ULOG # 1 - Day at the Aquarium

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

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It is not often that I write a post about me or my personal life. Being quite private, I tend to blog on non-personal interests with topics ranging from Steemit, to #comedyopenmic, to my fiction stories inspired by #steemmonsters. Now and then, I would like to share an interesting day of my life on here.

Here is where ULOG beautifully enters the picture! I have seen many individuals I follow, like @maverickinvictus, showing support for Ulog. From what I've ascertained, https://ulogs.org is a dapp where individuals write about their day and share their lives with others on the STEEM blockchain. ULOG is a brainchild of @surpassinggoogle (witness @steemgigs).

I like the fact that there is an identity associated with the ULOG brand. My friends would know that a post written with the ULOG title is a personalized post about my life. They can choose to read it or not. Why would you not want to know more about me? (yes, super corny joke 😂). I may not get to write a post on the same day of the event, but I will aim for the same month! 😏

Today's Ulog will be on a trip that happened a couple weeks ago, but I will share a photo of a surprise visitor to my backyard that is staring at me this very moment. Very intently too! What a beautiful creature they are. They seem to like coming around here.

Yes, the pool water is green. No, you do not want to hear the horrendous experience with the 'pool boys'.

Journey with me on my first ULOG post to the Aquarium!

We decided to take a trip to the Aquarium for the 4th of July celebration. Last year, I decided I will be an awesome mom and spend more time on family outings. I splurged on annual memberships to the Aquarium and the Zoo for the family. Even grandparents were included, although their idea of a good time does not involve walking. I figured two visits would cover the cost of the annual membership tickets. Well, it is more than half a year later and we had yet to visit the Aquarium or Zoo 🙄.

The morning of July 4th, I checked the Aquarium site for events of the day and they had fireworks on the waterfront. Best part of all, they had extended hours for the day. I asked my son if he would like to visit fishes at the aquarium. He enthusiastically nodded his head, gave mommy a beatific smile, and said “feeshies”, so off we went to the Aquarium!

We were greeted by beautiful photograph hangings on the side of the Aquarium building highlighting the animals we would visit inside. Hmmm..where was that exotic fish and hippopotamus?

Ah well. Will have to take that trip to the Zoo for the hippo!

The Aquarium is built on the waterfront with a view to the bordering state across the river. In years past, we would celebrate 4th of July on the other side of the river, but we decided to give the Aquarium a chance this year. It is kid-friendly, and considering the day was around 90 °F, it was an opportune day to have an indoor celebration.

We entered the atrium to be greeted by this wondrous chandelier of flying fishes. A DJ was stationed there bumping rock tunes as the fishes swayed to the melody.


First stop, the kiddo pool with sting rays. The kids are encouraged to bend down and touch them as they swim by. My son didn't dare do so. I know these sting rays have their poisonous stingers removed, but I can't help but think of poor 'Crocodile Hunter' Steve Irvin when I see a sting ray. I prefer to stay far away.


Look at this magnificent turtle! It swam right up to the glass and I was able to catch a semi-blurry picture of it. It reminds me of an experience swimming on the shore of Maui. A huge sea turtle came close to shore and was inches from me as it gracefully weaved in and out of swimming bodies.


So, my little man is in a phase of 'mimicing' the sounds and movements of animals. When we say 'penguin', he stretches his arms out and starts waddling and jumping.

Well, I'm not quite sure what activities these penguins are partaking in, but I hurried my son away from the penguin exhibit. Care to guess?


The jellyfish is quite an enchanting creature with its ethereal beauty. They lure the unsuspecting admirers in then zap, poor creature is stunned or paralyzed from the stinging cells dominant in the tentacles. Unsuspecting victims! Kind of like the relationship with men and women too, don't you think? :)


Here is another family from the jellyfish species. Their fluorescent appearance is astonishingly beautiful.


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The seahorse is the epitome of how men should have been created! Do you know the male seahorse carry the babies? They can give birth up to 2000 little seahorse babies at once! Human men should really have been endowed with the same capability. I'm just saying.


Last but not least, sharks! Blurry photo but my little one started crying as the big bad shark came right at us. :)

Needless to say, our night ended with a bang!

