
We apologize for the bad experience, please try the below steps if you face any issue.

Log in to with your active private key, do not use any auth tool(for example: Steem Keychain).
Log in to with a different browser, like firefox, edge, Opera, etc.
Refresh the page and try again.
If all these steps do not work, please don’t worry, the new version will be online soon and fix related issues. All your TRX can be claimed after the new version online.

Do you guys have any plans of integrating a TRX/STEEM internal market in our steemit wallet, similar to what we have in our wallet with the STEEM/SBD internal market? It would really help to have a way to go from steem to trx or from trx to steem internally in our steemit wallet. Thanks.

It looks like there is a bug with the latest update to the TRX earnings. When a user clicks "redeem rewards" the balance appears to be claimed but it doesn't go to the balance in the users tron wallet below. It just disappears. Looking at the transaction on tronscan and it looks like there was no transaction to that wallet at all. Looks like the bug started about 6-7 hours ago.

I have had the same thing occur, poof and my Tron was gone.

Same problem as @jondoe here... after claiming the TRX just vanished...

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63101.67
ETH 2588.03
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74