#nfTYR (you dont have to) : freestyle : june 14th - july 14th

in #tyrnannoght3 years ago

random quote:

Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training. .
*Anna Freud*



found a better one than cambridge :

Meaning of freestyle in English
freestyle (urban)

to go without underwear

Last edited on May 14 2011. Submitted by kayla w. on Oct 12 2004.


to rap without preparation.

Last edited on May 14 2011. Submitted by Vanessa S. from New Jersey, USA on Jun 18 2003.

So : the results , as expected : (scroll to the bottom for "a picture says more than 100bla-examples"

  • 0 submissions (unless we missed one ? but didnt see any mails or anything either ...) If you dont read the posts we can hardly feel responsible if you dont get what its about. If you dont submit anything we would have a hard time understanding what the complaint is about and if you ask a question ever, we WILL answer , even if its already in the FAQ somewhere. If you dont ? well then we can sleep longer on sundays with a bottle of wine and some netflix to chill when applicable ... it doesnt HAVE to be shiney on a stage like block.one making a quick 10 billion on hot air (althoug a quick billion wouldnt hurt)


  • house takes the money : a steem goes to : ...

  • 10% is carried over to the next in this category , on th 14th , that makes that 1.1 steem for the winning entry

  • 10% will be randomly divided over all works and submissions in temp , which atm, is "just us", cant blame us for you not submitting i suppose - how that works, an example atm (20210607 could be seen on steemitwallet @tyrnannoght and https://steemit.com/nftyr/@gmdatacenter/random-divvy-nation for instance - thats a testrun, ofcourse, if theres no submissions at all in a month (perfectly possible since there will be no hype or door2door sales) now we wont be running that every week or month since it seems a bit overkill to send back all 0.1 (or whatever the amount would be at any given time) back to the own account in 60 or more different tx but thats how it looks if you were to have either a submission listed or one in the temporary transit section and you got a random leftover (it accumulates ofcourse over time but stuff in transit will not be kept indefinitely , that depends on "bytes free" as well as the amount of dona it might receive or if it gets picked by the jury (thats us atm for permanent residence on-site)

  • 10% will be set aside for now for some future cause on steemit we deem worth it , it can accumulate until

  • 0.7 will go back to @tyrnannoght voting power

That said : the next compo june 14th - july 14th

Make this up as we go along.

this is #justforfun

  1. We are not selling anything
  2. you are not buying anything

this is not an NFT-site, its actually not even a skit (maybe a little) and its all #justforfun with a chance at a small prize now and then?

What ? .. oh, well : "you don't have to" ... :)

https://steemit.com/@gmdatacenter/ - that account will also handle all transactions and throughput, which, over time will be fully automated

How and what ?

Well, there's a table on the site : https://tyrnannoght.eu

you go to nftyr and there select the freestyle section (everyting on an as-it-happens basis)

The thing here is ... euhm, about anythning that will not get us sued, no kiddiepr0n or animal abuse and actually no "just pictures" , there's instagram for your starbucks styrofoam, other than that ... draw it, meme it ... render it, photoshop it gimp-it , whatever , the pictures atm there are mostly to check page rendertime , a lot will be removed. Dev-stage will last until ... calculating whizzy noises whirrrr ... forever


You submit it ..

  1. you're on steemit here (obviously if you're reading this) : make a post, link your #stuff and link the post in reply to this post, all replies will be checked

  2. mail it to : [email protected]

  3. we think there's a community somehwere from back in the day we never used but we dont know how these work so that will need checking and : you can post your post with #nftyr as the prime tag and we will see that too that way, i guess thats all for now , there will be ofcourse the opportunity to submit to the site directly (over time) but if you do it here your steemit account is right away validated for the relevant work/submission

  4. more stuff later - since no promotion and this wont make you rich we don't expect much response anyway

Next month 14th the winner is announced and the next freestyle starts , the prizes weekly atm will be 1 steem each (since we are broke bums and have no intention of pretending to be rich + the 10% carryover from the previous one if no submissions were made or none of the submissions got voted for permanent display)

all submissions, selected or not will be kept on-site in a temp section for an indefinite period of time, mostly dependant on available storage space . Every round 10% (0.1 steem atm will be randomly divided among entries in the temp section, directly to the relevant steemwallets)

submissions for should please not be larger than 5mb (also for gifs) , if the original work is larger, please include a link to it ... links will only be used if they link directly to the picture, not to a page that might set cookies or anything else on the visitors machine. If that's no-kay, remember :

you dont have to ... (that attitude? i think its good, no one is forced and im not lying to get your money, look around more if thats a problem)

If you have questions, please ask

, we will try to check the replies section daily from now on, emphasis on "try to", a bus might crash into the house after all or the triffids might find out we have a brain thats non-submissive ... pigs fly if you launch them hard enough and generally speaking Santa might live on the north pole with elve-labour thats not provided by chinese crApples ... gud

no politics

we have no opinion on anything and

leightweight entertainment only

also :

manpages :

"*I don't know that i ever wanted greatness on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise it's just an ego-trip"
Roger Zelazny

you can submit by tagging #nftyr : it will show here ' https://steemit.com/created/nftyr '

examples ?

"the transit section"

we thinks to keep about 10.000 entries max (assuming someone submits something before the sun goes nova) in a temporary transit section, all entries will be labelled and can be donated to as long as present and everything in the transit section has a weekly chance at a small microdose of steem in "random leftover divvies" , we are not "that ngo that will save the starving artists in developing markets but if someone hands us a quick billion we might ofcourse consider it" , the section will be filled up with .. fillers for reasons not given, created by our very own ZeroDesign, "fillers" by us will ofcourse not get random divvies if external submssions are present


why bother ?

doing it anyway

why should i ?

you dont have to, but maybe you're doing it anyway (this is the part we're gonna stop explaining unless someone specifically asks ..

filler0069 - ZeroDesign (cc-by creative commons) as opengameart would require

some examples of "im doing it anyway that might definitely make it to permanent, although only one can be picked each session but non-picked ones can re-entry as many times as they want (up to the limit of total number of replies on a steemit post or until the mailbox at tyrnannoght.eu bounces it back)

example :


by Michael Aldrius



doing it anyway , has steemit account ... submits ... just a possibility

example :


by Nibor


doing it anyway , has steemit account ... submits ... just a possibility

... these are just some random picks

stuff like that would obviously make it to perma-display as long as its CC-BY or CC0 (we simply dont want the hassle) where they get a perma label and the 10.000 altruists on steemit can send donations to the specific works of their choosing



there we are, our 30 cents contribution to the steemit dapp-system ... website, php, javascript, css, blender, gimp, posting, formatting, writing, hours of time ... all by

you don't have to

if you're looking for something that will make you rich by buying a block on a chain i suggest an exchange or maybe the nft thing gamestop wants to boot ... they will tell you your purchase will bring you a billion by 2030 !


there's also footy on tv ...

see ?

you dont have to


@tipu deposit 0.500 steem for subscriptions made - @steembasicincome share for this week went to @sd974201


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