Christine Blasey Ford Can Go To Hell

in #truth6 years ago (edited)

OK, fuck it.
I am an ACTUAL rape survivor. No one came and bounced my attacker off the bed for me.

I watched the entire thing yesterday, that woman has been traumatized but she was NOT sexually assaulted. Her demeanor is that of a professional describing PTSD, NOT a person who has PTSD about the event she was describing.

She claims she passed a polygraph but the man who administered it says it was not valid. He only asked two questions.

Watching her play games with sexual assault for politics is so fucked up that I can not remain silent.

I did not report the rape either. In 1977 victims were shredded in court. My family was NOT the kind to be supportive. I was so afraid I was pregnant... I did not know how I would raise a child when I knew my parents would kick me out. I would be forced to quit school. I would have to raise a child who one day would ask me "Who is my daddy?" and that burden on a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD VIRGIN was so much I was ready to kill myself. I actually prayed one night, asked God to kill me in my sleep so I would not have to go to hell for killing myself. My period started that night.

Now then, I am SOBBING again. THAT is PTSD, the pain comes roaring up and is no longer in the past, it is suddenly present again.

The bleeding heart liberals are tearing my heart to shreds with this. To those of you who support the lying bitch who is dragging REAL rape victims back through their REAL trauma... FUCK YOU ALL.

OK, I have pulled it together, I am not done.

I was coping pretty well, had a marriage and family when they put me on SSRIs that made me suicidal. Rather than admit the drugs were doing it, some fucking shrink decided to drag me BACK through the rape. I recovered many memories and it is NOT COOL.

The thing with a recovered memory is you have no way to be certain if it was a real memory or some scene from a movie you saw or some amalgam of memories and miscellaneous. Her contention that she is 100% certain of a recovered memory also proves that she has never endured the trauma of RECOVERING A MEMORY. You are never 100% certain.

It was so hard on me that I went back and contacted a couple friends who might remember the night. They did, they confirmed everything I asked them about. Then one of them said "But Norman would never rape you, he was a nice guy."

Norman was a married man with a toddler who beat his wife on a regular basis. My own friends chose to remember him as a "nice guy." He killed himself about a year later, so, at least I got that comfort of knowing he was not coming back.

Even with the gaps in my memory I still knew I had been raped all along. I believed I had passed out for decades, the shrink made me remember the whole thing. I was not passed out, I was catatonic, frozen in fear, and blocked the rape out. Everything else I remember, right down to the fucking date and location. Her claim that she told NO ONE does not hold water.

She says her grades suffered. Yet she has an advanced degree, she never dropped out. My grades were straight A's one quarter, D's and F's the next. I began to skip school and take any drugs that came into town. The change in my behavior was noted by everyone who knew me... and written off to me being just a bad person.

OK, crying again and I am DONE crying over this.

SEAT JUDGE KAVANAGH and stop this fucking circus. Watch, the INSTANT the vote is done, this whole sob story will fade to dust because Ford is lying and the Democrats do not give a FLYING FUCK about rape victims.

UPDATE: If anyone wants to defend that lying bitch who is dragging all of the country through hell for poltical games, let me say this again, in advance and save you the effort of typing your bullshit on my post: FUCK YOU. I will mute you and consider you an idiot. The information is all over the internet, her entire story was scripted and planned for months. She is a CIA asset as was her father, her brother works with Peter Strzok's brother... I HAVE DONE MY RESEARCH. I would NEVER casually make such an accusation and if you are the kind of bleeding heart idiot who refuses to look at uncomfortable truths I have NO time or energy left for you.

I am copying this from facebook it is an outstanding summary of the BULLSHIT liberals are lapping up so they can virtue signal how sensitive they are to victims...
I don’t know whose house it happened at or even what year it happened. I don’t know if I got there before everyone else or after. I don’t know how I got there or how I got home over 8 miles away (at the age of 15).

My life time friend doesn’t remember any of this ( and the other 3 people I said were there testified under oath they don’t know anything about this).

I have a fear of flying , but have no problem jet-setting all over the world while on vacation. I’ve been on airplanes more in the past two months than most people in a year, but my fear is completely legit.

I don’t know who paid for my hotel and polygraph test( the afternoon of my grandmothers funeral, or maybe it was the next day, who knows). And guess what? I flew there. Oh and that polygraph, it was only two questions, neither of which were about Kavanaugh. But hey, I passed so that’s all that matters. And my PhD in psychology definitely, in no way, helped me with it or my testimony today.

