Accrington Stanley, Who Are They?

in #twoleftfeet6 years ago

There is a big game on tonight, hopefully I can write this post within the next 57 minutes so I can watch.

This evening, Liverpool FC head to Manchester to play the blue side of the City. I support neither of these teams, and in fact, they are the two that I least like to see win. However, I will be watching with interest as there is a chance that the winner will win the Premier League this season.

Manchester City have dominated in recent years, and Liverpool have done nothing for almost 30. This evening I was 'coaxed' into this post due to a reply elsewhere from a Liverpool fan, which read:

Very sorry to hear about your condition, cannot imagine what it must be like being a Man U fan. You must be a little happier now that Jose has gone though right?

Ohhh no, he didn't!

As you may have heard, I recently turned 40. I remember Mexico 86, but all the games were on TV. In the 80' in the UK, you has one game on a Sunday at 3pm. So unless Man U were playing, I probably not get to watch. Instead it would be cheese on toast (with a really unhealthy amount of salt) and the results at 4:55, read out by a rather solemn sounding guy which would be my football fix for the week. Of course that all changed when Sky TV took over in the early 90's.

Sadly, we couldn't afford Sky, but I had a couple of keen footy fans as friends/twins, one Liverpool and the other Everton, who seemed to be OK with me heading round most weekends, and for Monday night football. Sky's timing was pretty good actually, Manchester United dominated the 90's and 2000's :)

Anyway, back to this game tonight. Manchester City, obvious rivals to Manchester United, or Liverpool - also huge rivals to the Manchester clubs. Who do I want to win?

5-5 and ten red cards would work, but, and this is tough to say, but I'm going to have to side with Manchester City. It's been tough watching them dominate the League in recent years for sure, but I would rather see that continue than have some d**** f****** scousers get their hands on the Premier League - something they haven't done in 29 years. Come on City, don't let it go to Liverpool. That being said, Liverpool are the better team to watch and are playing great this year - they have a big chance tonight after demolishing Arsenal last week. It should be a good game.

It's been a while since I kicked a football. I used to play every day as a youth, and 3 times a week in my 20's. Scouring the history books for a team captain photo failed (it's true though!) and instead here's my proof that that boy had talent...


Oh shit, not that one, this one...



Red sandals and a foot like Kevin Spacey in The Usual Suspects, that's not proving anything. Except maybe that my mum is a shit-hot hairdresser.

Right then, took far too long looking for that team photo with me in middle. I scored from behind the halfway line that year :D

I can't write a football post without mentioning Manchester United's new manager, ex-player and legend at the club - mainly for this:

Good luck Ole Gunnar Solskjær!

Active British Steemians on Steem is touted to be less than 100 at present. I'll be glad to get 2 of them turn up here this evening! The rest of you are of course welcome. Football, Soccer, whatever, just kick it in the net!




Who are they?..... Exactly!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself 😂

I'm afraid this could be the year us d**** f****** scousers get our hands on the Premier League silverware 😉 I was 8 years old last time we got a hold of the trophy. Anyway, my uncle is a city fan and a smug git so I'm hoping it can be the first year in my memory where I can gloat at him instead of the other way round.

P.s. this is all banter btws

That being said, Liverpool are the better team to watch and are playing great this year - they have a big chance tonight after demolishing Arsenal last week. It should be a good game.

I'm not militant about my football and I can see you're of the same non-fanatic breed of fan 🙂

P.p.s cudos on putting those childhood photos up on the post. Them's some 70's fashion stylings

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Glad someone got the reference, cheers!

8? I think I was 11 or 12. No Sky though, so little time to watch the dirty reds, sadly :)

I'm nowhere near as militant as I used to be, the school years you had to be. First blood City!

My clothes were shocking, all freebies or 2nd hand. Cheers!

Man... as much as it pains me to say it, that was a good goal by city. Plenty of time left though.

Lol, I had a lot of hand-me-downs in my wardrobe as a kid too. Somewhere in my mum's house there is a pic of me when I was about 10 wearing a black shell suite with red and illuminous yellow stripes! It's real style icon type stuff 😂

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2 quality strikes won the day. The title race hots up!

I had a few shocking shell suits too - where are they now?!

Gutted... but that was one hell of a game. I was shouting at the TV most of the match.... There was three quality goals in that match though 😉

Ha ha, re shell suites. Didn't they all spontaneously combust at the end of the 90's?

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Yeah, the two best teams for sure this year.

That was the issue wasn't it? Reports of the suits being flammable could have been the reason they quickly went
of fashion. Or, they are just tacky as fuck!

That was the issue wasn't it? Reports of the suits being flammable could have been the reason they quickly went
of fashion. Or, they are just tacky as fuck!

A bit of both I think. They certainly were one of the strangest fashion items of the late 80's early naughties.

Let's take a material that kind of looks like bin liners in day glow colours - that burns at a high temperature and melts into your skin causing scarring and disfigurement - and market it to kids/teenagers. Ha ha, they were particularly popular in Liverpool I remember... Maybe it was just London marketing executives trying to wipe out all scousers.

