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RE: Truth Sounds Like Hate To Those Who Hate Truth!!

in #truth7 years ago

I have come to the exact same conclusion @dreemit. The truth is, in my opinion, that those at the top of our mixed up society have nothing whatsoever of substance to offer the rest of us other than their ability to subvert our thinking. He who controls the mind controls the body and the human mind is apparently very easy to control

By deception they are able to have us build our own prison and have us become our own prison guards. The biggest 'problem' I feel we have is our inability to understand the mentality of these 'people' or to even accept that such minded men and women can exist. Most of us are too innocent, too trusting and are so good and kind hearted that it is not possible for us to accept that there is a concerted effort by the malevolent members of our 'society' to control the rest of us.

They only have the power that we give them and if we decide to remove that at any time, their hold over us is lost. But while there are still so many allowing others to determine how we should live our lives and how we interact with the world around us, those of us who see the true nature of reality will have a difficult job freeing ourselves from those who have been subverting our humanity for generations and continue to do so.

It is easy to be free in mind but to be free in body in this world is another matter.

Thanks as always for the support my dear friend! :)

I'm off to check out @beanz experiment!

Tried signing up for steemit chat but there are problems with the site at the moment I think. Will keep trying and hope to see you there soon. :)

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