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RE: The Explore the Muddy Whale Waters...

in #tutorial6 years ago

Yes, I understand the warped intent of many of those who are 'observing' - history hold many examples of round-ups and exterminations.

The entities that perceive that death and control are justified and even that God thinks this is so are, as is obvious to most, following the dictations of anti-love (aka heartlessness, denial and guilt). By healing our own self and ending our own involvement with heartlessness, denial and guilt on every level and with every breath - we truly disengage our point of attraction to these entities. Our power has always been internal and is eternal as long as we tend our own garden and live the needed balance.

The strong point about an idea like steem is that even if the operators use it in anti-social ways, vested interests can make a copy of it and recreate it in ways that are more beneficial to humanity and it is this feature that has drawn so many technical minded people here. We know that even if our 'shares' don't promote the change we want in the 'boardroom' then we can just recreate the whole thing.

Thankyou for your continued support - I have now followed you in as uncreepy a way as I could ;)

Are my viewing habits being recorded?

Not by me. I have no idea what others are doing - it is entirely possible that all manner of agencies are fully recording it all and adding it to their profile of you. Google would be a prime candidate for that, but they have a huge amount of data sources anyway. Personal identification would require either access to your home computer, the ISP you use, or perhaps tracking of your tokens in and out of exchanges and the ability to gain ID information from those exchanges. So, in short, there are some on earth that can track you - but knowing exactly what they do is as difficult as knowing what they do during military operations.. Not easy to measure unless you are involved.


So a more specific question.

Putting all the other browser, cookie, log file, search engine tracking issues aside.

I'm logged into as @meanbees and I look at "Vaccines Can Kill" Billboards Up Across America After Son of MMA Fighter Dies. but I don't vote or interact with it in any other way.

Does that view get recorded in any way on the steem blockchain?


How do I get that "link" icon to appear at the end of a link?

The views don't get logged on the blockchain as far as I am aware - there is nothing in the data that I have seen that supports that. Views would be viewable on the webserver of whichever website you viewed the blockchain via (e.g. or etc.). Your traffic would also be visible to your ISP and anyone else they give access to your data to, such as government bodies etc.

I just used a standard link format in markdown there and the 'link' was added automatically. So that's a pair of square brackets to contain the link text and a pair of round brackets straight afterwards to contain the target URL.

The views don't get logged on the blockchain as far as I am aware - there is nothing in the data that I have seen that supports that.


With any luck this steem blockchain will be around long enough to become history.

And I want history to view me on my actions not on the things I choose to expose myself to.


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