My friends on the beach encouraged me to continue contacting the media with my story (because we were running out of time). I can’t name them, so we’ll just call them beach friends. Yet while giving such great advice, none were willing to be character witnesses. Meanwhile, Judge Kavanaugh had hundreds of character witnesses step up in a matter of days.

My lawyers, out of the kindness of their hearts, are helping me for FREE yet I have a “needed” gofundme page that currently is sitting at $473,622. I’m so desperately in need of help there’s even a second gofundme with $209,987. I promise though I’m not getting anything out of my testimony, that money is just going to cover my expenses.

I’m super smart. I have a PhD and I teach graduate students. I know lots of big words, but it should be totally believable that I don’t understand basic questions.

I was the only person in the United States that didn’t know Congress agreed to come to me instead of me going to DC. They really do care about my flying phobia after all.

Get the picture yet, America?"

Cannot properly credit the source, "Fox and Friends" maybe?


Powerful post @fishyculture thanks for sharing your experience

Thanks for reading it, and being kind. I was worried that people might not be.

I am sending you a massive HUG! I was sexually assaulted when I was 4 years old, by my own father. To this day I still have nightmares about it. I have a fear of flying so I don't fly. I don't think I would ever put myself in the position to be shredded saying it was my fault. I don't know if you ever truly get over the trauma. You bury it and try to get on with a normal life, whatever that is. It still rears it's ugly head when you least expect it...

Geez... love you honey. I do hope someday we end up on the same continent or island with time to really get to know each other. You have become a real bright spot in my little world.

Thanks, @fishyculture. I feel the same.

God bless you I am using my one afternoon comment to say. Get on weku and hit me up so I can follow you there.

Thank you. I posted it and ran away for a couple hours, afraid of what people might say. THANK YOU for your kindness. I will look into weku another day, I am pretty wrung out today for starting a new thing lol!

That was a pretty brave thing to post. I don't think I could ever post something so personal.
Looks like they patched steemit up, I am glad to have a backup though as this was not exactly steemits first screw up.

Thanks, probably more anger than courage but watching this bullshit play out... I just had to say something. What she is doing is heinous.

hopefully there will be some backlash both politically and legally.

You're right and I agree with your point. That said.
If you're crying about it then you aren't actually done crying about it. Sorry to point out the obvious but your writing didn't make it clear that you understood that. Let's keep it real and be honest, if we're going to talk about it.
I'm sorry your PTSD is being brought up by the crap on the mainstream media right now. You were victimized, and it's not fair that you suffer in that way ANY further.
It sounds like you're planning to continue to "stuff" your trauma and that you believe you've already tried every other avenue to heal. I don't know the whole story but I just want to throw it out there - it's possible that you could (and will) overcome this in a more complete way. If it's too painful to deal with and you can only fathom continuing to stuff it... how did this post come about, then? Maybe you're close to being able to pull this out and deal with it, this time for good. No pressure, though. PTSD is serious stuff and I'm not making light of it, or your significant and genuine suffering!
I was r**** at about 8 (sorry, I still have trouble saying the whole thing in public) by a male babysitter, along with one of my younger brothers (the toddler escaped abuse). My parents blamed me because I was older, and didn't punish the abuser except to fire him. We never got any support and were encouraged to bury and forget it. I felt fearful, inadequate, vulnerable, and skeptical of authority from that point on, but told myself "I'm over it". When my grandmother died at the start of 2016, after I had cared for her in her home for years because my mother didn't want to, and she kicked me out of the house to sell it for 2.5 million leaving MediKatie and I homeless, I found out that I wasn't over it. The PTSD of grandma's death and my family evicting me also brought back the trauma of being abused as a child and my family not being there for me. In both cases I suffered a trauma, and then got further abused by my family in the aftermath. So I'm definitely still dealing with it, and it's hurting a little to deal with it, but it's improving my life overall, and helping to heal really old wounds. I'm just telling you this to show you that maybe there's still hope for you to finish overcoming your awful trauma, in a more complete way than ever before. But only if you want to, of course, I hope you know I'm just saying it because I believe it's an option, and your post didn't make it clear that you're aware. I care about you and want the best for you. Not trying to intrude, or analyze you, or make light of the topic.
I'll be able to start upvoting again tonight or tomorrow.

