Ok, So I Was Making a Timelapse Sunset... UFO@6,000 AGL

in #ufo6 years ago

I do not believe in strange men from other worlds.

As I said, the time-lapse video had my attention. It ended up being a bit too cloudy at the horizon. I would have waited but I got the other thing on video so you have two things to comment about.

So, here's the sun going down with three planets appearing as it does...

While I am waiting for the sun to drop down, I see something brighter than the sun which was blazing in my eyes.

It was a glimmer then nothing, I grabbed for the other phone - yes, I ran inside and came back out. I found a dot just below one of the clouds. I point and zoom.

I am a pilot, and I can easily say that this was in the 5,000 to 6,000 foot altitude range and it was not making any noise. I have the full film including all the auto-focus in and outs. But here are some .gifs I made of the object from the footage I took.

Now off to wacko-land.


and another part of the video


Man, the things you see from the balcony. Weather balloons, flying sidways shining light that equals the brightness of the late afternoon sun. On full zoom, I lost it. Then I switched to manual focus and got a lot of sharp video of the edges of the clouds, so there is that...

sponge bob.jpg

To be honest, I was going to wait to post a better time lapse, though this one does have the three planets showing as the sky goes light blue, then dark. Then when I captured some pretty clear weather balloon footage, I decided that the two together might make a good post. After all, I did spend from 5:00 p.m. till now making them and uploading.

I have actually seen something unexplained in the sky once before at night at under 2,000 feet. Nobody with me and when I looked down to grab my phone - gone. Another time when my son was with me and I didn't take my eyes off of it until he saw it too. Again under 2,000 feet. They are whatever they are.

I don't find them scary or creepy. If the blackbird is retired, what does our new stuff look like? These were all taken over the skies of the city of Buenos Aires today.

if I post the whole video it will be on DTube, I am partial to hosts that are not corporate giant censors



Wuao excellent material I love those sightings, it would be interesting to be certain that it is. excellent mateial.

They are awesome images, friend, you should publish everything, you were at the right time.

I also think the same

uff que video, me gusta mirar las nubes, en especial cuando parece que se mueven, y me pregunto,¿adonde van?

How beautiful the landscape and the sunset, I think it's a good post thank you for sharing this landscape with us, Regards

it is incredible what can happen in our Argentine sky, it is not the first time that someone catches something similar in the federal capital, if you like these types of aparciones, there are many videos of sighting in the province of Cordoba, maybe you have already heard them talk
thank you very much for sharing this find
I wish you a beautiful night dear friend @ sponge-bob

@sponge-bob are you saying you saw an alien ship?

I am saying that I saw exactly what you are seeing, unfiltered and unedited.

Are you saying I should post the whole video?

Here we see you

how funny is SpongeBob

I love this @sponge-bob!
I see airdrops flying in the sky about to drop lols

Hello sponge-bob, An interesting job to do the recording.

Another time when my son was with me and I didn't take my eyes off of it until he saw it too. Again under 2,000 feet

Waiting for another a great moment with your son,

I really like this sentence . one point from you to me

They are whatever they are.

Thank you buddy

To be honest, I was going to wait to post a better time lapse, though this one does have the three planets showing as the sky goes light blue, then dark.

It looked amazing

I have actually seen something unexplained in the sky once before at night at under 2,000 feet.

I never see this kind of stuff
Maybe I need to pay more attention to the sky. There are a lot of strange things happening there as well.
Though that thing in the gif, it's moving rather weirdly. I'm sure the aliens would have much better technology and would come down gracefully.

I just commented on that my self. I am trying to upload the whole footage somewhere.

What a beautiful timelapse, and with respect to the unidentified object, it looks a lot like a pandorga, that's what we call it here, but as you say it was at 5000 feet, I do not know if a 'Pandorga' could reach that height hehe,

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