Voices in my head

in #twentyfourhourshortstory6 years ago (edited)


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Voices in my head

Tormented by those voices in my head, my life is surrounded by complete solitude, my confinement between four walls resembles the same hell, but on earth; a window that offers a flash of light is the door to a false freedom, because it is adorned with thick bars that prevent the soul from escaping, - Who does he have to take care of and protect himself? the outside world of me? or is the outside world a threat is to me? From time to time those voices are silent, only when men in white enter through the wide numbered corridors that provide me with an escape vehicle for a world of fantasy dreams.

But, Who do we want to cheat? They are still there, waiting to leave; those voices sometimes laugh, other times they cried, sometimes they got angry, but fear always lurked, behind that glass cage someone came to contemplate my loneliness, was a beautiful girl similar to the one I killed.

-Hi Alex! I see that you are well, Tell me? How do you feel today? asked that woman insistently, really had a beautiful neck, immediately I answered her...

-Hello, I'm so sorry, Alex is not here with us, my name is Tom, I apologize for my daring, but would you like to go out and have a drink with me?. Tom is a sweet and handsome boy, an angel, he attends high school, he lives in a modest house next to his parents, he loves the countryside and the freedom that is breathed in it, it was Alex's words according to everything his mind imagined.

That girl asked again ... -Good Tom, tell me a little about Alex,

A pause of silence was made and then Tom began to tell, -Well, Alex is a good boy, a little shy, but deep down he is a good person, he suffers a lot, he told me that as a child he suffered a lot of abuse and abandonment. his parents, they were alcoholics, they enjoyed mistreating him when they got angry, Alex always says that they envy my life of freedom.

That girl with glasses was watching me with surprise, while writing the lines in her notebook, a strong man accompanied her to take care of her. suddenly a violent voice interrupts the tranquility of the place, my mind begins to collapse I do not want to hear her!, she is bad always wants me to do damage.

The surprised girl asked again ...

-Who is she, tom?

-Alex very upset scream unconsciously, Shut up Tom!, you do not have to say anything to this bitch, Tom he went because I ordered him, I'm Irina, I was born in Poland, my childhood was hard I knew the difficulty since I had use and reason What do you know about a hard life, girl from the city? I married being a teenager myself then I thought it was possible to escape from my situation, but I was mistaken and mistaken for my mistake, the man I loved was sweet at first, then over the years, I was despicable again, I humiliated myself in front of others, and every time he arrived he beat me and forced me to sleep with him, but not more, he, is no longer here do you know why?

-That girl asked. -Tell me Irina what happened? ... ah! Would you like to know the details? I see that we are not very different after all, A mocking laugh was heard between those walls.

-Good! you one night he arrived as always, drunk and smelling of foxes, he went to bed, I was waiting for him with a nice surprise, when he was snoring like the pig he was, I slaughtered him, his blood splashed all over the room, you have an idea of how much blood comes out if I cut the jugular, the pressure can reach 2 meters, that night I could sleep in peace at his side.

-Who are you? asked that girl, "I am not me and at the same time I am all of them, that deep look I wanted to decipher my mind, but it was not easy because I do not even understand it; she settled back in her chair and pulled she back a little, - I smell your fear I and I love that, I wonder, how thick are these crystals that separate? us, that question intimidated her and it caused me a lot of grace.

-Where is Alex in these moments ?, Tom replied crying like a child,- I'm so sorry Alex is locked in the basement, he's very scared, it's wet and cold and the rats bother him, his dad hit him and locked him in that place , has anger and fear at the same time; inside me every day is a battle, sometimes we are all at peace, but that peace does not last long, the cold and dead walls of that room match my soul, loneliness, confinement and voices that accompany me, Who is there ?, was the question they asked me every time they saw me, I think they have never felt a panic attack when everything goes out of control, is the price I must pay to survive.

When I close my eyes, those scenes return to my head, I feel every blow I gave to that man, the voices torment me, in my nightmares, I drown in his blood, I wake up in a cry of agony and loneliness The past looks catch me and I see ghosts around me.

-Because you do not leave ?, were the internal voices of Alex, - I always ask the same question and they respond, -You will die between the agony and the suffering, while the laughter in Alex's mind enjoyed.

-Alex It's time for your medicine! the men dressed in white enter,and I just tied in my bed I find only my voices this is simply death in life.

-Alex asks: -Do you hear him doctor ?, he asked insistently, The Doctor smiles at him, -If friend relax, tell me what I should hear ?, Alex responds with his cold and lost face: - Listen to him doctor, that little buzz is there, they tell me that you are going to die tonight, drowned in your own blood, just very lonely, Alex said laughing with his lost gaze, was is what those voices in his head scream.



This is the link of the Contest


hola edu muy bueno tu post

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buen dia amiga,saludos

buen día amiga gracias por pasarte por aquí, saludos y éxitos!

buen dia amiga ,que pase un lindo dia

Hola edgar, buen día igualmente deseo que pases un lindo día, saludos.

muy buen relato, te felicito, sigue adelante, este post es especial.

Gracias amigo por tu apoyo, también admiro mucho tu trabajo, eres muyyy talentoso, tu arte es especial, saludos.

I sometimes collect interesting quotes to make a post on their basis. I think that this will be one of them.

Hello, thank you very much, friend, grateful for your support and valuable time, regards.

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