A Bizarre Case - Short Story

in #twentyfourhourshortstory6 years ago (edited)

At first he did not pay much attention to it, he thought that the sound came from some electrical appliance in the kitchen of his house. When he realized that it would not stop, he got up from his bed and left the bedroom looking for the source of the strange noise, he noticed that the intensity did not diminish or increase, he covered his ears and realized that it came from the inside of his skull, "I must have a problem in my ears" , thought Julio as he moved his head from side to side.

The sound was similar to that produced by the static of the radios or antennas, it was constant. Julio could not sleep that night, he was worried enough to go to the doctor on the next morning, when he arrived he sat down to wait his turn, the annoying sound stopped for a second and he tried to distract himself by looking at some old magazines. A few minutes later a woman arrived, at that precise moment Julio stopped hearing the noise, he was happy and he thought it was all right, -I do not hear anything anymore, - He heard the woman say, they both stared at each other and they began to listen to each other, but none of them opened their mouths, they could hear each other's thoughts.

The girl got scared and left, as she closed the door Julio stopped listening to the thoughts of the stranger who he had just seen. Very disturbed the woman left the hospital and sat on a bench in a nearby park, trying to relax after that strange experience she had had; meanwhile Julio in the hospital was already being seen by the doctor who did not find anything bad in his ears, however, the sound remained in his head.

Julio left the hospital with the same bewilderment as the woman, he decided to walk a little thinking about what had happened with that girl in the office, but his thoughts were interrupted by a voice that he had already heard and said: - Why do I hear voices ?, am I going crazy ?, Julio stopped and watched as a few meters away the woman looked at him, they were reading each other's thoughts again, the girl ran but Julio stopped her.

After a struggle Julio managed to calm the girl down, her name was Luisa. Everything showed that they could read their thoughts and that somehow the sound they heard disappeared when they were close, but this also allowed them to read each other's minds, then they discovered that if they separated a distance of more than fifty meters they would stop listen to the thoughts but the sound returned.

The couple of telepaths managed to communicate well, they did not know the reason for what was happening to them, they visited several doctors who practiced several exams, but only an MRI was able to reveal a microscopic object embedded in the pre-fontal area of ​​their brains. Julio and Luisa underwent an operation to remove the strange matter that seemed to indicate the sounds, and very likely the ability of both to read their minds.

The operation ended successfully, Julio and Luisa recovered from the operation but, asking to be explained what they had in their brains the doctors could not give an answer, the two minuscule objects before being sent to a laboratory were taken unexpectedly, like all the images of the magnetic resonance, by agents of the government who did not give any explanation.

Julio and Luisa followed their normal life, but strangely they were warned by text messages to not talk to anyone about what had happened to them, for some time after the operation they were watched by people who followed them everywhere, they did the denunciations to the official entities feeling harassed by the government but they did not have answers.

With the passage of time the couple was having more freedom, they wanted to tell this to a journalist in the city but there was a lack of evidence to corroborate what they said. What were those strange objects that Julio and Luisa had in their brains? That may never be known.

Many years have passed from this experience, my dear reader, I was one of the doctors who operated this extraordinary couple, we could never know if they really communicated mentally, we always thought they were charlatans, but the truth was that those objects were in your brain, were they of extraterrestrial origin?, someone deliberately placed them in their brains? Those are questions that I have not yet been able to answer, but which have obsessed me since that day that I performed that surgery on Julio and Luisa in the hospital.

Here is the link of the contest: Link

Source of the Image


Julio and Luisa underwent an operation to remove the strange matter that seemed to indicate the sounds, and very likely the ability of both to read their minds

Take care of your life and the Lord will take care of your death. George Whitefield

hi again @rnunez09

Thx for this refreshing story. Easy to read. Just right for morning teat :)

Please continue up with creating interesting content - it may be hard at the beginning to build reach and solid followers base.

Steemits needs solid content builders so just dont ever give up! :)

Already followed and upvoted :) Cheers,

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