
Hahah. Nice.

Our brains like to make connections and build meaning even when there isn't any. I'm a (somewhat) early adopter who put out a video when few were doing so. If you go through videos, it's bound to come up eventually until more are created. Not much of a coincidence there. :)

Well in that case it's an honour to be followed by a Steemit pioneer! I hope to become as excited as you about the platform.

My big concern is that I might one day like to publish a book. But if everything already exists on the blockchain I wonder if any publisher will republish. Do you have any thoughts on this?

I have about thirty posts (including my Uber origin story) from Facebook that I would love to post but this is a worry.

My friend Jeff Goins would be the one to ask about book publishing. That said, in my amateur opinion, the traditional model of book publishing seems to be changing quite a bit. The gate keepers of information don't exist as they once did (or they aren't as valuable). I used to work at the same company as Jon Acuff who basically converted existing blog posts into a book which worked out really well for him. If the content is good, people will pay to have it organized in a book form instead of sifting through a bunch of blog posts to find the thirty you would include in a book.

Nowadays, having a book seems to be more about marketing than making a profit selling the book. If you're an author, you can more easily get speaking gigs and you have a really great business card at networking events ("Here, have a copy of my book"). I've been told I should write a book by various people, but haven't seen the need to yet. I'm fine running my company, I don't need the "author" title as well.

This is very interesting. The traditional publishing avenue stuff is something I was also told by @matrjoschka. It does make sense.

The marketing angle is new information and very interesting. I have no need to speak at events but if I do maybe I'll publish a book!

Thank you for your thoughts. I will publish some of my older work I think :D

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