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RE: Just As Intended: The U.S. Election Is Tearing Us To Shreds - by Suzie Dawson

in #trump7 years ago

I am close enough to those circles to tell you that like me and even more than me, they are genuinely targeted and put through hell on a daily basis. Assange is at serious risk of dying in front of our eyes, he is not working for any government, in fact he is loathed (and feared) by them. The backstory to the statue, which travelled all of Europe, is available at the sculptor's Twitter account Anything To Say

If you follow my DecipherYou series or have read the Snowden docs (the actual docs not the MSM reporting on them) you will know full well that there is no way in holy hell that the US government would EVER want any of the info in them getting out to the public. Likewise if you study WikiLeaks documents.

Go to You Tube, type in "Decipher You" and educate yourself on the actual information that these men have put their lives on the line to reveal.


Suzi, I believe that you have been targeted and harassed, and I am very sorry that you have been put through this treatment. I also believe that the info and t s dox that have been released are true. I am also very thankful that those guys leaked them. As for their true reasons behind these actions, I would like to believe there own words are truth. The problem is, I have no way of knowing that for a certainty. The Powers at be have been at this game for a very, very long time. They are experts at the long con. All I know for a certainty is that if they actually did want these men to be dead then only God himself would be able to protect them from their reach. They have an unlimited supply of fiat currency. That, in and of itself is enough to get access to nearly anyone. Not to mention the tech and ops that Snow did not have access to. There is a reason everything is so compartmentalized with “need 2 no” levels assigned. I like them both and appreciate their contribution to the world. For me to 100% rule out the possibility that they were/are controlled leaks, would be an exercise of cognitive dissidents.

The fact remains that Snow is still alive and he was in the system. The system doesn’t like turncoats. Examples need to be made. Car crashes, heart attacks, muggings, and suicides usually befall those who worked for, then exposed them. Surly they would have known that sooner or later someone would leak and who’s telling what levels that person would be at. But if they can control and time the leak. The would be leaker’s are much less likely to risk their life if 99% of the truth was already out. With the proper plan in play the media could spin it to where the masses just didn’t care. So after a controlled leak even if a real leaker was to release the last 1% the masses are already bored with and programmed to disregard this old news. I’m defiantly not saying that they are a controlled leak, but the possibility is far to great for me to discount it, on the merit of good intel.

I would like to stress that I am not saying that they were/are a controlled leak. In fact I really like Snow, watch him whenever I can. But I can't allow my feeling to get in to way of viewing all the angles.

That's a very wise way to approach this matter, and any other matter.

Thank you. Unfortunately this way of thinking is the only way we can attempt to defend our minds from the never ceasing darts of deceptions thrown at us each day.

@suzi3d I wrote this for you. I am very interested in your response. I did not mean for it to be an attack, Please forgive me if you took it as such. Would you grace me with a reply? You are the leader of a Party I am very interested in, and want to see where you stand on viewing all the angles.

Snowden did not tell us anything that William Binning (the man responsible for developing PRISM) didn't tell us 15 years earlier. Binning was not splashed all over the mainstream media like Snowden was because real truth tellers rarely get worldwide media exposure. Even the New York Times told us that the Govt was spying on us way back in 2005. The mainstream media alerted the sheep to what some of us had known for years so it's natural for them to think that he is a good guy because he was the person that they heard it from but the 'revelations' were already in the public domain for over a decade for those that were awake and paying attention.

I've studied Assange and Wikileaks more than most and without rose colored glasses. My blog is very detailed and I believe that is difficult for anyone to support Assange once they've read it but some still do, that's brainwashing for you.

Assange tried to raise $5 million from George Soros before Wikileaks opened for business and the email trail proving it is in Part 4 of the series. Assange was raised in a cult called 'The Family', he was working for NASA and DARPA in the 90's. Assange hacked under the name 'mendax' which means liar!

The list goes on and on, these are just a few points.

Assange supports the official 9/11 narrative and I doubt that he is stupid enough to not know that it was an inside job. We are all free to believe what we want to believe but Assange is going to disappoint many of his supporters if/when they wake up to him. Just like Trump supporters that are still in denial about his bona-fides.

Assange is working with the MSM and the MSM does not work with truth tellers - they drive agendas and work with agents like Assange and Snowden. If these guys were truth tellers they'd be dead by now, like Bill Cooper. Assange is a shill, a CIA mega-horn that trumpets their propaganda.

