Art Prompt Writing Contest #14 | The cure against Hate | by @rypo01

in #twbwritingcontest6 years ago

source by @pyemoney

The cure against Hate

Many years ago a young amateur for the discovery in the world of spaces outside this planet wanted to live and experience the adventure, unfortunately this young man did not have the economic resources to pay a ticket to cross the threshold of the atmosphere. A good day mentally exhausted from so much thinking how to do to buy the ticket and fulfill his dream, sat at the roots of a large tree to rest; This beautiful and leafy tree had caves that caught the young man's attention.

The curiosity that this cave aroused in the young man who decided to enter it was so great; on the way he felt small flying animals that beat his body, but in the darkness did not detail that it was, suddenly a great light flashes in his eyes dilating his pupils and being blind he heard a voice that said: Welcome to space, the question: How to space? And the voice told him: YES, to the genius preparation space of the XXX century, here we prepare the geniuses of the future.

At that moment I recovered my sight and I observed vehicles with electricity and hydrogen that landed in the buildings, which hit their body were mini drones that used to detect the DNA and evaluate their pathological condition giving immediate results to the data system of the preparation space of geniuses of the XXX century, all interconnected through internet.

The amazed young man asked: Why do you want to prepare me? I'm not a genius, The voice, which was a robot with a humanistic aspect seemed funny to him and said: You're not yet, that's why you're here, to train you; A few years ago Albert Einstein was prepared here and you know his story. The first thing you should know is that this tree is the portal for you to be successful in the external world, in your real human world.

They toured the space together while they talked about what the young man would be trained, the robot asked him what do you like? And with a big smile on his mouth, he said: Space, I dream of flying outside the Karman line, which is 100km above the earth, flying in a rocket at 4,000 Km / h until it goes out and when the engines turn off to have a super special view of the stars and the earth, but, I have no money to do that, only the Millionaires and celebrities have managed to buy their tickets.

The robot that listened attentively to the young man said to him: Do you know that the one who perseveres wins? When we propose something we must strive to achieve it, when we set goals we must plan with many strategies and tactics to get there. Dreaming is good, that drives you to strive day and night to materialize them. I know what we are going to train you!

The young man asked: In what? ; And the robot said: In the cure against Hate, Hate is a terrible disease that slowly destroys people and we have the cure, the young man very surprised says: Friend Robot, hatred is a feeling and now . The robot (shaking his head) says: No, it's more than that, hatred damages your nervous system, generates cardiovascular diseases, unbalances tension and glycemia, but worst of all is that it kills love between human beings.

The young man, convinced by the argument that the robot gave him, tells him: you are right, so teach me to be able to help all those who need to be healed of Hate; The robot began by indicating: Do you remember the roots of this tree? And the young man said: Yes, how not to remember them, so thick and strange, nothing common. The robot says: The only component to heal Hate is the bark of the root of the tree, it has special properties that generate that hate is discarded from the body of people and is replaced by daily doses of Love.

The young man says: Incredible! It is a wonderful tree, the robot says: Yes, and you will be in charge of this tree being multiplied, you must take the smallest roots and slice them and then plant them in the whole forest, then you will take half of the thick roots and the put in the sun until they dry and can be converted into powder to pack them and give them away in your sector; Each person should have a daily tea for a week and you will see the effects in three days, then come and tell me.

The young man, very happy and moved by the activity, came out of the tree and carried out step by step everything that the robot indicated; all the neighbors greeted each other with affection, there were no fights and there was a cordial atmosphere of harmony, as the week went back to the Tree to tell them what was happening. When he met the robot and told him everything, both were happy and drew up a large-scale distribution plan. The young man left, and the blessings continued to flow in his life, he was given a land of one thousand hectares where he multiplied the tree by more than 1.000.000.

This great work continued to expand worldwide, he continued to receive counseling in the genius preparation space of the XXX century, becoming a successful billionaire full of love that goes around the world with the cure against Hate and has already traveled three times to enjoy the stars and the earth from space.

Contest sponsored by @thewritersblock Here the contest link

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