The Secret to Get Coaching Clients and Drive Them Crazy!

in #tutorial7 years ago (edited)

The secret to getting coaching clients and gets them excited enough to hire you starts with making an offer to your prospect that excites him. We don't want to just generate a "little interest", we want a drive them crazy, mouth watering statement.


Three Steps to Getting Coaching Clients Lined Up.

That's only the first step.

There are three main steps:

  • The first is making them a drive them crazy offer, and understanding what percentage of those who see, hear, or experience that offer, will respond.
  • The second is getting that message in front of the right number of people so that you get as many as you want.
  • The third is to make all of those first two steps to come together in a strategy that delivers clients on autopilot.

So what percentage of the people who hear what you do actually respond with "Wow, I want that"?

I'm serious. Write down how many people you touch in a week, how many that respond excitedly, and what percent is that?

That's your grade card. It tell you how well that marketing message, that offer connects with your ideal prospect.

What most coaches say, "I am a coach", typically gets about 1 out of 1,000, or "I help people grow their businesses", might get about 1 out of 100. But what we want is somewhere up around 1 out of 10 or better. That's anywhere from 10 to 100 times more people responding. And that's our goal for your marketing message. That's step 1.



Ever hear about chumming? It's a way to attract fish, or more specifically, attract sharks.

By throwing their favorite food, bait, all around the boat, the sharks sense it, and come running from miles away. And frequently there are dozens or even hundreds swarming around the boat, and actually fighting for the bait. When you throw a hook in the water, even a baitless one, it quickly gets snapped up.

Imagine that happening every time you throw some bait around to attract clients.

And that's what we want to do with step 2 of you coach marketing. Imagine, once you know what to say, how to say it, and who to say it too in step 1 that drives them crazy, that your ideal client comes running, swarming around where ever you are, and maybe even fighting for that rare empty time slot with you, and even begging you to help them.


What you throw around to attract clients is the key and you can measure it's effectiveness

Frankly, the key to make that happen is the bait, the offer you make. If what you spread around is as enticing as the bait for thee sharks, shouldn't you be able to get a similar response?

Actually, I want you to stop and think at this point. Isn't the number of people who swarm around you only a measurement, a grade card, of how good your offer, your marketing statement really is?

Imagine when attracting sharks, it's the food, the bait, that you throw in that determines whether you get no sharks, 1 or 2, or dozens. It also determines whether they are so excited, so worked up that they go into frenzy, fighting each other to get what's left.

So, if you get no one, or few jumping into your boat when you go networking, do workshops, call a prospect, then it's your bait.

And what you'd like to see is them lined up outside your door, down the street, and around the block, begging you to help them, right?

Well, it's your marketing message that generates no interest, a little interest, or drives them crazy and a food fight starts.


A Drive Them Crazy Type of Marketing Message

Let me share an example of an offer, a marketing message that is a drive them crazy type of message. And, from there, we'll work on yours.

Imagine an oncologist, a cancer doctor, at a networking event, who is actually standing right in front of his ideal client, er patient. His ideal patient is one who has an advanced pancreatic cancer.

I'm going to give you a series of things he might say, very similar to what I hear from coaches and consultants. It'll be just as effective, or just as ineffective fo him as when a coach says it.

Starting with the least effective, moving toward a drive them crazy message that should get very nearly 100% of the ideal patient who hears it will respond.

His ideal client is already right there in front of him. And let's evaluate how that prospect might respond to these different approaches.

This whole thing starts off with someone asking the doctor, "What do you do?"

  • Message 1, the weakest - "I am a doctor." His ideal client has already met with dozens of doctors and might be tired of just another doctor. And that is what this message just did, he's JUST another doctor, so it doesn't really GRAB, or get the attention of this ideal prospect.

Ever hear a coach respond to the question "What do you do" and either hear "I am a coach", or a 20 minute dissertation?

  • Message 2, a little more powerful - "I am an oncologist". This time it might get the cancer patient to at least ask what kind of oncologist, or something to clarify. But now the prospect HAS to ask, rather than the doctor actually attracting attention. This is like a coach getting more specific about what type of a coach he is, "I am a life coach." And just as ineffective.

  • Message 3, a little more powerful - "I work with cancer patients." Actually the more clear the better. So a statement like "I work with pancreatic patients" would stand head and shoulders above "I work with cancer patients." But still not the kind of response we want.

  • Message 4, I'll guarantee this one will get nearly 100% response - "I work with pancreatic cancer patients who have been told they have less than 6 months t live, and about 80% of my patients walk out cured in 3 months."

Do you have any doubt, any doubt whatsoever, that when his ideal client hears this that almost 100% of them would not only say "can we talk", but would probably get down on their hands and knees and beg that doctor to help them.

Why doesn't what you say get that kind of response?

Here's a hint

An offer, or marketing message that gets that kind of response:

  1. Is about results.

  2. Declares VALUE of those results

  3. And it is a HUGE value.

That's all there is to it. Notice that "I am a ____" doesn't mention results, but the drive-them-crazy message does.

None of the other messages indicate value. But the drive-them-crazy message does indicate value, 80% of my patients walk out cured". A HUGE value. The bigger the result, the bigger the value you offer to a prospect the more likely you'll get them swarming around you, and even begging you to help.

Now, our job is to get that kind of a response for you right?

I know, I hear coaches all of the time tell me that they don't deliver that kind of value. And some even refuse to talk abut a specific result.

Well, if you'd like to have these kind of results, a drive them crazy message that gets you clients.

Images from google


Have a good day! Thank you from @raviraj



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