I know that these guys have a lot of fanboys but it is nothing more than a very compelling and effective psyop I'm afraid. Please don't take the truth personally, it is after-all just my opinion and one is free to research my findings or ignore them.

I too know these circles and they are absolutely not working for any government as I have told you before. Snowden didn't reveal anything we didn't know that was going on. But his leaks provided confirmation that the mass surveillance state was operating especially on a global scale revealing the Five Eyes. Although, Michael Riconisciuto revealed PROMIS years before and Sherman Skolnick revealed the FBI's Carnivore program which was a precursor to XKeyscore. In fact Carnivore operated exactly like Xkeyscore did except Carnivore was restricted for emails. PROMIS/Inslaw was essentially government selling software bundled with spyware to foreign governments to spy on them. Then there was the Church Hearings where the CIA was found to be spying on the American people. Spying isn't new its been going on for years but Snowden revealed the current capabilities as Suzie said. Not sure how you think Wikileaks is a psyop when Podesta's emails were leaked along with the DNC's emails and voicemails. This was all against Hillary mind u there wouldn't be a CIA run operation against HRC. Deepstate wanted Hillary to win the election so much so they tried hacking states for her scanning various servers. As well as switching votes from Trump to Hillary. Trump was a pied piper in a sense as JA has said but he was a much better choice then HRC. With HRC as president, we would be in WW3 right now with Russia and China. Both were horrible choices, but to dismantle the deep state u need a loose cannon so maybe my sources are right to state "Trump is the hand grenade we need."

Trump is a puppet and he will make Israel great while he destroys America and the rest of the world. Russia and China are controlled by the same people that control America. I know that Assange & Snowden are agents.

When either of them comes out (incl Trump) and blows the lid on 9/11, the Federal Reserve, and Israel then I will take another look at it. I won't hold my breath.

We know that the Federal Reserve is a customer of the NSA and receives SIGINT, because of the Snowden documents. Yet again, you haven't bothered doing the reading or watching the Decipher You series, so you don't realise that your own comments are the opposite of reality.

That's not a reply. Stop dodging the tough questions. That's what shills, actors and deceived people do. No disrespect intended.

Assange is on record supporting the offical 9/11 findings. His links to George Soros before Wikileaks launched. His silence on the Federal Reserve and central banking racket that has enslaved humanity. His relationships with MSM. His work with NASA & DARPA and his links to an Australian Cult called The Family.

If Assange wanted to bring every Govt in the world to it's knees he would blow the lid on 9/11, the Fed and central banks, and Israel. He hasn't done it and I suspect that he won't - unless his handlers tell him otherwise.

Humanity is enslaved by the Fed and the manufactured War on Terror and the net is tightening day by day yet Assange is completely silent. These two revelations would change society forever and Assange knows it but he does nothing about it, just like the other shills.

If you are being honest with yourself you will ask yourself why Assange is silent on the most important issues - the issues that could bring down the Deep State quicker than almost any other issue.

Instead, he gives them some Podesta and Clinton emails instead and get Trump into office so that we can keep the masses attention away from the real issues - that's Assange's job and he's very good at it!

I'm not here to troll. I have better things to do. I made my point in the hope that you were open (without knowing how you'd respond) but you aren't open and that's your prerogative. Thanks for the chat. It's ok to disagree, it doesn't mean that I disrespect your work or other things that you may write about. It's just that we are miles apart on this one!

Sorry but the things you say are just completely ridiculous and largely unsourced.

The MSM beats the shit out of Assange and WikiLeaks every single day. The idea that you try to associate with him with an MSM agenda, when the Guardian completely betrayed WikiLeaks and has been smearing them for years (James Ball, Luke Harding & co in particular), the New York Times leaked WikiLeaks publication schedule to the US government, and the major TV channels give airtime to people saying that he should be droned to death etc etc

WikiLeaks has repeatedly called out MSM complicity with US intelligence agencies

According to the MSM Assange is a treasonous fascistic child-molesting serial rapist.

By smearing him, you are actually serving the same interests that the MSM are, whether you realise it or not.

The fact (unconfirmed) that some of his childhood, which was known to be transient (which is not a crime) was spent in a commune, has nothing to do whatsoever with the actual documents WikiLeaks publish.

The fact that you don't understand who Bill Binney actually is (Binning?!??) or what he did at NSA is pretty remarkable.

