Finally upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04...

in #ubuntu7 years ago

With mixed feelings.

My drawing tablet seems to be badly supported.

And no more GPU mining.

Due to bad Linux support from AMD, that is. And that makes me doubt if I still will buy future products from that manufacturer. Even though that would mean a move to Intel and Nvidia. That would be quite a big step as everything, computer wise, running in the network overhere is AMD. "No Open-CL supporting GPUs detected", well that is incorrect, it is just a driver thing. Yet, I can live with that. The Free and Open Source GPU drivers are getting better with every new update. Main use is not 3D based anyway. But games like Minetest still run smoothly anyway. Unfortunately MyPaint has become a burden to use. The mouse-pointer disappears and it responses very slow to the drawing tablet, if it even does respond. Not for production use and that is what I use it for...

Well, I did manage to get it working in Ubuntu 14.04, so I probably will in 16.04, it is just taking time. The whole upgrade proces took about 8 hours, more or less. Wine seems to take more time to start, but the software that I use with that still works as it is supposed too. The overall system performance seems to be quite a bit slower. Booting the system takes longer and even applications that have been removed still manage to give errors. That means I have to remove references to them manually. That might be the fault of the software itself, though. The Ubuntu Software store does have its flaws too, so I still prefer to use Synaptic. Chromium is getting worse, but that was already the case in 14.04, looks like it needs bigger hardware to run smoothly. That might be the case anyway. With every Operating System upgrade it might be adviced to get new hardware.

No need to do an upgrade for the other computers in the network overhere for the moment. And maybe it is time for a Wacom tablet as that one seems to be better supported anyway. This Ubuntu Linux upgrade is a little disappointing so far for me. Still things might improve over time with the frequent updates coming. Some challenges are mostly hardware related. Where some I can fix by going trough some configuration files. A nice job to do in the dark autumn evenings. Still, if I had known this on forehand, I would have kept using 14.04.

Have a great one!

Free Open Source proving its MESA 3D drivers work fine on a low-end machine.

screenshot by @oaldamster


I'm surprised to hear you have issues from Ubuntu 14 to 16. My (server) machine transitions from Ubuntu 14 to 16 went smooth and my (Wacom) tablet works on any desktop distribution I tested so far. But "server" and "Wacom" may exactly make the difference to your case...
Proprietary graphics drivers are a "never-touch-if-working" thingy on almost all distributions, both for AMD and NVIDIA. Is the new open source graphics stack maybe also related to the chromium issues? IIRC it uses hardware acceleration if available.

It is okay, had slow getting Chromium under 14.04. And with another Desktop environment XFCE my Aiptek tablet works like it should.

The 3D open source driver is fast enough, no more OCL. That is the main downside.

The rest works as it should now, so that's okay.

I have just started using Ubuntu for the first time ever using linux it is certainly a learning curve lol

It surely is when used to things like Windows. But you will get the hang of it. ;-)

Bummer - sorry the update didn't go so well for you.

I'm always torn between wanting to try the latest thing, and thinking "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Now I got XFCE desktop installed things started to work better. Tablet working, glad about that.

Normally I would indeed have kept my winning team. But now thanks to XFCE I can enjoy working with this one.

Oh, cool. I was wondering if a lighter desktop might make a difference.

Yes, it absolutely does. And I like XFCE very much in daily use.

Thanks for your work sir.... Love it. Followed...

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