Conspiracy nut? Or just the hidden history! 😂

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Haha, a genius explanation! Slippers and shellsuit to Tesco for lambrini and silkcuts - a great day out!

And there it is :D

Yes! That was a blast from the past ;-) Got any lemonade... milk errrr

Whutttt...and all of a sudden the British roots came popping up, maybe because you are spending time there :D

You mom did an excellent job with you hair back in the days, you look like the cutest girl ever.. ow wait..

bahahaha :D

2019, the year of posting about whatever I feel like, whether it appeals to the masses or not. Figured I'd throw a couple of photos in to pull in a few extra's who would not entertain a post about football. Welcome :P

Ive been applying this tactic all 2018... its not that good in pay but yet more fun maybe :D

more kid pics! Why the hell not hahahaha

Yes it is more fun, and easier to write something - you just go!

Plenty more where the above came from :D

Less than a hundred? Fucking hell, murder man!!

Your mum did do a killer hair! :0D

Yeah, @pennsif has done his research - not good is it!

The haircuts were ideal, left more money to buy Brain's faggots :/

Hehe, oh man, I still laugh when I see them in the freezer section... I never had the ill fortune to try them.

Less than a hundred. That's not good at all. It is quiet and ghost town'y when the price is pure like this but that is bad

We had them a lot, I recommend never going near. They would repeat like a goodun, gross!

When the market turns I think we'll attract a few more, it's keeping people here that seems to be the issue. Ah well, more for us!

We had cheap Ross burgers that came back on you for about a day. Woe betide you if you hoped to snog a chick and you had had some of them for your dinner!!

Ah if only it were more for us. More for the bloody bid bots perhaps!

Cant say i've had a Ross burger, Tesco value perhaps!

The bots are 'only' taking 21% of the pool, that leaves plenty for shady alt accounts :D

Haha! 'only'... Let the alts commence!!!

Looks like Liverpool might need @abh-Keyser-Soze-12345 to curl one in with his impossibly bendy legs!

Most believe @abh-keyser-soze-12345 is not real, a mythical character. But now we’ve seen the evidence - he’s not the boogeyman story or a shadowy figure to intimidate people he’s just an innocent Steemian with nice hair!!

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Nice hair back then, not so much these days. I need some sunlight, my skin/hair hates this time of year!

Being closer to Spanish speakers, all I hear about is La Liga these days but even that has been interesting given some of the team changes going on! I imagine you hear quite a bit yourself!

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Yeah for sure, but I rarely watch any la liga. Ronaldo was a player id watch Madrid for, but he's moved on too now.

Where are you based?

I am in the US but surrounded by a Latin American community as I work with that area if the world often.

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Ah ok, hables espanol? Mine is terrible!

I dont bother with footie much but im digging the 80's look

Your decade was it? 😂


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@abh12345, Whatever it is, i really love the essence of this game and football is my passion and whenever i see someone is playing football at ground or in streets then definitely most of the times i join because i really enjoy it. Stay blessed. 🙂

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I'm glad you live in a place where it's OK to just join in :) Enjoy the weekend!

Thank you so much and have a blessed time ahead brother. 🙂

OMG weren't you the cutest EVER!!! 😍😍 No, I wasn't cute...I had a damn bowl cut and in every photo I looked like a scared wild cat LOL. I do, however, think I might have had similar red sandals. It was a time when I demanded that my whole wardrobe was red. Very much to the annoyance of my parents, who didn't think it was funny at all. HAH! Revenge for the hair cut. That was the early rebel in me. Anyway, I don't care much for soccer, football....unless it's EURO or UEFA cup and Holland is playing...which hasn't been the case lately. But that picture is priceless. Also love the strawberry (?)T-shirt 😊

Yes, yes I was :P

A bowl cut? Your mum not so hot with the scissors then?

I'm not sure if it's a strawberry or not, I'm wondering if my mum has read this one and can remember. My bro probably had to wear it after me so she will have seen it enough times!

No, my mom wasn't great with the scissors at ALL. Good thing she kept her day job. Somehow she seemed to think to have her kids all look like weak Beatles lookalikes was a cool thing to do when those haircuts were really never cool, to begin with. And don't even get me started on those iron-on stickie things to cover holes in our jeans. Cherries and Disney seemed to be favourite, even if we'd outgrown Mickey Mouse by 5 years! After being laughed at for the 5th time, I realized the only way to beat the knee patch, was to just tear the pants from left to right. Too big for those patches. However, my mother was inventive, she'd just stick on a nice patchwork square to solve that problem...Ahhh, the childhood traumas we all had to work through....

Oh the Bayern game is LEGENDARY!!! Soo much fun to see Bayern lose like that, one of the best CL finals ever. That and Liverpool turning the 0-3 against Milan.

Sure is! Got the pub at lunch that day, think I'd had enough before the game started but can still remember the place erupt, twice!

Good ol' days, Ash.
You must have been a monster back then to score from there. ☺

I can't remember why I was playing centreback, I think the coach had no idea and put me there cause I was tallest. The pitch was smaller, but still a good distance. Left peg swinger!

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