I Joined Trybe and Whaleshares Social Platforms

in #trybe6 years ago


There are two new social platforms where you can potentially earn crypto for blogging. The first one is Trybe.one and the second one is Whaleshares.io


Basically Trybe.one did something semi-genius in the fact that they just launched this social platform on a Wordpress social media engine but then sort of wrapped it into the EOS ecosystem by saying that they are doing airdrops to the users on the platform who have built up internal tokens on the site. They are doing the airdrop on Sept 11th and you will get an airdrop of however many tokens you have on the site. You get daily rewards for just signing in and other things like that. Here is my affiliate link if you guys want to sign up.


The reason I say it was semi-genius is because they cut their development cost down tremendously to begin with and if they end up with a fair amount of users signing up for the platform it is a way for them to pitch venture capitalist / investors into investing into the company to help them develop the software on top of EOS. Right now the system isn't designed that great and I was initially turned off when I saw the fonts were Times New Roman. I know that sounds like a small thing but from a design perspective for the web it is considered bad design.

Also another thing I don't like is when you post something it goes through an approval process so you might write an article and potentially it could get rejected. I'm assuming they are mainly trying to cut down on spam and that kind of thing though. The way you can get your airdrop is by adding your EOS account name into your profile and it is airdrop the same number of tokens you have in your account on Sept. 11th.

It is somewhat of a niche social media site because it is all about crypto currency related stuff. That might actually work out well for them though if they get enough people writting posts then they effectively crowd sourced a ton of content and then they could sell ad space. It isn't clear if there will be a value proposition to having more coins in your account like the way STEEM Power works. That is crucial to success in my opinion. Otherwise it is more of a site to get visibility to my other content on here and on YouTube. It is worth a shot though to see how things workout.



This is a clone of Steemit but it appears that the asset token was issued on BitShares. I just started on there and made an introduction post, read the whitepaper, and I'm still getting used to how everything works and how things are different on there than the STEEM blockchain.

If you had BitShares in a wallet where you controlled the keys on August 1st then you qualified for an Airdrop. Also the distribution isn't 100% clear to me either on there. The inflation is starting out at 100% which personally I don't agree with because we saw that on the STEEM blockchain and it was a disaster. At the time STEEM didn't have all these 3rd party applications like it has now but the attribution was terrible then and it still is to this day even being technologically impressive.

WhaleShares has an interesting take on Upvoting / Sharing. When you upvote something it essentially Shares it in your feed like a Resteem. I initially didn't like this because I felt like it buried your own blog posts if you voted too much but there is another view where you can see just that person's blog posts.

I'm not real sure about WhaleShares initial distribution as well. I did see something that says there are only 250,000 WhaleShares at this given time but then I saw an account that looked like it had 100,000 Whaleshares and another one that looked like it had 50,000 Whaleshares so I really can't say as far as that goes.

This might be an opportunity to start up a witness node and campaign while there aren't that many people on there. Here there isn't really a chance for the most part.

We will see overtime how the site evolves and what people's behavior ends up being like over there. You can follow me at


It cost 10 Whaleshares to get an account. That part gets slightly confusing but you can check out this video from Candice. https://dlive.io/video/canditits95/220c2d12-b074-11e8-a78f-0242ac110003


We will see how it goes over there. I have a feeling that in the next couple of weeks there are going to be floods and floods of Steemians signing up over there as well.

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by the way man it costs 1 whaleshares now the 10 was a higher cost and i guess for bigger holders to claim as much as possible? Idk but the fee is 1 now :P

Are you sure? https://newacc.wls.services/anonacc

At the bottom it say 10? Or was that a 3rd party that set that up to snag more Whaleshares?

Your using the "private" version. This is one i signed up to for 1 whaleshares

Not convinced by Trybe - speed and look&feel messy still and Whaleshares not really interactive in terms of account creation. Steemit the best 😎

I'm not sure why they set the account creation up like that. Maybe they wanted to get it out there and solve on ramping issues after HF20 comes out and they see how that works here.
STEEM is still the champion! Still hanging in there!

That might be a reason, thanks for agreeing on the champ and to provide a lovely photo - I am scared.

STEEM isn't perfect but it is our baby none the less! LOL

spot on - raising a baby and kid is never an easy thing and requires patience :-)

I'm not sure how i feel about all these newish blogging platforms. I know steeemit has problens but what'll happen is there will be redudant stuff posted across the platforms. Just my 2 cents worth

I agree there will be a lot of redundant stuff but a lot of social media is that way. For the most part I don't get on Twitter at all but everytime I post on Instagram it blows it out to Twitter and same thing when I upload YouTube videos.