Have a beautiful weekend!

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All images original.

This post was made from https://ulogs.org


Awesome trip with the family <3 Good on your for getting out there, I can totally relate to having all these plans, and then the days turn into months, Mom Life!! <3 <3

Glad to see the penguins feeling right at home. The turtle photo was gorgeous and hardly blurry at all <3 Poor Mr. Shark though...they've such bad reputations... <3 <3 <3

Way to go composing your first #Ulog!!! WOOP WOOP!!!

Neverending Mom Life. We really do need to make time for more family outings. In the blink of an eye, the kids will be grown and not want anything to do with mommy anymore. :)

All we have to do is take our kids to the aquarium and zoo for education on the birds and bees. Last year, it was a trip to the zoo where we encountered two turtles in some heated interaction. 😂

Appreciate the cheerleading support! I've seen your Ulog posts as well and thought I should give it a try. I will use your #walkwithme tag if I go anywhere exciting. Those posts are cool! Not too many of those moments here. :)

Well the pics are really awesome. I am all hung up on the sea horse thing. Think about it. If men had that many babies we would have to ship them all off to an island somewhere far far away

Lol @headchange. I don't want men to have that many babies. Oh goodness, can you imagine that?Just that they should have the anatomy to carry the baby and go through the birth/delivery. Us women can hold their hand from the sideline during labor. That's all. :)

Oh well guess I better forget the island then ... it was turning into such a lovely little dream

The jellyfish with the fluorescent appearance is so thrilling and generally amazing, I've never been to an acquaruim before, I must say you've got a wonderful camera.

I’m happy to share my aquarium experience with you Joseph. You just had a virtual tour of one. 🙂 This aquarium is smaller than another one I visited years back. They had so many jellyfishes in the other one! Simply beautiful creatures.

I hope you have a great weekend @josediccus! I’m not a judge for COM this week so I can just read for pleasure. New round just started. You should have fun. I might join the fun if I have time but busy busy week though. That is life!

Hahahaha well you can say that again and your virtual tour for me is really intriguing Paula, wow so aquarium have sizes? Hahahaha so where exactly is the one you went last year? I mean the location?

Well I seem to be running out of humor you know? I was a regular top ten guy before lol now I'm fading away 😁😁😁😁

Some aquariums are bigger and have more animals for our viewing pleasure. The other one was in Monterey, California (USA). I wish they had invented smartphones back then. I had some nice photos with my digital camera but don’t know where I stored them, hehe.

Completely understand about humor. My last real COM entry was months ago. Only so much funny bone in me. 😂

Lol maybe I have a gas leak and now my sense of humor is vanishing haha

Well that's the thing with digital camera one seems to misplace is so easily. Hmmmmmm so you're in the states 😂 when you're done come down here and see our zoos hahahaha

Post some photos! I’ll have some up when we go to the zoo.

No comment on the gas leaks, lol. Have a great day Joseph. I look fwd to zoo pictures!

Who would be crazy not to like reading something personal about you and I am happy to be seeing these kinds of content from you.

Although majority of my posts are personal in nature aside from the Steem monsters and Finish the story fiction posts that I do and I agree that when I use the Ulog tag and the condenser it is my way of branding that this is me.

That this is something that will be personal.

Thank you for sharing your day with your son in the aquarium! I was laughing so hard at the picture of the penguins!!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

I'm glad you stopped by Mave. I feel like I haven't chat with you in some time. I don't write too many personal posts, but now and then I will try to post something interesting 😊.

I stopped by and read on your ulog blog that you won't be as active anymore? Sometime it is best to take a breather. I've enjoyed my steemit experience more so when I decided to stay on the sidelines. It's just more fun to write about things you're interested in, or catch up with friends. Not have to worry about the pressures of posting/commenting. I hope you find your balance because being happy is most important.

I have no idea what those penguins are doing, but your aquarium photos are super cool. Thanks for sharing and a great Post!

Glad you enjoyed my trip to the aquarium PK. No idea either. 🙄

Beautiful post here @beeyou and I think its great for the family to go see these things. I bet your kids really loved it, I know I did when I was a kid. You also did your first ulog, congrats! I must admit though that it seems just like all your other awesome posts. I think you have a chance with this one and @curie... You did a beautiful job of capturing the animals both at the zoo and in your backyard!

