The Jupiterians - a short science fiction story

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Adam was a famous astrophysicist, he and his team were appointed by NASA to decipher the mystery about the dark side of the moon. They should discover why the hidden side of our satellite lacks large basalt plains called "marias", since deciphering this great enigma would have the key to dominate the world and solve all the problems that plague our planet earth by converting the government of the United States of North America in the owners of the World.

To achieve such a mission Adam and his team spent entire days practically without sleep. To reach their goal they had to travel to the moon, what Adam did not know was that inside his team there was a spy.

The spy was an alien, from the planet Jupiter who wanted to take over the land, they knew a lot about this because Jupiter has at least 61 known moons. The four largest are called Io, Europa, Ganímede and Callisto. These four moons are called the Galilean satellites because they were first seen in 1610 by the astronomer Galileo Galilei. Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar System, with a diameter of 3,260 miles. Io has a lot of active volcanoes and is covered with sulfur. Callisto has an aquatic ocean below its surface of rocky ice, highly bombarded and covered with craters. Europe, which is covered by a surface of cracked ice, may also have an ocean of liquid water. The other moons are smaller and have irregular shapes. It is thought that most of these small moons are asteroids that were trapped by the strong gravity of Jupiter.

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The alien was very clever, he gained Adam's trust to such an extent that Adam considered him his friend by involving him in his family life. Adam had a beautiful family consisting of his wife and two wonderful children, Andrew of sixteen and Noah of ten years.

The team of astrophysicists, together with NASA's aerospace engineers, manufactured a spacecraft that they would use to fulfill their mission. This is how the great day came when Adam and part of his team would travel to the moon to discover the mystery about the dark side of the moon.

The alien watched Adam's house and observed how he said goodbye to his family, realizing that his youngest son Noah was crying inconsolably without wanting to separate from his father. The alien knew that stealing the spacecraft would not be enough to uncover the mystery about the dark side of the moon and seize the earth, he had to have a perfect weapon to force Adam and give him all the information about the mission since Despite being part of the team, there was coded information that only Adam knew about its content.

Therefore the alien decided to kidnap the Noah. Once Adam left home the alien waited for a while and showed up at Adam's house, as he had earned the trust of the whole family and convinced Adam's wife to let him take Noah away so he could be with his father until the last minute of his departure, he told them that Adam had been very worried about Noah; this made Noah happy and Adam's wife agreed.

Just at the time of carrying out the mission in the countdown the alien surprised the entire team by shouting -Adam! I am an alien of Jupiter and the Jupiterians have your son, you imagine a ten-year-old boy imprisoned on the dark side of the moon. - Or you travel with me to the moon and you give me all the decoded information or your son will be imprisoned there forever.-

Adam completely helpless and full of impotence gave the Jupiterians all the information about the mission; he had to recover his son so he lost everything and his team supported him.

However the Jupiterians stated that they wanted to dominate the land to impart evolved knowledge as they had done with other terrestrial civilizations of ancient times, such as the Egyptian (who would have helped with the construction of the pyramids, and with medical and astronomical information), or the maya, among others.

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