this bigfoot-eating-mulberries sighting could give monkey-eating-beans a run for its money?

bigfoot maybe.jpg

I have since read lots of information about different mulberry varieties, including the hunt for the red-mulberry and historical uses

Thanks for reading our mulberrical adventures, remember that to look at the world with fresh eyes requires a positive attitude and an open mind.

Love and Light for All!


BIgfoot has been found!

big foot found.jpg


Haha Great post. Mulberries are delicious well grown well. Love the photos 😍🌈🦋🌴💛❤️

Thank you Sally Beth!
I have been enjoying too
your jungle photos!

Thank you Sally Beth!
I have been enjoying too
Your jungle photos!

                 - ecoinstant

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

jajaja se ven tan lindos los tres.
Es tan agradable disfrutar la fruta recogida directamente del árbol.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

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