in #truth7 years ago (edited)

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"There is no fusion in the Sun, they dont know how the sun works! It's a transformer, transforms from some-other dimension. It's not burning anything, it doesn't have to, it's a convertor."


"I don't know. Nobody knows, but that's what it does, that's the only thing it can do; because that's how everything works."

To a genuine truth seeker like myself (not someone seeking to "be right or win") I see some very strange things happening surrounding our recent eclipse thing. Firstly, the needless hysteria telling everyone NOT to look, and NOT to use cameras?! Why? I look at the sun daily, this is @SunGazing. So there's a clue. "DONT LOOK"...we gotta wonder why. Well, actually, I could not see any f*cking thing whatsoever, because before I could look up, these guys showed up...

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eclipse vegas.jpg


Something seems a little fishy here, don't ya think?! It's not like it's the first time "weather" just-so-happened to obscure viewing. There's never chemtrails on christmas day, or new years day. Chemholidays. So what did we see for sure? Well, an almost-invisable-moon was illuminated on the wrong side, to where the sun was shining from, for a start. And.. well, we couldnt see much more.
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"At a New Moon the moon is dark, unlit, invisible, day or night..."

"Yep, it's a little mystical and weird, but this is what the total eclipse has done all the years I've lived here."

9News Denver created this TV programming segment about Flat Earth with a vlog by ODD TV. The most obvious truth that stood out to me, is how how unwilling the News Anchor was to investigate of question the science critically for himself. A poor attempt by media to manipulate the term "flat earther" and link it with their other cover up word; "conspiracy" and top it off with a cherry on the cake "theory" and by now most people have tuned out. You have to be creative to make an interview where you do not investigate the truth. Mis-information was clearly pre-determined by the News programming team.

9News Let's be Clear: 'Flat Earthers' who reject basic science:


There's a reason "Flat Earthers" are not particularly upset by the ridicule of the "others", this is because this "ridiculous response" only comes from those who have honestly not researched the subjects for themselves. Anyone who'll the spend hours on investigation of the flat earth model in images below, and videos Steem'd here, soon fall silent. Most are too afraid to look at all, their fear cowardly disguised with "I don't want to waste my time on this" because it challenges their world view, it's a paradigm shift they had not anticipated. Facebook have deleted many of my flat earth conversations, and what stood out beyond everything was; ANGER. RAGE. Rage against anyone who questions what we've been told. Flat Earth reveals we've been lied to, we feel silly if we've been lied to. This does not make the lie any more real.

Ask yourself; are you a "truth seeker" or do you want to "win"?


Flat_earth map.png

Our flat plane is not spinning. The Sun takes approximately 24 hours to complete one circular loop. The Moon takes approximately 23 hours, they eventually cross, we call this an eclipse, and this is nothing particularly unusual. The earth is fixed, measurably motionless, we're not spinning anywhere. This is what our eyes and experience tell us. "Science" debunkers will purposely use misinformation to misguide their viewers. These videos make me cringe with embarrassment. I can barely watch. These "science gurus" who many viewers admire, believe and look up to will debunk models of the flat earth that are ridiculous spinning disks! What?! This is NO ACCIDENT. You really have to be creative to begin debunking made up shit like that, it's not possible that they will debunk the flat motionless model, because it's un-debunkable. So they never even begin that conversation. The "Flat Earth Society" has been set up to misdirect the truth. Anyone can see that, any genuine truth-seeker, anyway. Truth doesn't care what you believe, truth just is.

Peace be with you,


Be Skeptical. Ask Questions. Fear Not.

Critical Thinking Always

MOON LANDING https://steemit.com/eclipse/@flat-earth/we-ve-never-ever-landed-on-the-mooooon
WHY?! ALIENS NWO!! https://steemit.com/flatearth/@flat-earth/one-big-flat-earth-question-why
FUNNY MONKEY https://steemit.com/real/@flat-earth/the-truth-is-funnier-than-fiction
DOOR TO SPACE https://steemit.com/flatearth/@flat-earth/the-airlock-it-s-the-door-to-outer-space
SPINNING BALLS https://steemit.com/funny/@flat-earth/cringe-challenge-try-to-answer-these-3-questions-honestly


Lolz. I am always surprised how some people can really believe the earth is flat. Probably never been on an airplane.

Going in an airplane does not qualify one to speak, this is the expected response; exactly as described in the article above. Lolz.

