
Wow, this is amazing. Articulate, intelligent rhetoric based on facts. Commenting on the actual Gaza situation I'll leave to the more vain individuals, all I'm gonna say is, that if this was on youtube, it wouldn't last long :) I've lost so many good subscriptions, because they spoke out against the status quo. I hope that this place can give us some of that freedom of expression, that this society boasts about so much. Keep up the honesty alive, dear!

I am a BIBLE believing CHRISTian. I am not a zionist. Those are mutually exclusive ideologies.

Well, careywedler, you seem to have attracted your own "anti-Semite" screaming troll. Brand new account just to explain how wrong you are... Following you, upvoted, resteemed. Muted him, trolled him and having a good laugh at how IMPOTENT they are here...

It's to be expected (especially with a post like this haha)

Thanks for your support!

Thank you for a great post Carey. It must take courage to speak truth when so many are ready to shame you and question your allegiances. You may not make everyone happy with your realisation of the truth but you will certainly be on the side of truth.

The conflict is not as complicated as people make it out to be. Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine. Israel claims it is a Jewish and democratic state and yet it violates the principles of both democracy and Judaism by holding a whole people prisoners in open air prisons and controls every aspect of their lives without any hope of self-determination. Israel refuses to give the Palestinians a sovergin state and it refuses to make them citizens of Israel. The only solution Israel is happy with is the status quo which is the colonisation and occupation of the indigenous people of the land they claim to love so much.

you should never hate yourself. As it happens you are you so just make the best out of it. Hating wont bring you anywhere. Ive done a lot of things in my life I am not proud of, but thats life. I try my best every day and hope for a forgiving god :)

On the political topic, there is only one solution and that is to promote freedom for all. Being denied freedom always creates violence.
If you set people free and let them take their future into their own hands you end terrorism and violence and you create wealth and prosperity for all.

Given opportunities most people will take them. But when you deny them their future and you keep people dependant their energy has to go somewhere. Given only few positive options many people will take the bad ones

I dont know much on this conflict except that it has pretty much been going on since the beginning of time. Literally since the days of father Abraham. He had a son from his wife and a son from another woman. Some say its a spiritual battle and some believe a family struggle still being fought. Both sound logical or possible. Im not sure it will ever be resolved. I only know i feel horrible for the millions of innocent that have lost their lives and the same who may have lived, but lives destroyed over the many generations of war. Perhaps over religion or ideals has caused so much distruction. Truly a sad situation i pray ends and people begin to heal from.

We cannot use ancient texts to talk about distinctions between groups in the modern age. Palestinian Muslim DNA is a mix - primarily East Mediteranian aka ancient Palestinian with Jewish, Arab (arabian peninsula -usually less than 15%) and very small percentages of, Turkish, North African, West Mediterranian. The concept of pure races and tribes is impossible in a region with so much invasion, conversions between faiths etc is impossible. There is no 2 clear lines between Abrahams sons (incidentally Abraham had more children with his servants).

The problem is due to the founding of Israel families have been broken up and people expelled from homes within living memory. Palestinians have paid the price for the actions of Europeans in WW1 and for the Iraqis, Yeminis and Egyptians etc who expelled their Jewish countrymen. This is a human rights issue, bringing outdated and inaccurate history into it doesn't help resolve any issues.

Keep asking Carey ...

Well said! To ofter you get accused of being this that and the other when you support Palestine. Back in the day when I was on twitter I posted stuff in support of Palestine and the backlash from the Israeli support people was horrific just like their government attacking and no sense of other peoples rights, ideals or way of life!

No individual race or person should have any claim to any part of this planet. The sooner we all realise we are the same then we can sort out this world and stop these pointless wars to feed ego!

I knew I was right to follow you! Found you on one of @aggroed shows on MSP waves and was drawn to you because we share the experience of working for lamestream media and now trying to do something new.

This piece is awesome, Carey! Thanks for your chuzpe!

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