#TrumpTweets Exclusive STEEMIT series: Today, The Donald reminds us that Hard Fork 19 would be yuge.......

in #trumptweets7 years ago (edited)

Well, today Donald took time out of his schedule to remind us how big this would be for us all, so I guess, thanks @ned and Donald!!


Blue Collar Barry and the 99% surely thank you both LOL.

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.

See, I knew he was in with the russkiees the whole time. Now we have direct proff. Quick call Wolf blitzer and Rachel Maddow.

i'm available for wolf to beem me in via hologram anytime (see byline)

Holograms and green scrences are their top attraction. They will surly honor your request. Following, so I can catch the broadcast :)


Comment of the Day folks!!

hahahahhahah 🤗 yuge.......

hahah this is gold. Trump is always trying to affiliate himself with yuge developments like this hard fork. very clever @barrydutton

My whole #TrumpTweets series has been a fun one I came up with a few mths ago,

Thanks a lot for the feedback here !!

My latest milestone post is up today if you want a read.....

In barrydutton we trust

Oh shoot


funny enough to get me as a follower -- drop in and say hello if you like to boost a newbie with a bit of advice

I will try to do that tonight, it is a challenge trying to maintain everything on here some days, and replies, posts, etc as you are likely finding out

#Steemit101 or Steemit 101 -- type those in the search - with out without my name, you can find some helpers that way for sure, with posts/series I have put up

thanks Barry thats very kind of you to send me a link to find support on here

Hahaha that is a funny post but image if it was real?!?! I think STEEM would jump 10 fold if Trump wrote about Steemit...Imagine if he used steemit!!!!



Right on! Lol

I just upvoted you please upvote this post and reestem if you can im trying to help a sick girl who need our help https://steemit.com/help/@granit/please-help-this-girl-to-stay-alive

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