
in #twbwritingcontest6 years ago (edited)

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A wise man once said, " you dont know what you have until you loose it.

I woke up one morning, it had rained the night before the day, bathing a cold water was not an option. Because the weather was cold.so i had to make fire for me to boil a hot water, atleast that will help to wake my cold body Because the day ahead of me is a great task, that needed 100% fufillment.

I had applied for a school entrance examination that is schedule to hold that day.It was my first exam for an oppurtunity into a university.Going back to school was a great joy for me, i had left secondary school 5 years ago,but the money to further my education was not available.so i needed not fail my uncle who has agreed to sponsor my education.I read extensively during the night,without minding the cold and the noisy sound coming from the rain splashing on the house roofing.
After my bath, having my break fast was not an option,as i hurriedly went straight to the bus station Because i was bent on attaining success.

Inside the bus, i met a young girl,shes was of my age grade, but something seemed weird about the way she sat on her sit,i could see her making frequent use of her handkerchief to wipe her face, definentely she is crying, even if she tried so hard to cover it so that people around will not notice. My instinct was right as i approached her. But she just wont confined in me for the moment. After a while i knew she wants to says something, the budding on her heart was to heavy that she needed to talk to somebody. Her eyes kip clashing with mine,but she wont just make the first move.
Ok these silence has to end. This time she just wont resist telling me whats wrong with her immediately i said "hi"

She had fought with her dad.who had instead that she applied for a university.to further her education, but she is bent on chasing after her own dreams of becoming a musician. And in the mist of the arguement,her father had a high blood pressure, and died.

So she is runing away from home.
I kind of felt bad and almost bent on her to face justice right there on the bus, but yet i knew how ones dream could be, especially. Been a youth and in this dispensation where almost everybody wants to be famous and rich like beyounce and Jazzy.But that those not change the fact that she could have gone to school,and afterward go for her dream. Afterall education gives one more previleges in the society.And the boldness to enter any office and comminicate effectively.
Notwithstanding the fact that i sort for this privilege for five years,
So i urge her to report her self to the police, and avoid the nightmares of killing her own father.
She opt in after a long intensive compelling.And i went my way.

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