My thing is I don't really care if it is redundant because I'm just casting a wide net and mainly trying to funnel people back to two places right now. YouTube and STEEM. Right now nothing is earning well so it is a big issue.

If I thought there was a chance to gain a bunch of power in a new system I would possibly try to make a bet and gain a bunch of power to begin with and then if the price spiked there would be a shot at influence from the beginning. With 100% inflation it worries me. Vice might have the best shot at that because the price has been beaten down so bad because of all the issues that someone could gain a decent amount of power for not that much money.

Many new platforms these days. Yes TRYBE took a jump start, but i like their focus on quality. And the idea is, that they will move the content part onto the blockchain as well.

Probably I'll try Trybe if they integrate Scatter.. like all the other proper EOS apps

Well right now their system doesn't really even have anything to do with EOS. Like when you "link" your EOS wallet name all you are doing is putting it into a text box and then they are going to airdrop to that account in a few days.

I'm surprised they didn't wait a little longer to let people be on the platform a little longer and try to get more people on.

It will be interesting to see what EOS projects become worth something in the future.

I think most successful projects on EOS won't have their token as currency. Becase people want to play on casinos with USD or EOS not some useless and unstable in value token

I get what you are saying but the only situation I think would be different would be a social platform like this one where demand is driven to the token.

I think an interesting approch is EOSbet, because you pay in EOS to play and that EOS will be spread proportionally to BET token holders.

I think the perfect approach would be:

  • Pegged USD token, to pay a dApp interaction (like a game or a content creation)
  • Share token. To incentive the stakeholders and share the dividends
  • Reputation token. (optional and non-transferable) to show the user reputation in the dApp

I hope whatever USD pegged asset on EOS doesn't require a person to hold EOS to interact with it like BitUSD. SBD and NuBits make more sense from the aspect that you don't have to own an underlying asset but they have had a terrible time keeping the peg.

I think a MakerDAO like approach is the way to go. People lock EOS to have EosUSD and EosUSD users have 1% interest to lock them for an year. And the BPs broadcast which is the correct USD price. It should stabilize the price.

But in my mind if a person is trying to hedge their risk against the volatility of crypto to me it doesn't make sense that they have to lock up the underlying asset that could lose 80% of its value. That is what happened with BitShares and BitUSD. If someone would have bought a bunch of BitShares so they could do BitUSD then they sort of take a beating doing it and if the price falls enough they have to put even more BitShares in there to keep it going.

Competition is good and it should help spur more innovation. I feel for anyone who has all their eggs in one crypto project such as steemit.

Well even if someone had all their eggs in the Bitcoin , Litecoin, Monero basket they would have taken a legitimate ass beating. I feel like being all in on STEEM can be worse because once you have the stake everyone is fighting to increase the stake usually be blogging to earn more so it can drain your time too and be a double whammy.

If you had whaleshares in your bts account on August 1st, you qualify for claiming a whaleshares account for 1 whaleshares. If you have a bts account but do not qualify, you have to pay 10 Whaleshares. This used to be 1 WS but was raised to 10WS to prevent ghost accounts.

The votingpower on Whaleshares.io is WhaleSTAKES. This is different from Whaleshares.

Another differnce on the platform is that downvoting cost 3x more voting power than a regular vote. And selfvoting does not reward the same amount as voting for someone else.

Time will tell if people will continue to post on both platforms or pick one.

Gr8 information. Thanks for the info!

Good to see your on Trybe, and thanks for using my Ref Link! I need to get posting a bit more on there, although its super slow and buggy compared to other platforms. But in the meantime i'll give you a follow. ;)

Yet another platform i've just discovered is Dmunity.com (https://dmunity.com?ref_code=0x4CCd44D7f88c9f5994DD1C602c0A277Dc676B150). This is aimed at ETH fanboys like myself. Its just starting out and has a nice clean but very basic UI, and requires Metamask. It looks liek its leaning heavily on Steemit for inspiration.

I would avoid Whaleshares altogether. It’s a Fuzzy project, “developed” by his buddies with very shady backgrounds. Those accounts with a large amount of tokens in them? They likely belong to Fuzzy and these scammers.

I wouldn’t pay a single penny - or even 0.001 SBD - to get anywhere near that shit. Those are some low-class humans...if you can even call them human.

All I know about Fuzzy is he has some type of podcast talking about BitShares and other blockchain tech. This is the first time I have heard anything negative about him until now.

That being said it is unclear to me exactly how the distribution has happened exactly. If 70% of it is being airdropped to BitShares holders I would say that distribution is better than STEEM already but I don't know the specifics of it.

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