in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

I have decided to take a break from science post and also explore the aspect I am also good at. In the The next couple of days, I will be sharing some nuggets about leadership.

Most people think that leadership is just to lead, they fail to realise the fact that it comes with a heavy task and great responsibility.

A leader according to oxford dictionary

is a person or thing that leads in a certain field in terms of excellence, success etc


The definition here is quite simple, short and concise but with deeper meaning. Expounding the word excellence and success goes way beyond the contextual meaning here. I have so far held several mini leadership positions e.g in most courses I offered right from my first year and I must say that it is not so easy.

During these periods and up till now I have learnt that as a leader you must sacrifice, take responsibility of whatever happens and at the same time be ready to be blamed. You have to ready to be criticized be it good or bad. Your best can never be good enough to all.

It is not enough to say I want to lead but the question is, do you have what it takes to effectively lead.

The greatest leaders so far have that special quality called charisma- a personal magic of leadership arousing popular loyalty or enthusiasm.

I have so far learnt that the best way to draw people closer is to be more concerned about making them feel good about themselves rather than making them feel good about me. This simply shows you have their interest at heart.

Confidence in people matters a lot; show me a leader who believes in other people, and I will show you a leader who has a lot of confidence in his or her life.

Many are called but few are chosen! We all have different talents in life and until we discover our talent and know what works for us, we will find it difficult to live that purposeful life we have always envisaged.

A leader’s character should be worth emulating and encouraging. His subjects should be able to boldly and confidently talk about him or her anywhere. His life should be a motivation to others and also his life positively impact in others. He should always be willing to give support and encouragement to his subordinate, a leader is a selfless lover.

Leadership is a calling and it is not something one just wakes up overnight and decides to jump into. One of the main attribute a leader should have is vision.

Without vision, there is no foresight, without vision there is no planning, without vision there is no objective, without vision there is no prospect, without vision there is no organization.

Effective leadership through effective relationship is what every leader should always yearn for.

The ideology I have adopted towards life and people under my leadership is simple-TEACH

T- Tell them it takes time but success is guaranteed as long as there is perseverance, optimism and hope

E- Expose myself to their problems in order to relate to them.

A- Assure them of my confidence in them.

C- Creatively show them how to deal with their problems.

H- Hope for the best from.

It an established fact that one who fails to plan, plans to fail. One thing is planning and another is execution.

We are humans and we all have defeats and failures that occasionally and temporarily lower our level of confidence but if we accept the fact that we will not always be outstanding in everything we attempt, definitely we won’t be devastated when our best is not good enough.

Team work plays a lot of role in leadership, this obviously will comprise of dedicated, diligent, persevering and enthusiastic team of officials who will be willing to sacrifice their time and dedicate their time to towards accomplishment of set goals

One tree does not make a forest, the collective efforts and corporation of the people will help a leader maximally and efficiently achieve his or her goal.

To attain the height and pinnacle of greatness depends on obviously what we all want and pray for but the big question now is, are we willing to sacrifice. Nothing good comes easy in life, we all have to fight till the end.

Leaders are readers and they set standards for other to follow.

I am @Cyprianj and my ideology is TEACH.

Thanks for reading.
Few inspirations in this article were gotten from the book by John C. Maxwell - Be a people person

All pictures used here are from pixabay

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