Sunday Mindwalk: On Company, Connections and Our Perceptions (Ulog no. 2)

in #ulog6 years ago

It's a QUIET Sunday morning, around these parts.

At the risk of sounding all "New Age Woo-Woo," it feels like the world is "quiet," energetically.

That's hard to describe adequately. Most people don't even try — even though they may feel "something" — usually for fear of being thought some kind of mentally unstable nutjob.

The Balance of Life

Whether to my advantage or detriment, I have generally not put much stock in other people's need to "categorize," according to neat pre-defined boxes. We all tend to be the sum total of our genetics and experiences, and that's a marvelous mystery of infinite variation.

The "boxes," in my opinion, only serve to put some people at ease because they fell uncomfortable with — or even frightened of — the unknown.

It's quiet in our house because we have had a houseguest staying for the past 12 days, and she left yesterday.

Whether you like having people stay at your house or not, we can probably agree that visitors change our routines. A certain "equilibrium" we are used to on a daily basis is "upset" and that puts us slightly off-balance. It may be nothing more than having to make extra coffee in the morning; it may be as complex as having to provide daily "entertainment" for 12 days straight.

Wild wheatgrass

Personally, I am a creature of habit; always have been. I don't find change "exciting" or "stimulating," I generally find it stressful and anxietymaking. That doesn't mean I don't recognize it as both inevitable and essential in life... it just means I don't like it.

When I say it's quiet in our house, it's a combination of things: The house is quiet, physically. Less talking. My mind is quiet; no longer "on alert" for the next action I will be called to take. The cats and dog are quiet, because there is no longer a stranger around.

Nutty as it might sound, I just added to the "quiet" simply by removing the dirty linens and towels from the guest room, and the leftover bits of food and take-out containers from the fridge. 

It's quiet because it feels like our house again, not a "guest house."

As for the "Universal" energies I claim to feel... who knows?

If I get all scientific and psychological about it, what I end up with is endings and beginnings.

Whenever something "ends," there tends to be a sort of "quiet after the storm.

Lone pine, Big Sur, CA

We think to ourselves, "Wow, that's over now..." and then there's a break of state as something that was is no more, and a window of new possibilities opens because our attention is no longer held by the old.

Our houseguest left.

Our daughter has been in the thick of a wedding happening this morning; she's Maid of Honor and has been in a frenzy of planning and work for a couple of months. That is ending, even as we speak. 

France won the World Cup. 

That whole "band of attention" is now over. 

If you are USA-centric, consider that an estimated 3+ billion people probably watched the World Cup unfold, compared to 120-ish million people watching the Superbowl.

I realized, this morning, that I had an internal "commentary" running in the back of my mind. France winning represented the expected; the inevitable outcome; a return to "normalcy." I felt it when they went ahead 3-1. 

Distant mountains

In a sense, Croatia represented "change;" the notion that a well-equipped small group have the capacity to upset the status quo.

There are other things happening at the moment, too, which are too soon to talk about... however, it all seems to add up to a feeling that tomorrow, we can just get back to "going about life, as usual."

Some kind of great storm has blown for a while, and now it has gone out to sea to rain its fury down on a dark ocean, unseen, unheard and unnoticed by anyone... and we clean up and go about life.

My perception of existence has long been that it runs in cycles, and whereas we can crunch numbers till we are blue in the face to generate "scientific" reasons for everything... there is still this uniquely human thing called "mood" that defies quantification, regardless of how much we try. And try, we do.

There has been a mood change.

"Signs and symbols and omens" and all that stuff? Who knows whether that's a thing. 

What's true, right in this moment, is that a hummingbird just came under the eaves of our downstairs back porch and hovered outside my office window where I sit right now. It was no more than three feet for the glass, and it hung there, for about five seconds. 

Evening reflection on water

The hummingbird feeder — at the other end up the house, and upstairs — is empty. I just went to check. It still had some juice in it, last night.

How does that little bird "know" that I am the one to refill it, and that of all the windows in the house — which it can barely see through due to reflection — mine is the one to come to, to get attention?

Pure coincidence? Or is there an "intelligence" there?

I'll leave you with that, because the little critter is hungry and I must heed the call!

So, here's your final thought: I consider myself mostly "scientific." But I cannot subscribe to the iron law some follow that "if science hasn't measured it, it doesn't exist.

I might be skeptic, but also open-minded: "If science hasn't measured it, it may still exist... we just don't have the tools and knowledge to measure it, yet." Let's face it, microwaves "existed" long before we understood they were "a thing.

Have a marvelous rest of your Sunday!

Comments, questions, thoughts and even free-association rambles are always welcome, and invited! Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 180715 11:24 PDT


I was too sad for Croatia. Although the French were by far the better team but the Croatian journey to the world cup finals had very much inspired me. Modric was so good through the tournament.

I, too, had hoped that there might be an "inspired" team as champion, for a change... but it ended up in "business as usual," in the end.

Which is not to take anything away from France; they were definitely the better team today.

Great read and photos as always!
Steem on :)

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howdy there @denmarkguy! love the post, I hate change also, I think almost every guy reading this hates change! Glad to see that life is back to normal. You know that hummingbird has your number, you KNOW he knows that YOU are the one who feeds him, that is so cool.

Science is so far behind spiritual truth it ain't even funny. They imprison themselves in ignorance so much of the time in so many ways because they can't prove it in their labs.
great post sir denmarkguy which begs the question why aren't you there?

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