You are such a dear friend, considering we have never even met. You are right, there are a couple things that just won't quit hurting and I don't know if there is really much healing beyond what I have done for them. I TOTALLY hear you about getting re-traumatized when you least expect it. When I finally told my mother, about 3 months later, she called me a lying slut. She never apologized for that, never took it back. She was fighting cancer, devastated by the death of my father, then spent ten years "on her deathbed" spanning most of my adult life so I never demanded an apology. It was sort of weird, I honestly thought I was over it. Well stuffed, you might say... She died and when I hit the "anger" phase of grieving... a part of me has never gotten fully past it. I even have some sympathy for her, she led a pretty sheltered life and was NOT emotionally able to handle the situation. It is weird how life does cycles... I have a dear friend and I watched her do something sort of similar to her own daughter and I was helpless to stop it. In fairness, I have searched and searched, I have not found the "right way" for a mother to handle the rape of their daughter. I am positive Mom's way would fall into the "wrong way" category, but I can't undo it.
THANK YOU for your kindness and friendship. BLESS YOU on your journey to full recovery, I promise to keep limping that way best I can. HUGS!

Thanks for sharing... and listening.... AND understanding. Thank you!
(and you wonder why we're such good friends..?)
: )

Woohoo! My first post-fork upvote, a whopping 3 cents baby... 😜

I think mine might be pushing the 4c mark.... here ya go! heheh

survivors of sexual assaults experience, remember and respond to their experiences in different ways. They choose to share or not share in a manner that matches their own tolerances or lack of them. They cope in individual ways.

To judge her experience based on your own, is to deny her experience. That is not yours to do, any more than I would choose to invalidate your experience.

Bullshit. I researched, I watched her entire testimony, and I am calling her out. SHE IS A LIAR.
She is not a psychologist, she committed perjury TWO SENTENCES IN.
Her daddy was CIA MK / Ultra. Fuck you and your liberal bleeding heart blindness for a sob story.
Do not bother to reply, you are muted. One last thing, FUCK YOU.

Such a respectful and unbalanced response you tossed out here. Have fun.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Not sure that's the nicest thing to say to @shadowspub. She only being indiscriminate with the issue on her and your count. I can understand your passion on the matter, but she (shadow) didn't do anything wrong. That's not the best way to treat fam Fishy.

Posted using Partiko Android

Kick me out then and fuck you too. This is MY BLOG where I tell MY story and if it was not clear that I am not interested in arguing about this, then that is because the reader is too busy defending their BULLSHIT OPINION rather than look at the facts. She is a fucking CIA asset, training MK ultra handlers JUST LIKE HER DADDY DID.

Yeah, fuck all of you people who feel like you MUST BELIVE Ford and shit on me. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU. I though I said that enough in the post but apparently not. '
By tghe way, I have ACTUAL PTSD too, and this bitch has dragged me throug hell for DAYS qwith the assistance of asshats like you and shadowspub. FUCK YOU ALL. Oh, one more thing... FUCK YOU.

Yeah, SHE is family, I am to be shit on. FUCK YOU.

Kinda hard to do, since she stated her name and the fact she was a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University. Unless you're going to assert that her name is not, in fact, Christine Ford, she didn't commit perjury as you claimed. Both of her statements are eminently verifiable. In fact, I looked up her page on Palo Alto University's page and it corroborates her statement.

If you think she's making it up, fine, but you're literally just throwing things out there that undermine your credibility.

People with professional credentials understand you cannot misrepresent your credentials. She described herself as a psychologist. She has LOTS of degrees, but not that one.
Oh, and FUCK YOU. Do your own fucking research instead of shit on me.

I didn't shit on you, but you made a patently false statement. Her first two statements were her name and her position at Palo Alto. Neither of these are false; she is in fact a professor of psychology at Palo Alto in the Psy.D. curriculum.

You need to calm down and stop attacking every single person that comes your way. All you're doing is coming off as unhinged and unreasonable. You're not making your case well at all, and I actually agree with your position that she's sniping at Judge Kavanaugh for the benefit of her handlers.

Boy I am glad I read this one thru. I love the way you saw the signs I saw for different reasons of course. Her telling and her body were not together at anytime. She is not telling the truth, at least that is my opinion.
We will have to hope and pray this vote thing gets done sooner than later. We may have more judges being judged by criminals than the correct way.

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