Dear Diary: Health Update: My Calorie Intake In The Next Level

in #ulog6 years ago
My Protein Drink
My Phosphate Binder
This should help me gain weight.
This will help me cure my hyperparathyroidism.

I upped the ante regarding my health maintenance and decided a few days ago to give my body some extra calories and the reason for that is my inability to eat correctly so I am now taking protein drink which I plan to pair with eggs and or fruits and a regular meal if I can eat so that I can fatten up and solve my calorie deficit once and for all.

I would also procure myself a phosphate binder so that I could lower my phosphorus in my system and I know that it will have a positive impact on my hyperparathyroidism issue as I know that the cause of it is my chronic high phosphorus in my body as cutting the root is one way to overcome my hyperparathyroid pump issue.


Its in expensive affair because the protein drink powder and the phosphate binder are expensive but the good news is that good people here at steemit are behind my back on my quest to pull myself out from my seemingly impossible problem. But I am persevering to finish my goals not only for my self but also for my parents in the process.

None of these things would happen without the help of steemit community so I am thanking my friends here because you yourselves are a life-saver, a life-giver, you are making me born myself again to change from an ugly caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly in terms of making me feel much better both in my physical strength and my thoughts. May God bless you and keep you all. God Bless steemit.


If proteinous foods will make you fatter then I will advice you to take more of it so that you can add more weight and be more healthy, anything that your body needs to replenish you health take it . I know things are getting better with you my friend

Hope your all struggle will come true.God will help are genius as you are eating what you needed.

Mucha fuerza @cryptopie y recuerda que solo el cariño de las personas que de verdad nos quieren nos dan energia para superar todos los problemas que se nos presentan en la vida. Y como dices al final de tu publicación Dios Bendiga a todos en especial a los usuarios de Steemit

Your mind is as big as the sea, pure like the water of the water, you have a great desire for everyone. You are great Please pray to God that you stay well. God is good to all.

saya sangat senang bila membaca tentang kesehatanmu mulai membaik,namun saya berharap selalu untuk yang terbaik untukmu
I am very happy to read about your health started to improve, but I hope always to the best for you

Dear Cryptopie,

You are already a beautiful and colourful butterfly for true beauty is internal.

I love your will and I am rest assured it will see you through.

May God bless and keep you always.

You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

i am so happy to read your post. Health is getting better. protein intake and other nutrients must be done with a balance so as not to cause adverse effects. With better health, you will be able to do many things. And the more proud is that we are reunited in steemit that can make us as a big family. Stemian one and the other will give each other suport. i hope you enjoy your day.

Beside medicine, you must have wait for God blessing. He can do anything. You had better thank God beside Steemit community. God bless you.

keep the spirit for your good health, hopefully good results are always there for you

Have you always had a hard time gaining weight?

Ever since I was young, I've always been very underweight for my age. Always had a sweet tooth, but I never felt like I could over-eat, because I did not like the stomach ache of feeling full. Once I tried Slim Fast shakes I discovered when I had oral tooth surgery were a nice way to get lots of calories and nutrition when I could not chew anything, and I think they are very tasty. My body tends to crave greens, sweets, meats, carbs, or dairy. Even though I tend to follow my cravings, I have never gotten fat.

I think you will start to notice some changes if you stick to any new meal plan.

I never did get any fatter because of my current condition. But hopefully I could see some changes soon.

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