We Need to Move Beyond Transactional Systems

in #ubi5 years ago

Greeting fellow earth citizens :)

From the FAQ page of this organization trying to establish a cryptocurrency based UBI. It discusses the method by which a new currency may be spread into a previously under cashed society to enable transactions. That's literally the only thing it does. It allows people to have some abstract thing they can exchange, to do the things that they already could have done. I see this, I see the potential benefits of UBI, and I truly hope that more people can take it that one extra step and say, "Hey, we could do all of this without the extra step of transferring currency. It's unnecessary in the process. If we work together for the benefit of everyone, everyone is them much better off." Maybe that's just my idealist self, but I find it deeply disheartening how few people seem to grasp the inherent inefficiency and unnecessary nature of monetary exchange. I'm so worried that we'll get to a point where AI is watching everything we do, it's all tokenized, and the free things we all take for granted will become owned properties. Oh, you enjoyed that sunset, that's 5 sun tokens. Nice deep breath, that's 2 air tokens. Helped an young child cross the street, gain 10 social tokens. It terrifies me honestly.

Anyways. Here is the piece I originally mentioned, from here: https://www.zeropoverty.io/faq

It's quite long, but I encourage you to read it. I hope that this does not strike anyone as plagiarism. I think what this group is trying to do is quite admirable, this story just truly struck me as a way to show the entirely unnecessary nature of transactions. Everything in it could have been accomplished with a generous donation in the beginning, and then cooperation.

Imagine you drive a truck full of nutritious food, clean water, and hygiene supplies into a poor village that has never heard of these UBI tokens before. You start explaining to people how the UBI token system works and offering to help them set up accounts. People may be reluctant at first, but eventually a few people sign up. You then offer to sell them some of the food from your truck in exchange for their new tokens. They may still be a little confused about what just happened, but they are happy to have the food. You invite them to come back tomorrow and to bring their friends.

A few days later, 50 people have signed up for UBI tokens and purchased all of your supplies. You leave the village with an empty truck, a cellphone full of tokens, and a promise to return soon with more provisions. The excited villagers are eager to become your new paying customers.

When you return to the village again, the sales process goes much faster. Many people are already signed up and understand the exchange process. People are starting to see these tokens as a form of money. Before you return a third time, one young entrepreneur has realized the opportunity and offers to do other families' laundry in exchange for tokens. Suddenly, there is more than one thing that people in the village can do with their tokens.

By the fourth visit, another villager offers to repair leaking roofs and a local shop owner starts offering a few items for sale for tokens. More and more villagers begin offering to do work or provide goods in exchange for tokens. As the village economy starts to grow, everyone begins to benefit. Eventually, you might even have to lower the token prices on items from your truck to stay competitive with all of the other competing options people have for spending their tokens.

Some of the entrepreneurs seize the growing economic opportunity by offering to pay their neighbors to come work in their businesses in exchange for tokens. This creates employment in the village and the increased production of profitable goods. As more and more of the villagers have good work to do, the lives of all are enriched. Tokens are moving around between people and lifting the entire community. One day, one of the villagers decides it is time to bring this movement to the next village. She borrows tokens and goods from her community and then fills her own truck with basic supplies. She drives to another village an hour away that has never heard of the UBI tokens. She explains the token system to the villagers and the process starts anew. Every time new members join, the system is strengthened and the tokens become a bit more useful and valuable to everyone within it.

Thanks for reading to the bottom. Here's a cute picture of a cat from Greece :)

One of the many stray cats in Greece, who was fine being pet

Until next time,


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"Maybe that's just my idealist self, but I find it deeply disheartening how few people seem to grasp the inherent inefficiency and unnecessary nature of monetary exchange. I'm so worried that we'll get to a point where AI is watching everything we do, it's all tokenized, and the free things we all take for granted will become owned properties. Oh, you enjoyed that sunset, that's 5 sun tokens. Nice deep breath, that's 2 air tokens. Helped an young child cross the street, gain 10 social tokens. It terrifies me honestly."

Same. I second every single letter of that. That said: The ideal society you talk about exists. It's simply scattered throughout the planet. We are right now connecting to work on that! ;)

I'm pretty involved myself with organizations that are working towards post monetary societies, as well as one working to unite many of the various organizations. I'd love to know more about what you're doing :)

I do think the scattered nature is part of the problem. If all of the people who truly believed in this could come together, I think we would be able to provide a working example, and more people would open their mind to the possibilities.

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In my old life I worked for "Mein Grundeinkommen" which is a NGO that raffles basic incomes. As soon as they crowdsourced 12.000 EUR someone wins a basic income for one year.

In my new life I do more in the spiritual realm if you understand what I am talking about. But in each second we have the possibility to choose love over seperation. In whatever instance. That's all I do atm. Since I stopped working for this system two years ago I am kind of hiding, looking for new ways.

Oh, look at this! At the moment Mein Grundeinkommen has crowdfunded 333 basic incomes in total. Nice number, isn't it?!

Wow, that is awesome. I have always thought that a raffle-based distribution system could be an excellent way to get people to participate in a form of income sharing. I will have to look more into that organization, thank you for telling me about it. That is awesome that they have sponsored so many people.

That sounds like a noble pursuit. I sometimes consider hiding away from the system as well, but currently lack the means to. It is a very entrenched system unfortunately.

Sadly that's true. It is an entrenched system. It is the perfect invisible prison that Foucault described in "Discipline and Punish". You cannot smell or taste it, you don't see the bars but you're trapped in some kind of panopticon. I am not going to hide forever. Just collecting new strength. The victory is ours, eventually. I see more and more people waking up to the reality surrounding them.

Yeah. I've seen many quotes describing the hidden and psuedo voluntary nature of our imprisonment.

I do as well. The amount of worldwide unrest and rebellion is truly promising. I just hope all that energy can be directed towards beneficial goals.

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