Asses Xeros Eyes and P- A short story for #twentyfourhourshortstory

in #twentyfourhourshortstory6 years ago (edited)

They had not allowed Abram to say goodbye to anyone except his Dad. And like any ten year old child he had cried clinging to his father but to no avail. "Don't give up Abram." his dad had screamed before they sent him out. Abram was taken in a van to a building in the city, where he did not know. They put him to sleep and he woke up in the prison clinic- a prison without windows.

Abram was too tired and scared to notice much as he went through the process of being admitted as inmate number P-193. He was left in a cell eventually where he cried himself to sleep, thinking about his Mum Dad and Sis. Mostly, he felt alone in the days to come and Abram still felt tears well up whenever he thought of Mum. His days developed into routine- waking, washing, food, talking to some other boys during the day, attending the "school" and then exercise and play till the lock down, then wash, food and sleep. The oldest of the boys were 15, they were transferred away after that. Of the 30 boys 15 were numbered with S (Asses), 7 with X(Xeros), 7 with I(Eyes) and he himself was the only P. The boys "Eyes" had figured out that these letters stood for abilities. I= Intelligent and S= strong. About the X and P they had no idea. They also had figured out that the water bottles they were given with meals were drugged with something.

It happened five days after Abram had started drinking tap water. It was night and Abram had woken up to pee. Half asleep standing over the bowl he had sensed the boys sleeping in their beds and the one boy who was awake scratching something on the wall of his cell and the guard sitting in the office somewhere higher, it had faded when he "woke up" startled. Abram was not sure what had happened or he was half dreaming. The next time was when an Ass was going to punch up a Xero and Abram could sense it two floors away along with what everyone was doing in that rec room. He had run to the rec room to see the result of what he had sensed.

It took seven more days before Abram could sense the older boys, the girls, the older girls and all the officers. Though Abram could not understand how his ability worked, he knew this was the reason he was here in prison. A child at heart, on the thirteenth night he tried to focus his senses on his mother. Abram was not prepared for what happened. A vast living cloud enveloped him, probing his mind like someone checking a piece of fruit before picking it up. An intense "heat" built up in him, Abram was sure this was dying but it was just the opposite. Soon the pressure and the heat decreased. There was no language or communication as such but a feeling of intense joy warmed his heart. Abram was crying and smiling- he had met Mother Earth.

After that moment Abram craved this connection every waking moment. He told the Eyes about his ability and they started to catalog it by giving tasks to perform. But Mother Earth was his secret alone. After a few days Abram woke up feeling something new. He sensed that someone was looking at his mind. Excitement gripped his heart- a soul brother, just like him. Abram touched the probing mind and waited.
"Hi kid." Words formed in his mind. "The great mother blesses you." Abram did not know how to respond so he touched the mind again.
"OK If you understand this think of these letters- OK and mentally push them at me." Abram focused on OK and was happy when he got a reply. "Good. Good." " The great mother only showed me that you are a kid and alone. I'm Jon, I stay in London, how far are you. Wait! You may not know. OK send me a picture of where you are with the nearest famous city names you can think of."

" You are in a hotel. OK which one do you know?"
"This is a movie set- Hollywood but that is too far. The limit is about 200 miles so...No Wait! This is not working."

After 3 more failed attempts by Jon, Abram broke down in frustration. His mind was still open and tuned to Jon but it was the overwhelming presence of Earth itself which suffused both his and Jon's mind conveying Abram's location.

"You are on the bloody moon. Underground Prison on the dark side of the Moon! How in the hell did you reach so far! Yes a Titan! They don't really die. Yes.Yes! You are Gaia's first born"

The Contest:



I upvoted your post.

Cheers to you.

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I would reword the sentence that says, Abram was taken...where he did not know. I liked that he was crying and smiling, that's a heart breaker.

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