"this "ridiculous response" only comes from those who have honestly not researched the subjects for themselves. Anyone who'll the spend hours on investigation of the flat earth model in images below, and videos Steem'd here, soon fall silent..."

"It's hard to see the curvature of the earth from an altitude of 7 miles or 37,000 ft (typical cruising altitude of a jetliner) but easy to see from 250 miles (typical altitude of the ISS). The line of sight from an aircraft at 37,000 feet = 235 miles. That's only about 3.4 degrees of the earth's surface."


I'm giving your comment more rewards then the post because it's the only truth contained within.

Your "truth" bro.... (that we believe from what we were told). "It's hard to see the curvature of the earth from an altitude of 7 miles or 37,000 ft (typical cruising altitude of a jetliner) but easy to see from 250 miles (typical altitude of the ISS). The line of sight from an aircraft at 37,000 feet = 235 miles. That's only about 3.4 degrees of the earth's surface."

Yes, that is factual. Don't like it? I don't care. You don't get to pick facts. They are what they are.

For me there are some major underlying factors which grow out of the discussion of this topic:

We should take nothing for granted. Investigate everything. Question everything.

And most important of all we should become aware of our lifetime of programming. And make an effort to become conscious of when the unconscious mind takes over, preventing us from making further investigation.

Did you notice how the interviewer firmly stated to the two lads (who actually spoke quite well on the subject) that he would never believe this and will do no research into their belief? And the title of the interview is well... really rather funny. We wouldn't want to reject that eternally correct 'Basic Science' now would we!

Despite receiving the 'best' education in the UK, there are very few 'truths' I was taught which turned out to be true. But I only know this because I started to question everything and do my own research.

People cannot see the phycological prison which has been created around them until they are looking at it from the outside.

But to get to the outside, we must look to the inside!

...and ask ourselves what it is that prevents us from making further investigation?

Thanks for sharing Mr flat-earth :)

This was ironically the most truthful part; the interviewer firmly stated to the two lads (who actually spoke quite well on the subject) that he would never believe this and will do no research into their belief!!

God made two great lights--the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.
Genesis 1:16

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.
Romans 1:20

You say Earth does not rotate, but it stays motionless.
If that is so, could you explain how is that the Foucault pendulum rotates ?



I would appreciate a detailed answer. If you convince me I ll become a flat earther as well ;)

No offense but i find this hilarious!

Yes Blessings, glad you enjoyed it :) I followed you, "if you like philosophy, and science". 3 stages of truth. Seems you are in the "ridiculous" stage1; simply sounds like someone who has not done the research yet. Much Love! :)

What he said was....

"I use to believe the earth was flat, now I believe it's a globe." -said no one ever

So a bunch of nonsense like that video? You guys make me laugh. The flat earth concept is hilariously stupid.

Everyone says this in the beginning; 3 stages of truth. Seems you are in the "ridiculous" stage1; simply sounds like someone who has not done the research yet. Truth cares not about your Wallet, or "rewards". Much Love! :)

You speak no truth. You're just a bullshit artist.

I don't know about others but I have noticed on this and some other posts the header starts out on one subject and the body of the post changes to another topic. I was curious about the eclipse story and how it was developing and suddenly I am looking at a flat earth story. Hmm I am missing the connection. I was interested in the change taking place in the skies at different places in the country and noticed here in upstate NY cumulus clouds appearing at the time of the ecllipse. (Btw the eclipse was hardly noticeble to the naked eye in Syracuse NY)
Later in the evening while traveling I most definitely saw chemtrails being formed by a plane and many others made earlier. The plane made a contrail that went a short distance and cut off. Then I watched it disperse into a widening pattern, not like a contrail that dissipates.
It's interesting that other areas in the country developed weather (cloudy conditons) unusual for those areas. Like you said @samstonehill we have to be take nothing for granted and not assume that my worldview is all there is, to actually not believe it and accept as credible facts wherever they lead is a big thing, difficult for all of us.

As a side note I just looked up the Denver News story as I wasn't aware of the date of the broadcast as it wasn't mentioned in this post and the newscaster tagged the label 'conspiracy' to the flat earth model in the introduction. It's biased stories like this that have an agenda to protect the current fashion in thinking that most mainline media fill their 'News' programming with, hence I see it as the entertainment that it actually is and not a credible factual investigation.

Heh, on reviewing what I wrote and looking back at the post again I see how I became interested in just one aspect of the subject and it is broader than just the phenomena of the eclipse. Dam, well thanks for a good post to shake my mental box for a bit!

Man, whatever you're smoking, I want some!

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