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RE: Forget the Filters and Face Enhancing Just Love Yourself - Ulog#2

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

Exactly! Couldn't agree more!!

I think it is so much about the love that you feel on yourself. If a person is capable of loving herself/himself, every minute in acceptance, then a there is no need for change. No need for adjustment to "the latest trends in ... face design ..."

For what reason does a person pretend to represent something "better" (in their view) ?

Maybe ... missing the acceptance ... that, what I am is, what I am and that it is the deepest, most loving expression of what I am ... calling myself.

Thank you so much for sharing!!!


Honestly its both sad and unnerving. It's like a vicious cycle - the one' at the top model this behaviour and the ones who envy them are imitating them.

I also feel it boils down to this generation not thinking, not questioning. Just accepting. Ask why is this making me feel this way. How can I change the way i feel and think about myself! Are these feelings placed on anything real or concrete? And most importantly, do these people actually make a difference in my life!!

Yes, this is an important question.

Quote: "Are these feelings placed on anything real or concrete?"

For me this leads to the question whom do I trust more. The world out there, the quality of the people around me ... or do I trust my own judgement/opinion

Agree 100% ... "how can I change the way I feel about myself?
Thus ... love and acceptance and

do I really trust the people around me more than me ... thus value their opinion more than my own ... without even knowing their motivation on telling me this and that ... or if they are maybe so ego driven ...

Maybe some never had the chance to learn about motivation ... ego ... and more that can influence the opinion of others ...

puhhh ... difficult in English ...

an excellent point, not everyone practices self-reflection.

Very good English if English is not your first language. Where are you from and what's your first language?

I'm from Germany and learned English in school.
Consider me more a child of earth ... I don't like separation .... more in love with unity :)

I gathered the German Heritage yes from your story last night! But your English is Excellent! You would never tell its not your home language, you write like a natural!

I don't like separation .... more in love with unity :)

Just like your great Aunt hey :) Have a great Day child of the earth!!

Thank you <3
Yes, like my great aunt :)

There is a poem, more a little story, by Muzahidul Reza that I like very much.


"Two friends talked over a term
While travelling by a tram
One: What a life in me!
Full with happiness, luxury, satisfaction
Other: Are you happy?
One: No
Other: What a life in me!
Full with miseries, demand, deprivation
One: Are you sad?
Other: No
The talking ended at the desired stoppage
No one was victorious
Both were in confusion
They left the stoppage separately and lonely."

End quote

Have a great day also @mimismartypants !

Beautiful poem!! I hope i didn't confuse you lol! Have a good day as well!! You have a great day as well!! Almost bedtime for me!!

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:) not at all ... for me too, close to morning ... my favourite bedtime :)

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