You accuse Assange of being Zionist-aligned when the only reason I know that Israeli security agencies purchased directed energy weapons from US weapons manufacturers is FROM THE WIKILEAKS FILES

You accuse me of not wanting to know the truth but what I asked in my responses for you to do was to actually read the Decipher You series which has uncovered dozens of never-before-published-by-MSM findings from the Snowden files which are of critical importance and significance. You didn't bother.

I also linked you to our You Tube series where you can watch us studying the source documents in real time. You didn't bother.

Yet you are totally prepared to waste time ranting on here. Not much of a truther, dude. Truthers do the work, do the reading, view everything available, and then make conclusions.

They don't just smear whistleblowers and journalists on erroneous "Whataboutism" pretexts - they STUDY THE SOURCE DOCUMENTS.

You should try it :)

Study this source:

Assange said that 9/11 was a false conspiracy.

Here is the quote:

I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud. - Julian Assange

Source: Belfast Telegraph, July 19, 2010

Wikileaks & Assange - Hero or Dis-Info Agent? (Part 1)

Please don't accuse me of not studying while it is you refuse to look at the evidence that I gave you 14 hours ago. It's very hypocritical.

Fantastic comment from a great researcher.

Only thing is re this AK: "Snowden didn't reveal anything we didn't know that was going on"

He revealed a shit ton of stuff we didn't know and dozens of irrefutable examples of this are in the Decipher You series that I keep referring @steemtruth to but which he seems to ignore. There has also been significant Disobedient Media reporting on it

Once again, the links are:

And all this 'Assange is a Zionist' nonsense is ridiculous. Has he even bothered going to and typing 'Israel' into the search box??

When I did that search the results looked pretty pro israel to me - certainly no mention of all the evil stuff..

Sorry, but "Snowden did not tell us anything that William Binning (the man responsible for developing PRISM) didn't tell us 15 years earlier." is just a total lie.

If you had read the Decipher You content I linked you to, or watched the last 20 episodes of us literally studying the source documents live online, you would know how silly your response is.

P.S. Binney loves Snowden, but that's irrelevant, because if you'd done your homework and actually read the source documents you'd know your post is nonsense.

And by the way - Binney didn't develop PRISM, he developed THINTHREAD. You really have a lot of learning to do.

ThinThread was the forerunner to TrailBlazer and PRISM. I suspect that you knew this and just wanted to divert the conversation away from the uncomfortable points that I raised.

I think that you are dealing in semantics and ignoring the the fact that Assange is on record supporting the offical 9/11 findings. His links to George Soros before Wikileaks launched. His silence on the Federal Reserve and central banking racket that has enslaved humanity. His relationships with MSM. His work with NASA & DARPA and his links to an Australian Cult called The Family.

If Assange wanted to bring every Govt in the world to it's knees he would blow the lid on 9/11, the Fed and central banks, and Israel. He hasn't done it and I suspect that he won't - unless his handlers tell him otherwise.

Humanity is enslaved by the Fed and the manufactured War on Terror and the net is tightening day by day yet Assange is completely silent. These two revelations would change society forever and Assange knows it but he does nothing about it, just like the other shills.

I have no beef with you. When I read your post I simply thought that you were deceived. So I commented and shared some of what I knew in case you were open to the truth. I now know that you aren't so I won't be bothering you.

The best agents (like Assange) tell a lot of truth which is why so many people believe in them. Very few people stop and ask:

  • Why are they telling me this?
  • Who benefits?
  • What aren't they telling me?

When you see the left hand move look at the right hand - that's how the game is played.

If you aren't willing to provide very good answers to the points that I've raised then we should leave it at that. All the very best and I mean that sincerely.

There is 23,012 results for the Federal Reserve Bank of America in the WikiLeaks Files.

But you wouldn't know that, because you've never even bothered going to WikiLeaks and typing "Federal Reserve Bank of America" into the search bar, let alone reading the documents, or asking yourself "would the Fed be happy about these documents being public?".

Instead you just blow a bunch of wind on my blog. Sad.

Is the material on Wikileaks actually of any use to anyone? - it seems to be an endless stream of meaningless data - more distraction than evidence. Maybe only a researcher could find anything of interest while 99.00% of people are going to roll their eyes about and make meeping noises

Or go to and read the synopses of our findings from the first 3 batch releases of the Snowden files. They completely lay bare the FVEY intelligence apparatus; methodologies, business relationships, targeting processes, technologies, and countless other critically important pieces of information we wouldn't otherwise have.