Asked First Question On Steem Blockchain DApp Just Now - Saturday, October 13, 2018 - ULOG #32steemCreated with Sketch.

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)


Hey Steem Fam,

I've been meaning to check out one of the Steem blockchain's latest DApp sites again after glimpsing an update post about it a little more than a week ago.

I'd first heard of Musing through either the @Musing intro post or a Steemian's review post about it some months ago. There was an issue with questions coming up as posts on Steemit so I thought I'd keep tabs on developments.

Earlier this week I clicked around here on Steem but didn't get back to reading any of the explanations of updates until either Wednesday or Thursday.

I also read some of the questions and answers on Musing.

Then I joined the Musing discord channel then too and anytime I had a couple minutes free, I'd go back in to find out more on the rules, general and suggestions channels.

Am still browsing the Suggestions channel... it covers a lot of interesting ideas!

Back in the day, over 15 years ago, I was one of the Top 10 experts in Spirituality and Consciousness on a very popular Question and Answer site.

I think it was pre-Answers but I can't for the life of me remember the name of it. If you do, PLEASE take me out of my misery and remind me. I'd sooo like to remember it.

Anyhoo, I used to hang out a LOT on that site in my spare time. It was a great way to connect with people who were having real issues in an easy, impromptu and helpful way.

I've visited and even joined a few other Q&A sites since that OLD one was bought out but none had the same vibe and I got involved in other online activities.

But when I caught a whiff of Steem having it's own Q&A DApp earlier this year, then again last week, my detective ears and nose twitched and quivered.

I've been wanting to think of one or two more simple post structures to alternate with my more recent #freewrites and forex trading ulogs. @MarianneWest kindly suggested @Actifit posts but I'm not yet focusing enough on fitness to start that immediately.

In the meantime though, writing impromptu answers to questions would be different from both freewrites and forex trading issues.

So if things check out after I research a bit more, I may jump in to check if the question answering water is warm. The question asking swim sure was. ;)

I'll let you know more.... or maybe I'll just answer a question and you'll see it turn up as my latest post. ;)

In the meantime....

Here's the question I asked over on Steem's Musing question and answer DApp site just before writing this post:

Many people take the water soluble form of Vitamin B every day. I was very recently reminded of a fat soluble form of Vitamin B known as Sulbutiamine.

I spent a good amount of time researching Sulbutiamine yesterday then I called around to several pharmacies here in Jamaica to see if they stocked it.

I found a few that do. Heard about two more that sell it quite a bit cheaper than the pharmacies I had already checked. I'll be calling around some more later today when they're open.

I thought I'd ask about it here though since I also spent a bit of time clicking around and reading up about Musing for the past two days. ;)

Have you ever heard about Sulbutiamine?

If so, what do you know about it?

Have you ever taken it or do you know anyone who takes it regularly?

What would you say are the most interesting or relevant benefits of Sulbutiamine?

Thanks in advance!

So that was me exploring and using another Steem DApp.

It was very easy.

The one thing that was an issue was that the question space didn't have a scroll button to the right.

So I couldn't see what I was typing when the text went below the space allocated for the question.

When I used my cursor to go back up and type in some additional text, I couldn't get back down to where I'd finished up earlier to check if I wanted to add more.

Nor could I see the 'Post' button below the question text to click submit. I had to use do the Control - a few times to get the page showing small enough so I could submit the question.

Maybe I wasn't to add so much text after the question. ;)

There was an edit button that came up after I submitted the question, but I didn't use it since I wanted to check if the question had posted as a post here on Steemit.

It hadn't, so I started on this write-up.

Other than the question area scrolling issue, everything went smoothly.

I know for sure that answers that Steemians post over on Musing do show up here on Steemit as posts. So watch this space for a response post soon. ;)

Until then, take good care, squeeze all the fun and joy out of your weekend and Angel Blessings,


PS I'm still practicing my 'not-limiting-to-30 Days' personal **Ho'oponopono healing forgiveness and gratitude challenge. It has proven to be very timely for me. I just use the simple 4-line exercise on anything that triggers, saddens, upsets or calls to me for attention during my days, including horrible news and world events.

Here's the four line exercise:

“I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
I love you.
Thank you.”

And here's my early, first post-HF20 Ho'oponopono inner detox five minute freewrite:

Copyright @ Angela Chen Shui.
All Worldwide rights reserved.

Main graphic source, unless specifically stated otherwise, via my Stencil account or personal info screen grabs. #Ulogger footer via @phantum04, page dividers via @kristyglas. home page and my Musing profile screen grabs used in this post.


I'd like to Thank all my followers and regular visitors for your time, energy, kind encouragement, prayers and support via your comments and upvotes.

I'd also like to extend a personal invitation to access special self care individualized sessions:

  • Soul Mate Relationship coaching
  • "Inner Power Hour" Cosmic Healing Guided Meditation
  • Stress and Fear Busting Sound Healing Galactic Toning

To set up an appointment, email me directly via my ”Soul Self Help Insights”) newsletter.
1-off sessions and monthly subscriptions available, Paypal and Steem accepted:

Thank you and Bless you!


Musing is a great platform. I have posted many answers there and also got upvotes for my posts.

Thanks, yes, I noticed!!! ;)

I read one of your responses yesterday and JUST read two more when I was clicking around in there again. Great job!

I did a search for a specific category of questions but a blank space kept blocking the questions. Is there an easier way to drill down to sub-categories of questions, @akdx?

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Sorry dear @angelacs! I could not answer in time.

I did a search for a specific category of questions but a blank space kept blocking the questions.

You can search questions in the top left corner of Musing interface where a search icon is displayed. You can wright your question there. You can also find specific question by clicking on tags.
Have a nice time ahead.

This is very interesting. I never had heard about the platform.

Happy to be the one to introduce you to Musing, @mariannewest. ;)

This is very interesting.

It is. I JUST went over there to see if I find a question I want to answer. ;)

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Well, I looked and the first question I saw kind of made me mad - including the answer LOL.

But I will give it a try again 😂

Thanks for checking it out.

Want to share the question... and answer? ;)

I'm NOT sure, but I think you can respond to answers other people give.

I haven't answered a question yet. But I'm having fun sharing the questions I'm asking via ulogs here. he heee heee ;)

ONE thing I've noticed too is that many of the account names don't have matching name accounts here on Steemit. I don't know if they're just using different names than their Steemit accounts OR if they're not Steemians.

More detective work needed.... for one of my clones maybe though. ;)

It was one of those loaded questions - why do Muslims hate the ways of the west - and the answer was just as biased.

I can't stand when people take extremists as an example of a people. No matter if the assumption is about a religion, race, a region - it triggers me. And I need to take care of my stuff right now so I forced myself not to engage.
Lots of clearing and cleaning of physical space and doing clarity work of my mental space.

My mantra right now:

Do not engage in triggers LOL


Sending you lots of love ❤️

I think I saw that! Yeah, I'm not able to spend too much time searching for clear cut questions that call to me, so may be a while before I do answer one. ;)

LOVE that mantra and it's self care intention. With you, girl. Letting go and releasing is my ongoing focus now too.

Sending you lots of love back.... with Angel Blessings. ;)

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Wonderful! Thank you! ;)

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