Awesome job and nice post for sure :D

Hi Dave. I believe this is your second or third mention of C, and I give you this reaction every time 😂.

They enjoyed the family time to the aquarium, but I think the big fishes scared them a little. Next trip will be the zoo, no more fishes for now. The deer was a delightful surprise. You should have seen it wagging its tail, just like a dog! :)

@beeyou that's because one day they will recognize what an awesome person you are! ANd then they can start upvoting your posts and then I can stop using the word because harmony will be there again in the world. 😎

That's very cool about the deer... We have them all over, but none ever stop to be petted at my house! :P

Thanks for sharing!
How old is your little guy?
Mine is a year and a half and has never been to a zoo or aquarium but I imagine it would make it a whole new experience seeing it through your kid's eyes.

Hi @corpsvalues. My little guy is 2 yrs old. We took him on his first zoo experience at 1 year and I think he enjoyed it. He stared at the monkeys and lions back then, but didn't smile or cry, just stared. So I take it he was interested in the animal. He was more excited in later months. I can't wait to take him this year because he should have a different experience now that he is learning about animals. Especially since he has been mimicing them. He was scared of the big fishes at the aquarium. It was okay if he was far away from the glass, but I guess it was scary when they swim right up to the glass.

You should take your son soon. I think my son loved the gift shop more than the zoo itself, hehe. We came home with several stuffed toys that he had to get.

My dude is a year and 7 months: he has been around a lot of animals in his life, and loves looking at fish tanks, just hasn't been to the zoo.
My niece is 4 months older and my sister has bought their family a season pass for their zoo, and try to go every week. Last week there was a mountain lion stalking my niece from the other side of the glass. Yikes!
I am pretty sure the gift shops were my favorite part of a lot of places when i was a kid too =p

Such a beautifully presented post. Loved how you walked us through your trip and presented the photography. The fluorescent jelly fish was stunning!

We also bought annual zoo memberships, they’ve been great because they cover different locations, so there’s some variety. But it’s still hard finding the time. What I do now is just make it about going on bush walks every few weeks. It’s free and has no expiry. :)

Your unexpected guest was magical. Thank you for sharing that photo too.

Hey Linny. Funny how we have the best mommy intentions of taking our kids out to the zoo and other activities, but later discover finding time for it all is the challenging part. Purchasing the tickets was the easy step. Bush walks? As in hikes? Ahh..yeah, walking is not in our list of activities. It really should be though.

I had three unexpected guests the other day. Too bad it's always when I don't have a camera nearby to capture them in the serene setting. Beautiful sight.

Beautiful photos @beeyou! I used to love taking the kids to the aquarium in Vancouver; we have a good one there. I have this awesome memory of going on a grade 4 overnight class trip with my oldest...sleepover at the aquarium! I woke up at about 4 am, we had a huge beluga tank in front of us, and they were all swimming and playing together. Dead quiet, only a green rope light lit...so surreal and so unforgettable !!

I had to google beluga, wow, that would have been a beautiful sight to wake up to! That sounds like a great aquarium. I haven't seen a whale at an aquarium here, only at a waterpark like Sea World. Beautiful creatures. I'm glad you had that memory with your oldest.

It was one of the most beautiful, serene and surreal experiences of my life! And yes, it's a pretty spectacular aquarium!

Pretty deer. I love seeing them when their horns are in velvet like that. .... can't say I agree with your wish for men to be like sea horses though...ouch. lol. A beautiful post bee. Always a pleasure to have a scroll to see what you've been up to. :)

I love the horns too. The deer was wagging its tail like a dog as it stood there staring at me.

Lol on the sea horse. Perhaps men might not be the ideal member to go through the emotional duress of labor/delivery. :)

I haven't been up to much on my blog, as you can tell. It is challenging to find time to write and catch up with comments. Sometimes I can be up to a week behind on comments. Not very ideal for building relationships and connecting with others. It's all a balancing act between the real world/steemit. I'm not too good at it like others, but I try to limp along. Thanks for stopping by @mudcat36!

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