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RE: Freedom or Safe Places

in #uglydebates7 years ago

i don't ever read your posts and I'll be polite enough not to comment why.

Virtue signal much?

You are entitled to your opinion no matter how many knots you put yourself in to get there.

I agree with this but this discussion has nothing to do with opinion it has to do with the actual meanings of words and the misuse of them. it is also about the lie people are pushing about censorship on this platform.

Oh wait was i even talking to you? i only said that to shadow because 9 hours after i made a post directly adressing the points shadow made they sent me almost a direct copy of the the points i destroyed with actual facts on how the steemit system works and the actual meaning of the word censorship that they are trying to ignore and it was easier then filling this posts comments with copy pasta from my post when i could just leave a link..

The fact you think this conversation shadows and i are having has anything to do with opinion could be the main fault on your part and why you are jumping in to virtue signal just like my post said people do when they are on the pro censorship side.

That is great that you wont look at the post that addresses every point you are trying to defend. Go take another blue pill and tell me how there is no censorship on steemit tomorrow.

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